2019年六年级英语下学期期末试题答案 鲁教版五四制.doc

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2019年六年级英语下学期期末试题答案 鲁教版五四制本次质量检测满分100分,含听说20分。学生成绩实行等级评价。88分以上为A,7487分为B,6073分为C,不满60分为D。一、选择填空(共15小题, 计15分。每小题1分)15 BBACC610 CACBA1115 CBABB二、阅读理解(共四篇短文,20小题,计20分,每小题1分)1620 ABCBA2125 CBACC2630 CABCC3135小题,答案只要包含关键内容就给分。所给内容就是关键内容。31. (At) 87 King Street. 32. Their father takes them.33. Drink tea.34. Late.35. Do their homework.三、语音(共5小题,计5分;每个单词0.5分) 36. vacation train great 37. tiger 38. happy dragon 39. tree speak 40. village visit四、语言应用(共5小题,计5分;每小题1分) 41.副词 42. (情态)动词 43. 谓语 44. 定语 45. 状语五、单词拼写(共7小题,计7分。每小题1分) 46. south 47. weather 48. twentieth 49. restaurant 50. pool 51. hospital 52. climbs六、词形填空(共6小题,计6分。每小题1分) 53. crossing 54. easily 55. musician 56. noisy 57. friendly 58. is washing七、连词成句(共4小题,计4分;每小题1分) 59. Why does Bob like history? 60. What club do you want to join? 61. We have to be quiet in the library. 62. There is a bank next to my house.八、完成句子(共5小题,计5分。每小题1分)考生只要能准确运用适当的句式、恰当的时态以及正确的单词和短语来完成句子即可。语法错误每处扣0.5分,个别单词拼写错误不扣分。 63. How far is your home from school? 64. Can you tell Bob to call / phone me back / give me a call / phone? 65. We must arrive / get to school on time. 66. Dont listen to music in class. 67. My father is talking to his brother on line / on the phone.九、短文填空(共5小题,计5分;每小题1分) 68. E 69. A 70. C 71. D 72. B十、书面表达(共1小题,计8分)参考例文 略评分标准 分四档评分: 第一档:内容完整,表述充分,层次结构清晰,语言流畅、 规范、准确。78分第二档:内容完整,表述比较充分,层次结构比较清晰,语言比较流畅、规范,有少量语言错误。56分第三档:内容基本完整,表述基本充分,层次结构基本合理,语言基本流畅,有较多语言错误。34分第四档:内容不完整,语言表述错误很多或仅有几个单词可读,不能完整表达意思。02分附送:2019年六年级英语下学期第三单元试题一、听选单词。(仔细听,从A、B、C中选出你所听到的句子中所包含的那个单词或短语。每小题听两遍,每小题1.5分,共9分)( )1、A、do B、did C、does( )2、A、watch B、wash C、watched( )3、A、saw B、short C、see( )4、A、swim B、swam C、swims( )5、A、study B、studied C、studies( )6、A、went B、watched C、go二、听选句子。(认真听,从A、B中选出你听到的那个句子,将其标号填入题前括号内,每小题听两遍,每个1分,共5分)( )1、A、what do you usually do on the weekend ?B、what did you do on the weekend?( )2、A、Did you go to the park ?B、Did you go at night?( )3、A、I went to a park yesterday.B、I visited my grandparents yesterday. ( )4、A、Wu yifan played football with his friends.B、Wu yifan cleaned his room yesterday.( )5、A、He went hiking last weekend.B、She went hiking last weekend.三、听选答语(认真听,从A、B中选出你所听到句子中相应的答语将标号填入题前括号内,每小题听两遍,每小题2分,共10分)( ) 1、A、Yes, I did. B、Yes , I do.( ) 2、A、I read a book. B、last weekend.( )3、A、He went swimming . B、She went swimming.( ) 4、A、No, I didnt . B、Sure.( ) 5、A、I usually watch TV. B、I watched TV.四、听短文填单词。(认真听,写出你所听到的那个词,听三遍,每空1.5分,共6分) Wu Yifan was busy weekend. He his grandparents onSaturday morning . They cooked noodles together in the evening.Then they TV. On Sunday morning ,Wu Yifan football with his friends.笔试部分(70分)五、英汉互译:(每小题1分,共10分)1、上周末 2、去游泳 _ 3、去钓鱼 4、去郊游 5、看电视 6、wash clothes 7、visit grandparents 8、listen to music 9、play football 10、go to the park 六、根据句意写单词:(每小题2分,共10分)1、He (去)to a park yesterday?2、I (打扫)my room last weekend.3、I usually (洗) clothes on Sunday.4、Did you (看) TV yesterday?5、Mike (做)his homework yesterday.