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2019年度第二学期期末调研测试三年级语文试卷3.给词语中带点的字选择正确的意思,将序号写在括号里。(4分)(1)不容争辩 A、容纳 B、宽容 C、允许 ( )(2)欲言又止 A、想要 B、将要 C、需要 ( )4.根据课文内容、诗句、名言填空。(6分)(1)五月,洋槐开花了。槐乡的小姑娘变得格外漂亮,她们的衣襟上_槐花,发辫上_槐花。(2)“立志欲坚_,成功在久_。”这句名言告诉我们立志最重要的是决心,成功的秘诀在于持之以恒。题号一二三四总分得分3.给词语中带点的字选择正确的意思,将序号写在括号里。(4分)(1)不容争辩 A、容纳 B、宽容 C、允许 ( )(2)欲言又止 A、想要 B、将要 C、需要 ( )4.根据课文内容、诗句、名言填空。(6分)(1)五月,洋槐开花了。槐乡的小姑娘变得格外漂亮,她们的衣襟上_槐花,发辫上_槐花。(2)“立志欲坚_,成功在久_。”这句名言告诉我们立志最重要的是决心,成功的秘诀在于持之以恒。(3)“人间四月芳菲尽,_。”诗句中“芳菲”是指_。5.用修改符号修改下列病句。(6分)(1)原野上的小草以不同的姿态,表示自己的活力。(2)我家的菜园正在一天天长大。(3)陆游是位热爱祖国的爱国主义诗人。三、阅读感悟(24分)1.阅读课文语段,完成练习。(8分)孩子们玩累了,沿着海边走,捡海浪打上来的椰子壳、枯木、珊瑚有时候还会捡到一些贝壳。有的贝壳小小的,细致的花纹很美丽,那是美人鱼公主珍藏的宝贝;有的贝壳大大的,放在耳边,仔细听一听,可以听到海浪的声音,那是赞美大海的音乐。(1)在括号里填上搭配合适的词语。(3分)( )的贝壳 ( )的海浪 ( )的花纹(2)这段话主要写_(2分)(3)想象一下,孩子们还会捡到什么样的贝壳?仿照语段中的句子写一写。(3分)有的贝壳五颜六色的,好看极了,那是_;还有的贝壳_,那是_。2.阅读短文,完成练习。(16分)_枣树上有个马蜂窝。小松指着马蜂窝说:“谁敢把它捅下来,就算谁勇敢!”他问小勇:“你敢吗?”小勇摇摇头:“别捅,马蜂蜇(zh)人可疼啦!”小松指着小勇的鼻子说:“得了,胆小鬼!瞧我的。”小松找来一根长竹竿,使劲一( )。“啪!”马蜂窝掉下来,马蜂一下子炸了窝!小松丢下竹竿,( )着脑袋就逃。大家也吓得跑开了,刚刚年纪小,跑得最慢,眼看马蜂( )过来,他“哇”的一声吓哭了。小勇回头一看,急忙跑回去,把刚刚( )回身后,( )起手中的小褂,拼命( )马蜂。马蜂被赶跑了,但小勇被马蜂蛰了一下。小勇半边脸肿起老高,疼得他直掉眼泪。小勇哭了,可是,大家都说他勇敢。小松敢捅马蜂窝,可谁也没说他勇敢。(1)给短文拟个合适的题目,填写在短文前面的横线上。(2分)(2)仔细读文,把下面几个动词填到短文中相应的括号里。(6分)抱 拉 赶 捅 扑 甩(3)把文中画横线的句子改成“把”字句,使句子意思不变。(2分)_(4)马蜂炸了窝,大家是怎样做的?(2分)_(5)大家为什么都说小勇勇敢,而没说小松勇敢?(4分)_四、作文园地(30分)题目:让我_的一件事提示与要求:生活中有让你快乐的事,也有让你伤心的事,还有让你烦恼、后悔的事,把你最想说的一件事写下来,注意把事情写清楚哦!附送:2019年度第二学期期末调研测试五年级英语试卷、用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。(10分)1. I often_(go) to school by bus.2. There_(be) two books on the desk.3. A fox and a snake are_(play) football now.4. Here are some_(cake) for you.5. _(Do) it live on the farm?、从下面方框中选择正确的词或短语,并将其代号填在横线上。(10分)A. full B. What C. are D. prize E. putintoF. a picture G. a song H. breakfast I. TV J. footballMy friend Ann is form USA. Shes got big eyes, a small nose and a small mouth. She likes China. She likes Chinese food very much. Her favourite food is dumplings. Her birthday is in June. Today is Annsbirthday. But shes not happy. Why? Her mother and father are not in. Today is Sunday. We have a birthday party for her. Here is a present for Ann. Whats it? Its a pink dress. She likes this dress very much. We eat a birthday cake and dumplings. She smiles(微笑).2019年度第二学期期末调研测试五年级英语试卷题型听力部分笔试部分总分得分( )1. A. He is going to school.B. She is going to school.( )2. A. Its got a big long ear.B. Its got a big long nose.( )3. A. There are two mirrors in my room.B. There are two chairs in my room.( )4. A. The duck is playing the piano.B. The duck is playing the guitar.( )5. A. Lets play the game.B. Lets play games.( )1. What are you going to do tomorrow?A. No, I dont.( )2. Do you have lunch at half past seven?B. Yes, it can.( )3. Can the dog help the blind people?C. Some books.( )4. What do you put in your bag?D. Its spring.( )5. Whats your favourite season?E. Im going to play football.( )6. Where is my pencil case?F. Its playing balls.( )7. What is the cat doing?G. No, it doesnt.( )8. Does it live on the farm?H. Its green.( )9. Whats your favourite colour?I. Twenty.( )10. How many girls are there?J. Its under your book.、用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。(10分)1. I often_(go) to school by bus.2. There_(be) two books on the desk.3. A fox and a snake are_(play) football now.4. Here are some_(cake) for you.5. _(Do) it live on the farm?、从下面方框中选择正确的词或短语,并将其代号填在横线上。(10分)A. full B. What C. are D. prize E. putintoF. a picture G. a song H. breakfast I. TV J. football1. A box is_of chocolates.2. Here is your_.3. They_different shapes.4. _a nice day!5. _the box_ my bag.6. Nate is playing_.7. Blair is painting_.8. Ann is singing_.9. Jenng is watching_.10. Dan is eating_.、阅读理解(10分)阅读下面的短文,判断正(T)误(F)。My friend Ann is form USA. Shes got big eyes, a small nose and a small mouth. She likes China. She likes Chinese food very much. Her favourite food is dumplings. Her birthday is in June. Today is Annsbirthday. But shes not happy. Why? Her mother and father are not in. Today is Sunday. We have a birthday party for her. Here is a present for Ann. Whats it? Its a pink dress. She likes this dress very much. We eat a birthday cake and dumplings. She smiles(微笑).( )1. Ann is from China.( )2. Ann is a girl.( )3. Anns birthday is in July.( )4. Anns birthday present is a pink dress.( )5. We have a birthday party for Ann. She is happy.


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