2019年三年级上册Unit 4《What colour is it》(lesson 2)教案.doc

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2019年三年级上册Unit 4《What colour is it》(lesson 2)教案.doc_第1页
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2019年三年级上册Unit 4What colour is it(lesson 2)教案Teaching aims:1Just speak: 本部分从所学知识入手,引出新知,让学生在一种自然的情景中初步感知、理解“What colour is it?”及其答语,并能初步达到交流的目的。2Just read: 学习颜色词: black, pink, brown, orange, purpleMain and difficult points:1熟练的使用“ Pass me a . please.” “Here you are.” “ What colour?” “ Not at all.”句型进行对话。2掌握black, pink, brown, orange, purpleTeaching aids:图片、录音机Teaching procedure:一、RevisionA展示上节课对话内容,复习上节课学过的颜色。B复习学过的玩具,如:car,bus 等。二、PresentationA利用黄颜色的玩具,自然将新知识引出,例如教师准备一辆黄颜色的公共汽车,用“This is a yellow bus.”引出新词yellow,教师通过与学生之间的问答“What colour is the bus?/What colour is it?”来加深学生对新知识的理解B教师用绿色玩具,在交谈中让学生理解并掌握yellow含义,并能够初步掌握其正确发音。C同组之间操练,以“What colour is it? Its ”为主题互相问答,引导学生加入以前所学内容。三、PracticeA 让学生利用文具、玩具做“猜颜色”的游戏,这样做不仅可以活跃课堂气氛,同时还可以调动学生学习的积极性和主动参与意识。 B. Introduce the new words.Step 1 Vocabulary study:1. Show some pictures by PPT.2. Ask and answer: “ Pass me a crayon, please.” “Here you are.” “ What color?” “ Not at all.”3. Learn the new words.4. Read the new words.Step 2Listen and point.1. Ask the students to look at the pictures in Activity 1.2. Play the recording and ask the students to listen and point.3. Listen and repeat.4. Work in pairs.1) Pass me a crayon, please. What color? Pink. Here you are. Thank you. Not at all.2)What color is it? Its black, B-L-A-C-K, black. 四、Homework听读并模仿本课录音,复习所学的颜色。小学教育资料好好学习,天天向上!第 4 页 共 4 页

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