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2019年六年级下期中品德与社会试卷 考 号 一 、填空题(每空2分共20分)1、在希望的田野上人们收获着( )在明媚的春光下,人们编织着( )。 2、深圳被称为我国对外开放的“( )”和“( )”3、联合国大会决定从XX年起把每年的9月2日定为“( )” 的世界和平日。4、( ),( ),( ),是“根与芽”组织的工作宗旨。5、( )与( ) 是世界人民的共同愿望。二、判断题(每题2分,共10分)姓 名 1、六(一)班“学雷锋小组”星期日去敬老院献爱心,参加义务劳动。小强指手画脚,光说不做。 ( )2、xx年8月,我国独立研制的巨型计算计问世,邓小平同志亲自为它题名“神威”。 ( )3、深圳是我国第一个经济特区,是1979年建立的。( )4、谁破坏和平,我们就攻打谁。 ( )5、战争是军队与军队之间的伤亡,对我们的生活不会有太大的影响。 ( )三、选择题(每题2分,共10分)1、美伊战争于( )爆发。班 级 AXX年3月 B.XX年3月 C.XX年3月考 号 2、奥林匹克运动会的目标是( )A 更高,更快,更强。 B 同一个世界,同一个梦想。C 绿色奥运,人文奥运,科技奥运。3、( )在万隆会议上代表中国阐述了和平共处五项原则。A 毛泽东 B 周恩来 C 邓小平4、关于“合作伙伴”,下面的比喻不恰当的是( )A.如同左手和右手 B.如同红花和绿叶 C.如同大脑和四肢5、联合国是一个世界性组织,现有( )个成员国。A. 171 B. 181 C. 193六年级下册品德与社会期中试卷参考答案一 、填空题1、累累硕果 多姿多彩 2、窗口 基地 3、停火和非暴力 4、关心环境 关心动物 关心社区 5、和平 发展 二、判断题1、 2、 3、 4、 5、三、选择题1、C 2、A 3、B 4、C 5、C附送:2019年六年级下期中英语试题及答案一、 听音,选出你所听到的内容。(8分)( )1.A.write B.light C.night( )2.A.envelope B.eleven C.elephan( )3.A.machine B.match C.museum( )4.A.left B.lift C.let( )5.A.My telephone number is 6203598. B.My telephone number is 6205389.C.My telephone number is 6209538.( )6.A.three B.tree C.free ( )7.A.take off blue trousers B.buy new trousers C.put on your trousers( )8.A.6:45 B.7:15 C.6:30二、听句子,选出与句意相符的图,将其序号写在题下的括号内。(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、听音,选择正确答案。(12分)( ) 1.A.Its hot and sunny. B. Its cool and windy. C. Its cold and snowy.( ) 2. A.I was at school. B.I went to play football. C. Im going to play football.( ) 3. A. There are twelve. B. There are four .C. There are seven.( )4. A.He usually goes fishing. B. Hes playing basketball.C. He likes watching cartoons.( ) 5.A. Its Monday. B. Its the 1st of June. C. Its in Spring.四、 听音,根据听到的内容填写所缺单词。(10分)1.Im going to _ _ tonight.2.In New York, the _ in _is as _as in Nanjing.3.Can I give _ my _ address.4.My mother looks _.5. I _to a park _ morning. 笔试部分 (60分)五、 看图,完成对话,每空一词。(10分)1.Today is Sports Day. All the students are very .2. Whose is it? Perhaps its Lindas.3.There are a lot of presents in the _ tree.4.What date is it today? Its the second of .六、 选择填空。(10分)( )1.Shanghai is about 340 kilometers _from Nanjing. A. far B. away C. long( )2. Whens Childrens Day? Its_. A. the 1st of June B. on the 1st of June. C. on the 1st of July. ( )3. It means Be quiet. We shouldnt _. A. make noise B. walk on the grass C. keep quiet( )4._ is the seventh day of a week . A. Saturday B. Sunday C. Monday( )5. Lets draw a picture. Please take out _. A. a paper B. a piece of paper C. some papers ( )6. Whats your fathers job?Hes_. A. fine B. forty C. a doctor ( )7. Its cold outside. Dont _ your coat. A. put on B. take off C. get off( )8. How old are you? Im _. A.12 year old B.12 years old C.12 year( )9.Jack wants _know_ about his penpal. A. to, every thing B./, everything C. to, everything( )10. We watched _ film yesterday.A. an exciting B. an excited C. excited七、选词填空。(10分)1.Nancy is going to ( play, plays ) the piano at the concert.2.Zhang Xia ( like, likes ) (play, playing) football very much.3.Its a _(rain, rainy) day today.4.You can get off at the _(two, second) stop.5.Liu Tao was late for class this morning. He_( get ,got)up later.6.Listen! Nancy ( sing, is singing ) an English song now.7.Did he ( eat, eats ) many ice-creams last Sunday? Yes, he ( does, did ).8.Are there _( some ,any) beautiful postcards on the desk?