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2019年六年级期末英语试卷A. American Americans B. America Americans C . America American ( )9. My _ hobby is drawing .A. parents B. parent C. parents( )10. -John is doing some shopping with her mother. Why ? - He _ a birthday party.A. has B. have C. will have( ) 11. Anna has _uncle and he is _university students. A. a an B. an a C. an the( ) 12. I am hungry. Can I have _cakes? A. some B. much C. any( ) 13. Do you like _TV ? A. watching B. watches C. watchs 题号一二三四五六七八总分得分A. American Americans B. America Americans C . America American ( )9. My _ hobby is drawing .A. parents B. parent C. parents( )10. -John is doing some shopping with her mother. Why ? - He _ a birthday party.A. has B. have C. will have( ) 11. Anna has _uncle and he is _university students. A. a an B. an a C. an the( ) 12. I am hungry. Can I have _cakes? A. some B. much C. any( ) 13. Do you like _TV ? A. watching B. watches C. watchs ( ) 14. Do you have _ brothers _ sisters in your family ? A. some , and B. any , or C. any . and ( ) 15. What _ you _ to do this evening ? A. are , going B. are , go C. is , going四、完型填空。(10分)It is my first day at my new school. The _1_ of my new school is Yucai Middle School._2_is small but beautiful. There are twenty_3_and five offices in my new school. There is a big _4_next to the offices. In the library, there are many_5_. _6_! There are two _7_in the library. One is our English teacher, _8_ is our Chinese teacher. The classroom are in front of the library. In my_9_, there are twenty girls and twenty-four boys. There are two foreign(外国的) _10_in my class. They are from England. They are very friendly. I love my new school.( )1. A. picture B. name C. building D. teacher( )2. A. It B. He C. She D. We( )3. A. classrooms B. gyms C. dinning halls D. teachers office( )4. A. hotel B. hospital C. library D. cinema( )5. A. pens B. pencils C. books D. rulers( )6. A. Listen B. Look C. Read D. See( )7. A. students B. teachers C. workers D. parents( )8. A. other B. another C. the other D. others( )9. A. school B. class C. photo D. family( )10. A. pictures B. dictionary C. students D. books五、按中文提示,在句子中填上合适的单词。(10分)1.你妈妈是教语文的吗? _ your mother _ Chinese ? 2.他计划下周去旅行。 He is going to _ _ _ next week .3.我能步行去那里吗?Can I go there _ _ ? 4.我喜欢集邮。 I like _ _ . 5. 我们学校就在公园的东面。Our school is _ _ the park .六、根据词汇的解释及首字母写出相应的英语单词,每小题只填一词。(5分)1. Its a shop that sells books . Its a b_ . 2. You can get some news on it . Its a piece of n_ .3. This is a small narrow river . Its a s_ . 4. Its a building in which motion picture films are shown . Its a c_ .5. A woman who performs on the stage , on TV or in movies . She is an a_ . 七、阅读理解。(20分) A Hi, Im Chen Jie . There is a supermarket near our school . We can buy many things there . Sometimes I buy some pencils and erasers there . We go there on foot . This Saturday , Im going to the supermarket with my friend , Sarah . We are going to go from my home . First , we take the No. 60 bus . Then get off at the school . And we walk straight for 2 minutes . The supermarket is in front of us . We are going to buy some good food . Tomorrow is Sunday . Its Amys birthday . We are going to have a birthday party on Sunday . 