七、选择(每小题1分,共10分)( )1、-Did you help me clean my room ? -Yes , I .A、did B、do C、does( )2 -What did Lisa do yesterday? -She to music .A、listens B、listen C、listened( )3、-What did you do last weekend? -I TV.A、saw B、looked at C、watched( )4、What you do last Sunday?A、did B、do C、does( )5、Did John football yesterday?A、play B、played C、play( )6、What Wu Yifan do Last weekend . A、do B、did C、does( )7、I to a park yesterday.A、went B、go C、goes( )8、 I my room last weekend.A、clean B、cleans C、cleaned( )9、Lisa usually her homework after super.A、does B、do C、did( )10、Did you swimming last weekend?A、go B、goes C、went八、连词成句。(每个2分,共10分)1、did , what , you , yesterday , do? 2、watch , John , did , TV , weekend , last? 3、went , I , to , park , a , yesterday 4、jumped , the , into , lake , he 5、cleaned , I , room , my , last , weekend 九、找朋友(将栏中相匹配的答语将序号写在题前括号内,每个2分,共10分)()1、What did you do yesterday? A、Yes , I did.( )2、Did you help your mother clean the room? B、I go to the park.()3、What do you usually do on the weekend? C、Me too.()4、Did you read Chinese books? D、I went fishing.()5、I did my homework E、No , I read an yesterday. English book.十、阅读理解读短文判断()或()(每题2分,共10分)(A) Wu Yifan was busy last weekend . He visited his grandmother on Saturday morning . It was his grandmas birthday. They cooked noodles together . In the evening , they watched TV. On Sunday morning , Wu Yifan played football with his friends. In the afternoon , he washed clothes and cleaned his room .( )1、Wu Yifan visited his grandparents Saturday morning. ( )2、He cooked noodles with his grandmother.( )3、In the evening . They watched TV together.( )4、WuYiFan played football with his parents.( )5、Sunday afternoon he washed clothes and cleaned his room.(B)读下列短文,选择正确答案(每题2分,共10分)Today was hot. I went to the farm(农场) with my parents. There was a river near the farm . I went to the river with my dog . We ran and played . Suddenly I dropped (掉进)into the river ,“Help , Help”My dog jumped into(跳进)the river and swam to me , Ten minutes later , I was saved(救)。I was grateful to him. We are good friends.( )1、It was very .A、cold B、hot C、windy( )2、I went to the river with my .A、parents B、friends C、teacher( )3、I ran and played with .A、my cat B、my dog C、my sister( )4、 jumped into the river and saved me.A、my dog B、my mother C、my father( )5、I was very grateful to my .A、mother B、friend C、dog听力材料一、 听选单词。1. Did you play basketball with Zhang Peng?2. I watched TV last weekend.3. What did you do yesterday?I went to the zoo and saw the elephants. 4. Do you often go swimming in the river in summer? 5. I studied English yesterday. 6. What did you do last weekend? - I went fishing.二、 听选句子。1、what do you usually do on the weekend ?2 .Did you go to the park?3.I visited my grandparents yesterday. 4、Wu yi fan played football with his friends.5、He went hiking last weekend.三、 听选答语。1. Do you usually go to school on foot?2. What sis you do last weekend?3. What did Sarah do yesterday?4. Did you clean your room yesterday?5. What do you often do on Sunday?四、 听填单词。 Wu Yifan was busy last weekend. He visited his grandparents onSaturday morning . They cooked noodles together in the evening.Then they watched TV. On Sunday morning ,Wu Yifan played football with his friends.


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