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2019年英语六年级上册Module3-Module4练习一.选词填空,并把正确答案写在题中横线上,注意大小写:A. has got Bhave got Cthere are Dthere is 1. some beautiful squares in Dalian. 2. a book and a pen on her desk .And _some water on the desk.3. They a lovely dog .The dog _tow big eyes.4. She some photos .5. The desk four legs .二用所给动词的适当形式填空:1. _(dance)is my hobby. _(sing)is his hobby. _(read)is our hobby.2.I like_(run). She likes_(play football). We all like _(sport)3.I _(have got) a big ship from my parents. Li Hua_(have got)some photos from the U.K4.I _(like)apples. So I will_(buy) some apples. But I dont _ (like) go to the mart.5._(look) this postcard, It is from Japan.6.They ( collect ) lots of great stamps last year .7.Girls like ( dance ) and ( play ) football is boys hobby .三根据句意填写出下面的单词:1. Now you can have _(另一个)one.2. ( 收集 ) stamps is my _ ( 爱好 ) .3. These stamps are famous _ ( 男人 ) and ( 女人 ) .4. Have you got any American _ ( 邮票 ) ?5.The Great Wall is about six_(千) seven _(百)_(公里)6._(有时)there is dancing in Tiananmen _(广场)四、单项选择: ( ) 1.This is cousin. A.I B. my C. mine ( ) 2. He can . A. sings B. sing C. singing ( ) 3.She can play drums. A. the B. 不填 C. a ( ) 4.I can English. A. tell B. say C. speak ( ) 5.I can write emails English. A. on B. in C. of 五、连词成句:1. are, names, Sam, their, and, Amy .2. have, any, you, stamps, China, got, from ?3. you, do, collect, stamp ?4. are , these, from, some, stamps, Canada .5.hobby, is, collecting, dolls, my .6. your, festivals, favourite, whats ?7. Meal, special, a, we, always, have .8. You, do, what, on, Thanksgiving, Day, do ?六、用词的正确形式填空:1. Are there _ (some, any) beautiful postcards on the desk?2. Lets _ (buy) some presents.3. Do you like_ (go) shopping?4. Can we _ (start, starting) our lesson ?5. He is my_ (English) friend.七、阅读短文选择正确答案Amy is an American girl. She is nine years old. She wants to hear Chinese music. Yesterday she went to a concert with her parents. They love Chinese music very much。 ( ) 1.Where is Amy from? A. China B. America C. England ( ) 2.How old is she? A. She is eight. B. She is nine. C. She is ten。 ( ) 3.Where did they go yesterday? A. They went to a concert. B. They went to a bus station. C. They went to a supermarket8 判断正误。 Different people have different hobbies. For example, someone likes reading, someone likes swimming, someone likes colleting stamps and so on. Travelling is my hobby. I can visit many different places of interest by travelling. I can learn a lot about people, place and history. Its very interesting. I love travelling. I have great fun travelling. Ive got a new pen friends, John. He likes to play ball games. And he has lots of hobbies. But he likes collecting postcards best. And he sends some to me. I like these postcards very much. What is your hobby? Lets share together!()1. Different people have different hobbies.()2. My hobby is travelling.()3. John likes to play the violin.()4. John likes collecting stamps best.()5. They send stamps to each other.附送:2019年英语六年级上册第四单元教学设计教学内容:P44 Lets start, P46, P47 Lets try教学目标:、能够听、说、认读句子:What is your hobby? I like collecting stamps.、能够听、说、读、写动词短语的ing形式:collecting stamps, riding a bike, diving, playing the violin, making kites.教学重点:掌握五个动词(短语)的ing形式。教学难点:拼写:riding, diving, making。课前准备:1、部分Lets learn的单词卡片。、一些树叶、一本集邮册、两只风筝。课时安排:课时。教学过程:、Warm up师生进行Free talk,内容:What are you going to do? Im going to I like What about you?、Preview“滚雪球”游戏:教师先示范说“I like .”,然后请学生在此基础上再加一句话,“I like I like .”依次类推,看谁说出的句子多,进行奖励。、PresentationLets learn(1)教师边做动作边说自己的业余爱好:“I like playing the violin. What is your hobby?”引导学生回答:“I like”教师板书:What is your hobby? I like playing the violin.指导学生拼读hobby, playing the violin并进行问答练习。(2)教师拿出集邮册,从里面取出一张邮票,问学生:“Whats this?”引导学生回答:“Its a stamp.”教师板书stamp并带读。教师展示集邮册,同时说:“I like collecting stamps.”然后板书并带读collection stamps。教师问:“Do you like collecting stamps?”,引导学生作答后拼读并操练:I like collecting stamps.(3) 教师出示骑自行车的单词卡片“What is he doing?”引导学生回答:Hes riding a bike.教师板书:riding a bike.,学生拼读,注意riding的拼写。告诉学生riding是ride去掉结尾不发音e再加上ing。. (4)教师出示一只风筝:“Whats this?”引导学生回答:“Its a kite.”教师出示两只风筝:“What are they?”引导学生回答。接着教师做放风筝的动作:“What am I doing?”学生回答:“Youre flying a kite.”教师回答:“Yes, I like flying kites. I can make kites. I like making kites, too.”然后出making kites的单词卡片:“Whats he doing?”引导学生回答:“Hes making kites.”板书:making kites,学生拼读,注意making的拼写。(5)教师出示diving的单词卡片“What is he doing?”引导学生回答:Hes diving.教师板书:diving,学生拼读,注意diving的拼写。、Practice(1)教师手指板书,学生齐拍手练习说句子:What is your hobby? What is your hobby? Playing, playing, I like playing the violin. Collecting, collecting, I like collecting stamps. Riding, riding, I like riding a bike. Making, making, I like making kites. Diving, diving, I like diving.(2)让学生看板书,指导学生说出各动词词组的原形,教师板书。(3)游戏:What is missing?领读ALets learn部分的对话及单词,学生跟读。并让学生仿课文进行对话练习。Lets start先师生示范,再让学生分小组完成表格。Group work指导学生完成。、Summary:本课时所学的句型和词组。、Homework(1)抄定写并背诵本课所学的单词。(2)、读本部分的课文,家长签名。、WritingUnit4: ALets start, Lets learn, Group workWhat is your hobby? I like _. Playing the violin play the violin Collecting stamps collect stamps Riding a bike ride a bike Making kites make kites Diving dive

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