阅读文章,判断对错。对的写“T”,错的写“F”。(10分)( )1.The school is near the supermarket .( )2.Chen Jie walks to the supermarket .( )3.Chen Jie is going to the supermarket this Sunday .( )4.They take the No.16 bus to the supermarket .( )5.Tomorrow is Amys birthday . B Miyoko lives in the country of Japan. He doesnt like living there. He wants to live in a big city so he goes to Tokyo. It is a big city - the capital of Japan. Without(没有) his own house there, he needs to rent an apartment(公寓) there. He finds a nice one and lives in it. Miyoko is hungry. He goes to a restaurant for lunch. After lunch, he wants to go back to his new apartment. Where is his apartment building? He cant remember it at all. My apartment building is big, Miyoko thinks. He wants to look for a big apartment building. But there are many big apartment buildings. My apartment building is white, Miyoko thinks. But there are also many white apartment buildings. My apartment building is on a busy street, Miyoko thinks. But there are too many busy streets with big white apartment buildings on them. Miyoko looks for his apartment building for one hour. He cant find it!根据短文,选择正确的答案。(10分)( ) 41. Miyoko wants to live _ . A. in the country B. in a small town C. in a small city D. in a big city ( ) 42. The word rent means _ in Chinese. A. 借用 B.购买 C.租借 D.占用( ) 43. Miyoko has his lunch _. A. at his apartment B. in a white building C. on a busy street D. in a restaurant( ) 44. Which sentence is not right? A. Miyoko lives in an apartment in a white building. B. Miyoko lives on a busy street. C. There are a lot of big white apartment buildings in Tokyo. D. Miyoko finds his apartment after an hour.( ) 45. The best title(标题) of the passage is _. A. Miyokos new apartment B. Where is the apartment C. The city of Tokyo D. A big city and the country八、书面表达(10分)假如你认识了一位新笔友,介绍他/她的情况,包括姓名、年龄、来自哪个国家、外貌、爱好,以及简单的原因、职业理想等内容。要求:1.所写短文必须包括以上所有内容,可适当发挥。2.文中不得出现真实的人名和地名。3.字数60字左右,题目自定。_附送:六年级语文期末考试卷面分析一、基本情况及取得的成绩 这次测试我们班应参加44人,实参加44人,总分3520分,平均分80分,其中有1人不及格,成绩不理想。二、 试题分析本份试题,共分二部分:即积累与运用,口语交际,阅读理解,快乐习作,知识覆盖面广,即考查了基础知识,又考查了基本技能,还考查学生课外积累及知识的应用情况。是一份综合性强,偏难重积累,重综合的试题。三、 试卷分析及问题剖析积累与运用:字、词、句考查,出现错误频繁的是3小题给姓氏注音 任( )单( )解( )华( )查( )区( )出现错误的比较多。5小题根据意思或要求写成语。(2)提出新奇的主张,表示与一般不同。( )(3)他这个人经常想到时什么就谈什么。( )出现错误的比较多。7小题给下图配上合适的诗句,并回答问题。由于学生没有看清图所以失分较多。口语交际是写节日习俗或富有特色的服饰、民居等用简单的几句话写下来。学生都能用流畅的语言进行叙述。阅读理解中第一题是课内阅读我们平时练习过所以同学们答的都非常好没有失分。第二题中的阅读短文中出现错误最多的是解释词语中“恼羞成怒”这个词语。 快乐习作中有的同学写的是请你以“给的一封存信”为题目写一篇作文。但有些同学署名有错误出现。针对以上问题,特制订以下改进措施:1. 加强对学生查字典的指导。我曾经要求全班学生都买字典平时学习中好象没有指导学生使用字典。所以下学期一定在这方面多努力。尤其是要让学生利用字典帮助阅读。2. 通过多种方式,让学生了解、学会使用关联词语。平时教学语言要讲求逻辑性,课文或者讲评习作时遇到含有关联词的句子要带着学生多读,仿写,注重落实,必须让学生掌握句子间最基本的因果、递进、转折、并列等关系。3.加强课外阅读指导。学生虽然一直在读,可是理解力非常差。这就需要我们不断探索新的指导方法。朗读手册介绍了“为孩子大声读书”的方法,旨在通过为学生读一些童书后组织学生讨论,来延长孩子集中注意力的时间,提高阅读能力。我想下学期试一试。4.习作指导。一定要注重过程指导。每一次习作都要为孩子提供几篇范文,不然孩子无从下笔。注重及时讲评,让孩子明确努力方向。5.阳光行动。“让每个孩子都在师爱的阳光里健康成长”。我曾把这句话作为一篇论文的主题,但临近考试的时候,我恨铁不成钢,多次批评那几个孩子,现在想来很内疚。今后,我一定要多关心那几个孩子,想办法走进他们的内心,帮助他们进步。 2019年六年级期末语文卷面分析

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