2019年小学二年级英语试题小学二年级单词 (I).doc

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2019年小学二年级英语试题小学二年级单词 (I)一、看单词画图:1.bin 2.water 3.bus 4.apple 5.light 6.bird 7.jelly 8.dog 9.egg 10.hand二、选择正确的单词序号填入括号内:1. stop 2. slow 3. road 4. swim 5. juice 6. plane 7. play 8.fast 9.sleep 10.ferryA 慢的( ) B 果汁( ) C 轮船( ) D 飞机( ) E 游泳( )F 快的( ) G 公路( ) H 睡觉( ) I 玩 ( ) J 停 ( )三、根据说给情景,选择正确的句子,将序号填入括号。( )1.当朋友问你住在哪里:可以说: A. Where do you live? B. Where do you go?( )2.老师请你擦桌子,可以说: A. Sweep the floor, please. B. Clean the desk, please.( )3.妈妈给你说吃一些面条:可以说: A. Have some soup B. Have some noodles( )4. 你想买一个热狗,可以说: A. May I have a hot dog? B. Have a hot dog.( )5.你想让同学和你一起唱歌,可以说: A. e and play with me. B. e and sing with me.( )6.你想说我喜欢游泳,可以说: A. I like to swim. B I like to dance.( )7.爸爸让你上车,可以说: A. Get in the car. B. Get off the car.( )8.你给同学说我们乘出租车去公园,可以说: A. We go to the park by car. B We go to the park by taxi.( )9.你想给姐姐说红灯停,可以说: A. Red light. Stop! B. Red light. Go!( )10.你想说看,绿灯,我们可以走了,可以说: A. Look! Its green. We can go. A. Look! Its green. We can stop.四、选择正确的答句,将答句前的序号写在括号内: 1. I live _Beijing. A. in B. on 2. _ the desk,please. A. Clean B. Sweep 3. _ I have a hot dog? A. May B. Can 4. Have _ juice. A. a B. some5. I like _ play. A. to B. 不填6.e and dance _ me,please. A. to B. with7. We go to the zoo _ bus. A. by B. on8. Get _ the car. A. in B. on9. Look _ the light. A. at B. in10.Look!It _ red light,we can go. A. is B. are五.选择想对应的答语,将答语前的序号填在括号内。()1.Where do you live? A. Yes. I can.()2.May I have a pizza? B. We go to the park by car. ()3.How do you go to the park? C. I live in Beijing.()4.Do you love Xi An? D. Ok. Here you are.()5.Can you sing a song? E. Yes. I do.六、选出与中文相对应的英文选项,把序号写在题前括号内.()1.我喜欢写字。 A. Look!The car is fast.()2.吃一些面条。 B. e and sing with me.()3.你住在哪里? C. I like to write.()4.我可以要一些牛奶吗? D. Where do you live?()5.过来和我一起唱歌。 E. How do you go to the park?()6.你怎样去公园? F. Red light. Stop!()7.红灯.停! G. Have some soup.()8.看,车开的真快. H. May I have some milk? 小学二年级英语单词表:序号英文中文序号英文中文1a big mouth一个大嘴巴40fruit shop水果店2a bottle of jam一瓶果酱41go shopping去购物3a red nose一个红鼻子42go to school去学校4a white bird白鸟43hands down放下手5an apple pie一个苹果派44hands up举起手6ask and answer问和答45have a breakfast吃早饭7at the circus在马戏团46have a picnic举行一个野餐8big and blue大又蓝47have dinner吃晚餐9big and tall又大又高48have lunch吃午饭10birds nest鸟巢49here we are我们在那儿11black hair黑头发50in her cage在她的笼子里12blow a kiss 飞吻51in the classroom在教室13boiled dumpling水饺52in the country park在乡村公园14bread with jam面包夹果酱53in the garden在花园15break time休息时间54in the rain在雨中16brush your teeth刷牙55in the street在街道17chicken wing鸡翅56in the tree在树上18chicks with the hen小鸡跟着母鸡57join the cups把杯子连起来19clap your hands拍手58jump high跳高20class time上课时间59jumping up and down跳跃21clean the blackboard擦黑板60learn the letter学字母22clean the table整理桌子61little finger / small babies小拇指23close the window关窗户62look at the animals看这些动物24close your books关上书本63look in the mirror照镜子25colour picture涂颜色64make a shopping list做一个购物单26colour the circle给圆圈上色65make a telephone做个电话机27e here过来66make two holes做两个洞28count the chicks数小鸡67middle finger中指29cut down砍倒68nep time小睡时间30cut the circle剪下圆圈69on the road在马路上31dance with me和我跳舞70on the roof在屋顶32day and night日日夜夜71open the door打开门33draw a circle画个圆圈72open the gate打开大门34draw two dots画两个点73open the window打开窗35excuse me对不起74open your books 打开书本36fall down倒下75play soccer玩足球37fly a kite放风筝76play with yo-yo玩溜溜球38fore finger / thin girls食指77primary school小学39fried bread stick油条78put on my shoes穿上我的鞋子 79put on your coat穿上外套80read a book读书81read and tick读和打勾82red flowers红花83ring finger / short mothers无名指84run after追赶85say a poem讲个小故事86say a rhyme读小诗87school bus校车88sing a song 唱歌89sit down坐下90six legs六条腿91six sandwichs六个三明治92smell the air闻空气93smile at me对我微笑94snack time点心时间95soybean milk豆浆96spider web蜘蛛网97spin the spinner转陀螺98spring rolls春卷99stand up起立100steamed buns馒头101super market超市102super show超级演出103sweet sweets甜的糖104table tennis乒乓球105take off your shoes脱下鞋子106the Great Wall长城107the natural word自然界108the red sun红太阳109thumb / fat boys大拇指110turn off the tap关闭龙头111turn on the tap打开龙头112two brown eyes两只棕色的眼睛113two crayons两只蜡笔114two long ears两只长耳朵115two paper cups两个纸杯116up and down上上下下117wash your towel洗毛巾118wave youe hands挥挥手119with a string用一根细绳120writer a letter写信121your camera你的照相机附送:2019年小学二年级英语试题小学二年级单词一、看单词画图。