2019年三年级英语上册Unit5lesson16教案北京版 .doc

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2019年三年级英语上册Unit5lesson16教案北京版第 五 单元 单元主题 ITS A NICE AUTUMN DAY 课题 Lesson 16总课时2教学总目标【三维目标】知识目标:1能用Its rainy.等描述天气情况。2能正确指认,朗读rainy, cloudy, windy。 Snowy等表示天气的词汇及raincoat, jacket, sweater, gloves等服装类词汇。3能根据天气情况选择合适的着装并用I can put on my.等表达自己想要穿的服装。4.会用I love.表达自己喜爱的季节,用So do I.对他人的观点表示认同。能力目标:能听懂有关询问天气的交际用语并表达自己的真实感受。情感目标: 培养学生热爱大自然的情感。教学重点、难点教学重点:1能用Its rainy.等描述天气情况。2能正确指认,朗读rainy, cloudy, windy。 Snowy等表示天气的词汇及raincoat, jacket, sweater, gloves等服装类词汇。教学难点:1.单词snow 和 snowy的发音。第一课时:1. 能正确理解课文大意,并朗读课文,表演对话; 2. 能正确指认rainy, cloudy, windy。 Snowy等表示天气的词汇及raincoat。3. 初步感知句型Its rainy. I can put on my.第二课时:1.能听懂、会说Its rainy. I can put on my.并能按照情景做出正确反应。 2. 巩固本课单词,理解并认读rainy, cloudy, windy, snowy等表示天气的词汇及raincoat, jacket, sweater, gloves等服装类词汇。3.能在相应的情景中进行Listen, look and learn的替换。板书设计 Lesson 16Its rainy. I can put on my raincoat.Lesson 16 Its. I can put on my.课前准备(师)课前参与(生)自制多媒体课件,配套光盘,单词卡片借助拼读英语自学单词教学过程教师教学活动(教学各环节设计、预设意图)学生学习活动(学习内容、形式及要求)课前复备第一课时:I .Warm-up.RevisionT: 播放英语歌曲:Weather songAsk: Whats the weather like today?Its sunny.II. Presentation1. Show the picture of the text. There are so many people in the picture. What can you see in the picture? Can you describe it?1. Do you know them? Who are they? Can you guess what they are talking about?3. Lets listen and answer :T : Its rainy.S : I can put on my raincoat.Look at the picture and say : rainy, raincoat Look and say : Its windy today.I love winter.So do I.Look at the picture and say :windyMake the sentences :设计意图:培养学生的英语思维能力和理解能力。III. Practice1. Show some other pictures to help the student to understand the dialogue.2. Teach the new words. Listen and repeat. Can you read and try to spell them? Try.3.Read the dialogue: 1) After the tape.2) In group.3) In pairs4. Show.设计意图:以不同形式的操练来提高学生对课文的熟悉程度,培养学生的语言应用能力。IV. Summary:1. Read the dialogue again.V. Homework:1. Read the dialogue.2. Write the words.第二课时:I.Warm-up1. Hello, boys and girls! How are you today? 2. Do you remember the dialogue? Lets read it first, ok?3. Can you recite this dialogue?Have a try.设计意图:通过复习本课的对话来导入,创设问题的情景。II . Listen, look, and learn1. Show the picture of the text.Do you remember the dialogue?Lets try to make the dialogue. Ok?2. Write the main sentences on the blackboard.3.Show the pictures and help the students to understand the clothes words.4.Put the pictures on the blackboard.Listen and read the words.5.Ask and answer the sentences.Do pair work.Show it.6. Well done!Can you try to make some new sentences?生生之间质疑,并解答。III. Match and say1.Look and think what we should do this activity.2.Do in pairs.3.Show and say.4.Review the weather words, clothes words and the key sentences.设计意图:通过看图连线,训练学生对重点句型的理解能力,以及巩固对天气和星期单词的认识。IV. Summary1. Do you remember the sentence?2. Can you read these words?V. Homework:1. Recite the dialogue.2. Copy the new words.English show.Sing a song.Answer questions.Ask and answer.Watch the picture.生生之间质疑并解答,培养学生成为课堂的小主人Look and say: Listen and think.Try to answer questions.Listen again and check:Read the words.Pair works. 培养学生之间的合作精神Look and sayWatch pictures. Understand the words.Listen and read the new words.Read and remember.Read the dialogue in different ways.Read the words and the dialogue.Try to recite the dialogue.English show. 由B类学生主持。Answer questions.Read the dialogue.Try to recite the dialogue.Read the dialogue.Try to recite the dialogue.看图,质疑并解答,提高学生的自主学习能力。Watch and think.Watch and understand the pictures.Ask and answer in pairs.Look and understand.Make new sentences. Look and thinkDo in pairs.Show.Review the weather words, clothes words and the key sentences.水平测试目标及内容熟练掌握单词1. Have a dictation:rainy, can, windy, cloudy2.单词分类A. raincoat B. rainy C. jacket D. MondayE. sweater F. Friday G. cloudy H. windyI. Sunday J. snowy 星期: _ _ _服装:_ _ _ 天气:_ _ _ _教学反思课后补充备课附送:2019年三年级英语上册Unit5Lesson173一课一练北京版一、选出下列单词的正确中文翻译。( )1. white A. 黑色的 B. 白色的( )2. snowy A. 雪 B. 多雪的; 下雪的( )3. too A. 二 B. 也( )4. windy A. 多风的 B. 大风( )5. winter A. 冬天 B. 夏天二、选择下列单词中不同类的一项。( )1. A. first B. three C. fourth( )2. A. winter B. summer C. weather( )3. A. rainy B. cloud C. windy( )4. A. snow B. hot C. warm( )5. A. run B. jump C. wet三、判断下列图片与英文是()否()一致。( )1. Its rainy. ( )2. Its windy today. ( )3. Its sunny today. ( )4. Tom is going to run a race. ( )5. Its cloudy. 四、判断下列对话与图片是()否()相符。( )1. Do you have a lot of rain in spring? Yes, we do. ( )2. Lets make a snowman. OK. ( )3. I love Warm days. Me too. ( )4. Do you have a lot of snow in winter? Yes, we do. 五、按要求完成下列各题。1. hot(反义词)_ 2. snow(形容词形式)_3. sunny(名词形式)_ 4. raincoat(翻译)_参考答案一、1. B 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. A二、1. B 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. C三、1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 四、1 2 3 4五、1. cold 2. snowy 3. sun 4. 雨衣

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