八、会话配对,把序号填在题前括号内。(10分)( )1.How do we go there? A. Ive got a headache.( )2.Are you Mr. Brown? B. Its in January or February.( )3.Can I have your e-mail address? C .Her name is Mary.( )4.Whats the matter? D. Thank you! ( )5.Whats your penpals name? E. Yes, I am. ( )6.Whens Spring Festival? F. Sorry, wrong number.( )7.Hello,may I speak to Gao Shan? G. Yes, of course.( )8.Oh,your new dress is nice! H.I can see seven.( )9.How many postcards can you see? I. Theyre theirs.( )10.Whose wallets are they? J. By taxi.九、阅读短文,选出正确答案。 (10分)One evening Mr. Green is driving his car in the country and looking for a small hotel. When he sees an old man on the side of the road, Mr. Green stops his car and says to the old man, “ I want to go to the Sun Hotel. Do you know how to get there?”“ Yes, of course,” the old man answers. “ I will show you the way . Please let me sit in your car. I can go with you and tell you where to turn.”He gets in Mr. Greens car. They drive about twelve kilometers. When es to a small house, the old man says, “Stop here.” Mr. Green stops his car and says, “But it isnt a hotel.”“ No,” the old man answers . “This is my house. Thank you very much for driving me home. And Ill show you the way to the Sun Hotel. Turn around and go back nine kilometers. Then you will get to the hotel.”1.What is Mr. Green doing?_.A. He is looking for his car. B. He is looking for a man. C. He is driving his car and looking for a hotel. 2.Mr Green asks_ how to get to the Sun Hotel. A. a young man B. an old woman C. an old mam3.What does the old man ask Mr. Green to do first? _.A. The old man ask Mr. Green to let him sit in his car.B. The old man shows Mr. Green the way to the post office.C. The old man shows Mr. Green the way to the Sun Hotel. 4. How far does Mr. Green drive when he gets to the hotel at last? _. A.9 kilometers B.12 kilometers C.21 kilometers5. How does Mr. Green feel after he hears(听到 ) the old mans words? _. A. Angry B. Hungry C. Happy十、初级写作。(10分)给你的笔友写一份信件,告诉他或她你“五一”假期你是怎样度过的。Dear _,_Your _期中试题一、1.write 2.envelope 3. museum 4.left 5.My telephone number is 6205389. 6.three 7.take off blue trousers 8. 6:45 1. A 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. A 8. A 二、1What did you do last Sunday? I milked cows.2Whens Childrens Day? Its on the first of June.3My favorite festival is Spring Festival.4Wang Bing is walking in the mountains.5You must stay away from it.2 / 1/ 4/ 3/5三、1.Whats the weather like in summer?2. What are you going to do?3. How many seasons are there in a year in China?4. What does he usually do on Sundays?5.What day is it today?1. A 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. B 四、1.Im going to watch TV tonight.2.In New York, the weather in summer is as hot as in Nanjing.3.Can I give him my e-mail address.4.My mother looks young.5. I went to a park yesterday morning. 五、 1. excited 2. mobile phone 3. Christmas 4. March 六、1. A 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. C 7. B 8. B 9. C 10. A 七、 1. play 2. likes playing 3. rainy 4. second 5. got 6. is singing 7. eat/ did 8. any八、1. J 2. E 3. G 4. A 5. C 6. B 7. F 8. D 9. H 10. I 九、1. C 2. C 3.A 4. C 5. A 十、略


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