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2019年五年级英语上册Unit1myclassmateslesson8教案人教新起点教学目的:1. 正确理解复词比较级的含义。2. 能够听懂比较两者不同的语句及比较级描述的语段。3能够简单使用比较级比较两个人,两个事物的不同。4能够积极踊跃的参加课堂教学。教学重点:1 词汇:better, faster, harder及其与部分动词的搭配。2 句型:Who runs faster? Betty runs faster than Jane.教学难点对于副词比较级的理解。教学过程Part A1 Today, well have a match. First one is running match.请两个学生到前面比赛。T:Who runs faster? 帮助学生理解并回答,另外在请三组同学进行比赛,通过问答进行练习。2 同样的方法练习better,harder3 在同学中进行比较,学生独立表达。4 老师找出两名同学,小组讨论他们的不同点,从外貌到性格特点,及在各方面的表现。5 分组汇报讨论结果。6 听录音,完成填空,订正答案。 Part B1 请同学表演,T: What are they doing? Who dance better?2. 三人小组练习, 两人表演,一人提问,大家回答。Part C 1. 独立完成填空。2. 汇报。作业:1 听录音P162 完成活动手册3,4题3 预习9课课后小结:附送:2019年五年级英语上册Unit1Wehavenewfriends教案人教精通版一 写出下列单词和短语:1.英国: 2.澳大利亚: 3.新西兰:4.朋友: 5.我: 6.(我)是:7.道路: 8.街道: 9.什么:10.我的: 11.你的: 12.名字:13.年级: 14.班级: 15.你,你们:16.在里面: 17.聪明的: 18:安静的:19.漂亮的: 20.他的: 21.她的:22.眼睛: 23.鼻子: 24.嘴:25:怎么样: 26:相互: 27:回家:28:在居住: 29.想要做: 30:愿意做:二 根据汉语完成句子:1.我叫鲍勃。我十一岁。我来自于英国。_ Bob. Im eleven. I _ _ Britain.2. 欢迎来到我们的班级。_ _ our class.3. 你好,我叫周培。你叫什么名字?Hello, Im Zhou Pei. _ _ _?4.你在哪个班级?我在五年三班。What _ are you in ?Im in _ _, _ _.5.哇,我们在同一个年级,让我们成为朋友吧。Oh, we are in _ _ grade. _ _ friends.6.你在哪里住?我住在格林路。_ do you _?I live _ Green Road.7.你的房子号码是什么?它是23.你呢?_ your house _?Its 23. _ about you?8.我们相互住的很近。让我们一起回家吧。We live _ _ _. Lets _ home together.9.凯特,那个女孩是谁?_ _ that girl, Kate?10.她多大了?_ _ is she?11.她是一个漂亮的女孩。他又漂亮的长发和大的明亮的眼睛。She is _ _ girl. She _ beautiful long hair and big bright eyes.12.她很擅长学校的功课么?_ she _ _ her school work?13她很擅长语文,数学和科学。she _ _ _ Chinese, maths and science.三 情景交际1. 你想说我们在同一个班级时,应该说:( )A. We are in the same class. B.We are in the same grade. C.We are in Class One.2. 如果想问Lisa在哪个班级是,你应该问:( )A. What grade are you in? B.Lisa, what class are you in?C.Are you in Class One?3. 你想知道别人的房间号,你应问:( )A. What is your number? B.Whats your telephone number?C.Whats your room number? 4. 当你想问对方名字的时候,你应说:( )A. Whats your name? B.Whats your number?B. Where is your room?四 选择正确的答案:1. - Hello, Im Zhou Pei. Whats your name?- _ Patrick Green.( )A. My name is B. My name C.I2.-What class are you in ?- _.( )A. Im in class three, grade five. B. Im in Class three, Grade five.C. Im in Class Three, Grade Five.3. Where _ she live? ( ) A. do B. dose C. are4. You and I live _each other. ( ) A. in B. near C. here五句型转换:1. Where is he from?(改为同义句)Where _he _from?2.We are in the same grade.(改为一般疑问句)_ you _the same grade?3. I live in Beijing, China.(对划线部分提问)_ do you _?4. Jimmy lives in China now.(对划线部分提问) _ _ Jimmy live now?5. We are in the same school.(改成一般疑问句)_ you in the _ school?六、按要求完成下列各题。1. whos (完全形式) 2. 新朋友 3. 多大 4. 擅长 5. shes= 6. 长头发 7. 明亮的眼睛 8.have(三单)9. 十 10. 十一 11. 十二 12. country(复数) 13. child(复数) 14. e from= 翻译 七、按要求完成下列各句。1. Shes ten. (同义句)2. She is good at her school work. (一般疑问句)3. Shes a pretty girl. (一般疑问句)4. Shes cute and active.(一般疑问句)5. Shes good at Chinese, maths and science. (变否定句)八、句型转换1. Im Bob. (同义句) 2. Im eleven. (同义句) 3. I e from Britain. (同义句) 4. Im Yang Ming. (同义句) 5. Ben is from Berlin.(同义句) 6. Bob is from Britain.(同义句) 九、连词成句(注意大小写和标点符号)1. that, who, girl, is?2. Chinese, at , good, is, she.3. pretty, is, she, girl, a4. long, hair, has, she, big, beautiful, eyes, bright5. old, is, how, she?6. school, at, is, s he, her, work?十、阅读短文,判断下列句子是否正确,正确的打“T”, 错误的打(F)。 Hello! Im John. Im in Grade Five. I have a new neighbour. She is a doctor. She is Miss Wang. She is an university(大学)student. She is 22. She is tall and strong. She is strict(严肃的),but active. She likes singing. I like her very much. ( ) John is a student.( ) Miss Wang is a science teacher.( ) Miss Wang is thin and tall.( ) Mrs. Wang is my new neighbour.


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