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2019年四年级英语下册Module2Unit2Itsveryold一课一练3外研版一、选出与所给单词同类的一项。() 1. oldA. homeB. beautifulC. park() 2. bikeA. shipB. smallC. big() 3. tallA. bookB. LondonC. close() 4. houseA. shortB. cityC. nice() 5. thisA. andB. butC. that二、将下列内容与对应的图片连接起来。1. Buckingham Palace A. 2. Tower Bridge B. 3. Big Ben C. 4. Hyde Park D. 5. my house E. 三、单项选择。() 1. This is my home. _ very old.A. ThisB. ItC. Its() 2. This is Big Ben. Its very old._ its very tall. A. ButB. AndC. Or() 3. Is it very beautiful?Yes, _.A. it isB. it isntC. its() 4. Tower Bridge is very _.A. tall and newB. famous and beautifulC. old and small() 5. Its a big city. What is it? A. Buckingham Palace.B. Big Ben.C. London.四、判断下列内容与图片是(T)否(F)相符。() 1. This is Hyde Park. Its very beautiful. () 2. This is London. Its a big city. () 3. This is Tower Bridge. Its very beautiful. () 4. This is the Great Wall. Its old and famous. () 5. Its Buckingham Palace. Its beautiful. 五、选择正确的情景交际。() 1. 向朋友介绍“这是我家, 它很旧。”可以说:_A. This is my city. Its very old.B. This is my home. Its very old.() 2. 向朋友介绍“这是北京, 它是个大城市。”应说:_A. This is a big Beijing.B. This is Beijing.Its a big city.() 3. 假如你问朋友“这是什么?”应说:_A. Whats this?B. Whats that?() 4. 如果你问朋友“它是谁的包?”应说:_A. Whose bag is it? B. Whose bag it is?() 5. 如果你问同桌“它是你的铅笔吗?”应说:_A. Is it you pencil? B. Is it your pencil?六、根据图片提示, 从方框中选择正确的选项完成对话。A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt.C. Its a bird. D. Its Linglings.E. Yes, its beautiful.() 1. Whats this? _ () 2. Is this a dog? _ () 3. Whose chair is this? _ () 4. Is this cat beautiful? _ () 5. Is this a monkey? _ 七、阅读理解。London is the capital(首都) of England. The famous Hyde Park is in London. The park is very beautiful. And Big Ben is in London, too. It is old and tall. It is very famous. Tower Bridge is famous, too. River Thames(泰晤士河) is very long and wide(宽的). Some boats are on the river every day.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。() 1. London is the capital of England.() 2. Hyde Park is in New York.() 3. Hyde Park is very beautiful.() 4. Big Ben is in New York, too.() 5. River Thames is a long river. 答案:一、1. B2. A3. C4. B5. C 二、1E 2C 3A 4B 5D三、1. C 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. C四、1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F 五、1. B 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. B 六、1. C 2. A 3. D 4. E 5. B 七、1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T附送:2019年四年级英语下册Module2过关检测卷外研版一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(10分)() 1. A. happyB. cityC. Sunday() 2. A. ship B. home C. book() 3. A. tall B. nice C. beautiful() 4. A. Who B. Whose C. Whats() 5. A. old B. famous C. short二、听句子,选择与句意相符的图片。(10分)() 1. A. B. () 2. A. B. () 3. A. B. () 4. A. B. () 5. A. B. 三、听录音,判断下列句子与所听内容是(T)否(F)一致。(10分)() 1. The panda is very tall. () 2. Buckingham Palace is very famous. () 3. This is a book about London. () 4. My house is very big. () 5. This bag is very old. Part2 Reading and Writing读和写(70%)四、帮小蝌蚪找到妈妈。(根据汉语提示选择正确的选项补全单词)(15分) () 1. cit(城市) g I y () 2. ip(船) sh ch th () 3. ose(谁的) h wh w () 4. clse(近的,接近的) au o ou () 5. od(年代久的,古老的) l / r五、给下列图片选择对应的英文。(10分)1. _ 2. _ 3. _4. _ 5. _A. Buckingham Palace B. Hyde ParkC. Tower Bridge D. Big BenE. a book about London六、根据句意,在四线三格中写出画线单词的反义词或对应词完成句子。(10分)1. London is a big city. Weifang is a city. 2. My bike is new. Your bike is. 3. He is ,but his little brother is short. 4. This is my pen. is your pen. 5. The boy is very clever. And the is very cute. 七、单项选择。(15分)() 1. My house is very small,_ its beautiful. A. butB. soC. or() 2. Hyde Park _ very famous. A. am B. is C. are() 3. Its the _ house. A. Queen B. Queens C. Queens() 4. Is it your bike?Yes,_. A. it is B. it isnt C. its() 5. _ is this?Its a pencil box. A. How B. Who C. What八、选出与句意相符的图片。(20分)() 1. The panda is short. A. B. () 2. Beijing is a big city. A. B. () 3. The T-shirt is very nice. A. B. () 4. My school is close to a park. A. B. () 5. Amys house is small but beautiful. A. B. Module 2过关检测卷听力材料:一、1. London is a big city. 2. That ship is very small. 3. Hyde Park is very beautiful. 4. Whose house is this?5. Big Ben is very old and tall. 二、1. The ship is very big. 2. The desk is very old. 3. This is Big Ben. Its very tall. 4. The Tower Bridge is very famous. 5. My house is very small. 三、 1. The panda is very short. 2. Buckingham Palace is very famous. 3. This is a book about London. 4. My house is very small. 5. This bag is very old. 答案:一、1. B2. A3. C4. B5. A 二、1. B2. B3. A4. B5. A三、1. F2. T3. T4. F5. T四、1. C2. A3. B4. B5. A 五、1. D2. E3. A4. C5. B六、1. small 2. old 3. tall 4. That 5. girl 七、1. A点拨:本题考查连词的用法。句意为“我的家很小,但很漂亮。”句子前后两部分内容为转折关系,故用连词but。2. B点拨:本题考查be动词的用法。句中主语Hyde Park是地点名词,故be动词用is。3. C点拨:本题考查名词所有格的运用。单数且不是以s结尾的名词的所有格形式直接在这一名词后加“s”,故C项正确。4. A点拨:本题考查一般疑问句的肯定回答。一般疑问句Is it. . . ?的肯定回答一般用“Yes, it is. ”。5. C点拨:本题考查特殊疑问词。由答语“它是一个铅笔盒。”可知上句应问“这是什么?”,故用What。八、1. A2. A3. A4. B5. B

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