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2019年pep小学英语五年级上册第一单元测试卷一、判断下列单词划线部分发音是否相同,相同的打“ ”,不同的打“ ”。( ) 1. bread teacher ( ) 2. sheep sleep( ) 3. peach jeans ( ) 4. great seat ( )5. bread break( )6. tea peach( )7. blow library二确答案并将字母序号填在括号里。 ( )1This is _ university student. A 、 an B、 a C、 不填( )2_funny? Yes, she is. A 、Is he B、 Whos C、 Is she ( )3. What _ is it today? A、today B. day C、it ( )4. Today _ Friday. C、 A. is B. are C、am ( )5. We _English, math and P.E. A have B has C、are ( )6. What do you do _ Sundays? A. on B. in C、for三 根据汉语提示完成句子。1、谁是你的新的语文老师? _ is your _ Chinese teacher ? 2、.她长得怎么样? 哦,她又高又瘦。_ she like ? Oh, she is tall and thin. 3.、他聪明吗?是的,而且他很严厉。Is he _? Yes, and he is very _ 4、 星期四你上什么课? What _ _ _ on _?四、单词归类。下面每小题有三个单词,你能找出每小题中与众不同的那一个吗?请你把这个“捣乱分子”的序号填在前面的括号里吧。( )1.A. strict B.strong C.tall ( )2.A.art B.Canada C.math ( )3.A.lady B.mother C.father ( )4.A.principal B.teacher C.science ( )5.A.rice B.milk C.bike五、下面图片里的这些人们真有特点啊!请用你学到的英语单词来描绘他们吧。每空一词哦。1.2. 3. 4.5. 1.( )2.( )3.( )4.( )5.( )六、英语单词和汉语单词都在找自己的好朋友。请你写出下列单词的汉语或者英语形式吧。1.principal _ 2.聪明的 _ 3.from _4.Canada _ 5.非常 _七、你有一双“火眼金睛”吗?从ABC三个选项中选择合适的答案,把序号填写在题前括号内。( )1.Our principal is very strict, but he is very _. A. old B.kind C.thin ( )2.Whos that young lady? A.No, she isnt. B.Shes 26. C.Shes our English teacher.( )3.Whats Mr. Carter like? A.Hes our pricipal. B.Hes our math teacher. C.Hes thin and short.( )4.Is she active? A.Yes, he is . B.She is active. C. Yes, she is.( )5.Where is Miss Zhang from? A.She is active but she is kind. B. She is from Canada. C.She is our principal.八、将这些不讲究秩序的单词排列成句。注意横线后的标点哦!1.a , she, university, is, student._.2.have, I, new, math, a, teacher._.3.that, lady, who, old, is_?4.math, is ,our ,very, teacher, young._5.new, do , teachers, have, you,_?九、从ABCDE中选择合适的句子补全对话,将序号写在横线上。A.but hes very kind .B.cool! C.Whats he like?D.His class is so much fun .E.Is he quiet?Li Lei:I have a new English teacher._1_.John:Really? _2_.Li Lei:Hes young and strong.Hes a university student.John:_3_.Li Lei:No, he isnt. He is very active.John:Is he strict?Li Lei:Yes, he is, _4_.John:_5_.十、阅读理解。读下面的这篇短文,根据短文选择正确的选项。I have a sister. She is 20 years old.She is from Jingmen. She is tall, but she is not very strong. She is a university student. She likes to sing and dance. She is very active.She is very funny and kind. I like to sing and dance with her.( )1.My sister is _. A. a man B.a young lady C. an old man ( )2.Whats my new sister like? A.She is tall and strong. B. She likes to sing and dance. C.She is tall , but she is not very strong.( )3.Where is she from? A.She is from Jingmen. B.She is from Canada. C.She is very funny and kind.( )4.What does she like? A.She likes to play with me. B.She likes to sing and dance. C. She likes to play football.( )5.Is she active? A.Yes, she is. B.No,she isnt. C. Yes, she is, but she is very quiet.(用T表示正确,用F表示错误)My name is Amy. I go to school from Monday to Friday. Every morning I get up at 6:30. I have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. We have English, math and science on Monday morning. I like Fridays very much, because I have P.E class and I can watch TV on that day. ( )1. Amy gets up at 6:30. ( )2 Amy has five classes every day. ( )3. Amy likes math very much. ( )4. Amy likes Saturdays. ( )5. Amy has English, math and science on Monday morning.小学教育资料好好学习,天天向上!第 5 页 共 5 页

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