2019年四年级英语下册 Unit 4lesson 25 my favourite colours教案 冀教版.doc

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2019年四年级英语下册 Unit 4lesson 25 my favourite colours教案 冀教版一、 复习导入T: Good morning,class!S: Good morning,teacher!T: How are you?S: Fine,thanks.T: Hows the weather today?S: Its sunny!T: Yes,its sunny today.今天天气晴朗,阳光很好,就像一首歌中唱的那样:“太阳太阳,给我们带来七色光彩”,那么,太阳会给我们带来哪些光彩呢?Then,listen a songRainbow.二、 教授新知1、 播放歌曲Rainbow,并让学生说出歌曲中包含的颜色单词。2、 出示PPT,打出颜色词语,领读单词。3、 讲练句型“Whats you favourite colours?My favourite colour is”T:Are these colours beautiful?S:Yes,these are.T:当这些美丽的颜色,遇上各种各样的物品,也会让物品变得美丽起来。拿这些带有美丽颜色的物品是什么呢?Read the part1 quickly,then look at the pictures,answer my question.T: Whats this?S: This is orange juice.T: What are these?S: These are pink eraser.* T: There are a lot of beautiful tings.Now, who can tell me: Whats your favourite colours? S1: I like blue. S2:My favourite colour is red. S3 T:OK. Many,many colours.大家说了这么多颜色,那么让我们看一看动画片中的小伙伴喜欢什么颜色。在看动画片的时候,大家认真找一找,动画片中出现了黑板上的四个词中的哪几个词,并猜一猜它是什么意思。 T:出现了哪几个词? S:we,they T:那么谁能猜出他是什么意思呢? S:we是我们的意思,they是他们的意思。 T:Very good!动画片中的小动物说了一句话:我们喜欢红色?这句话用英语是怎么说的呢? S:We like bule. T:You are very clever.可是我要是想用后面这个句型说这句话,该怎么说呢?是不是少一个词啊?少哪个呢?“我们的”这个词,是不是啊?我们的该怎么说呢?看黑板:our 我们的,那他们的呢?their 他们的.跟老师一起读一下这两个词:our,their. 领读句子:Our favourite colour is blue.Their favourite colour is red.4.小组活动: 以同桌为小组讨论出共同喜欢的颜色,并用“Our favourite colour is ”句型说出自己小组喜欢的颜色。 点一小组one by one 的用“Our favourite colour is ”句型说出自己小组喜欢的颜色。其他小组记下与自己同一排的小组喜欢的颜色,由老师指名小组用“They favourite colour is ”句型说出与自己同一排的小组喜欢的颜色。多抽几组。 5.巩固练习:6.学唱歌曲:“I like”三、结束课堂教学教学反思:由于课件视频播放的原因,这堂课没有达到预期的效果,以后还应增强多媒体应用方面的学习。课上板书不规范,一定要注意。课上多用英语和学生交流,创设语境。附送:2019年四年级英语下册 Unit 4Lesson 26 My Favourite Clothes教案 冀教版Teaching Aims: Key words: same different Sentence structure: I like. Teaching Aids: tape tape recorder markers clothing pictures Teaching stages: . Warming-up and revision 1. Draw and colour Teacher give orders and students draw pictures. Orders like: Draw a skirt and colour it blue. Draw a pair of shoes and colour them black. Draw a pair of socks and colour them yellow. Draw a T-shirt and colour it red, etc. 2. Ask and answer Teacher: Whats your favourite colour?( encourage them to answer in three different ways. After answering, this student can go on asking other students this question) . New concepts 1. Teacher: (show students these clothing pictures and say) I like a skirt. My favourite cloth is a skirt Divide students into 3 or 4 groups. Each group has 5 or 8 students. Give students 3 or 5 minutes to discuss their favourite clothes. Then, write down the results and find out. Skirts are my favourite clothes.( write down these sentences on the blackboark) Whats your favourite cloth? 2. how many of them like the same clothes and how many of them like the different ones. Teacher: I have a red skirt. My sister has a red skirt, too. These two skirts are same. I have a white T-shirt. My sister has a blue one. These two T-shirts are different. Do you know the meaning of same and different? 3. Listen and answer Play the audio tape of the text. Before listening, show students some questiones. For instance: Whats Jennys favourite cloth? Do Jenny and Danny like the same clothes? Whets Dannys favourite cloth? After listening, encourage students to discuss those questions and find out difficult points in the text. Then, try to solve these questions by them selves. . Class closing Home work: Interview at least 3 classmates about their favourite colour and clothes. . Writing on the blackboard Lesson 26 My Favourite Clothes Whats your favourite cloth? I like My favourite cloth is is/are my favourite cloth/clothes

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