(15分)1.fish 2.water 3.bus 4.apple 5.cake 6.bird 7.boat 8.dog 9.egg 10.hand二、选择正确的单词序号填入括号内。(15分)1. zoo 2. lunch 3. ship 4. swim 5. juice 6. plane 7. play 8.work 9.sleep 10.redA 午饭( ) B 果汁( ) C 轮船( ) D 飞机( ) E 游泳( )F 工作( ) G 红色( ) H 睡觉( ) I 玩 ( ) J 动物园 ( )3、 根据说给情景,选择正确的句子,将序号填入括号。(10分)( )1.当朋友问你那个男孩是谁:可以说: A. Who is that boy? B. Who are you?( )2.老师请你画画: 可以说: A. Draw a picture, please. B. Drive a car, please.( )3.妈妈给你说吃早饭:可以说: A. Have breakfast. B. Have lunch.( )4.你想说我喜欢游泳,可以说: A. I like to swim. B I like to dance.( )5.你给同学说现在8点了,可以说: A. Its 8 oclock. B. Its a cat.四.选择想对应的答语,将答语前的序号填在括号内。(10分)()1. Whats he doing? A. Bread and milk.()2. I have two eyes. B. We go to the park by car. ()3. How do you go to the park? C. He is studying.()4. Are those ducks? D. I can look.()5.What do you have for breakfast? E. Yes, they are.五、选出与中文相对应的英文选项,把序号写在题前括号内.(30分)()1.他是我的爸爸。 A. Please wash clothes.()2.我的外套是红色。 B. Whats he doing?()3.请洗衣服。 C. My coat is red.()4.他在做什么? D. He is a student.()5.他在学习。 E. How do you go to the park?()6.你怎样去公园? F. What do you have for breakfast.()7.我做些运动。 G. I have two eyes.()8.我有一双眼睛。 H. I do some sports.()9.他是学生。 I. He is studying.()10.早饭吃什么? J. He is studying.6、 口语。(10分)7、 唱一首英文儿歌。(10分)小学二年级英语单词表:序号英文中文序号英文中文1a big mouth一个大嘴巴40fruit shop水果店2a bottle of jam一瓶果酱41go shopping去购物3a red nose一个红鼻子42go to school去学校4a white bird白鸟43hands down放下手5an apple pie一个苹果派44hands up举起手6ask and answer问和答45have a breakfast吃早饭7at the circus在马戏团46have a picnic举行一个野餐8big and blue大又蓝47have dinner吃晚餐9big and tall又大又高48have lunch吃午饭10birds nest鸟巢49here we are我们在那儿11black hair黑头发50in her cage在她的笼子里12blow a kiss 飞吻51in the classroom在教室13boiled dumpling水饺52in the country park在乡村公园14bread with jam面包夹果酱53in the garden在花园15break time休息时间54in the rain在雨中16brush your teeth刷牙55in the street在街道17chicken wing鸡翅56in the tree在树上18chicks with the hen小鸡跟着母鸡57join the cups把杯子连起来19clap your hands拍手58jump high跳高20class time上课时间59jumping up and down跳跃21clean the blackboard擦黑板60learn the letter学字母22clean the table整理桌子61little finger / small babies小拇指23close the window关窗户62look at the animals看这些动物24close your books关上书本63look in the mirror照镜子25colour picture涂颜色64make a shopping list做一个购物单26colour the circle给圆圈上色65make a telephone做个电话机27e here过来66make two holes做两个洞28count the chicks数小鸡67middle finger中指29cut down砍倒68nep time小睡时间30cut the circle剪下圆圈69on the road在马路上31dance with me和我跳舞70on the roof在屋顶32day and night日日夜夜71open the door打开门33draw a circle画个圆圈72open the gate打开大门34draw two dots画两个点73open the window打开窗35excuse me对不起74open your books 打开书本36fall down倒下75play soccer玩足球37fly a kite放风筝76play with yo-yo玩溜溜球38fore finger / thin girls食指77primary school小学39fried bread stick油条78put on my shoes穿上我的鞋子 79put on your coat穿上外套80read a book读书81read and tick读和打勾82red flowers红花83ring finger / short mothers无名指84run after追赶85say a poem讲个小故事86say a rhyme读小诗87school bus校车88sing a song 唱歌89sit down坐下90six legs六条腿91six sandwichs六个三明治92smell the air闻空气93smile at me对我微笑94snack time点心时间95soybean milk豆浆96spider web蜘蛛网97spin the spinner转陀螺98spring rolls春卷99stand up起立100steamed buns馒头101super market超市102super show超级演出103sweet sweets甜的糖104table tennis乒乓球105take off your shoes脱下鞋子106the Great Wall长城107the natural word自然界108the red sun红太阳109thumb / fat boys大拇指110turn off the tap关闭龙头111turn on the tap打开龙头112two brown eyes两只棕色的眼睛113two crayons两只蜡笔114two long ears两只长耳朵115two paper cups两个纸杯116up and down上上下下117wash your towel洗毛巾118wave youe hands挥挥手119with a string用一根细绳120writer a letter写信121your camera你的照相机


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