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2019年四年级英语上册Unit4Myhome课后作业人教pep一、把下面的词分类。bed sofabathroomliving roomstudy chair kitchen bedroomtable , 二、根据图片内容,选词完成句子。 dogbooksballpicturephone1. The is on the table. 2. The cute is on the bed. 3. The are on the desk. 4. The is on the wall. 5. The is under the chair. 三、根据所给汉语意思,连词成句。1. 椅子在厨房里。in,the,chairs,kitchen,the,are(. )_2. 电话在长沙发附近。the,near,is,phone,the,sofa(. )_3. 书包在椅子上。on,the,is,the,chair,bag(. )_四、阅读短文,根据短文内容填空。Look! This is my home. I have two bedrooms,a living room,a study,a kitchen and a bathroom. In my bedroom,there is a big bed. I have three sofas and a TV. They are in the living room. Where is my desk? Can you find it? Its in the study. I like my home. 1. I have two . 2. In my bedroom,there is a big . 3. In the ,there is a TV. 4. There is a in the study. 答案:一、家具类:bed,sofa,chair,table房间类:bathroom,living room,study,kitchen,bedroom二、1. phone 2. dog 3. books 4. picture 5. ball三、1. The chairs are in the kitchen. 2. The phone is near the sofa. 3. The bag is on the chair. 四、1. bedrooms 2. bed 3. living room 4. desk附送:2019年四年级英语上册Unit4Theseareflowers教案1湘少版教学目标:1、用 “These/Those are”“Theyre”描述事物及其特征。2、语言结构:These/Those are Theyre掌握词汇:these, flower, children, those, egg,tree, grass, sheep, bird理解词汇:rose,red,rice字母Rr在单词中的发音。教学重、难点:用 “This/That is”“Its”描述事物及其特征。教学难点:These/Those are Theyre课时安排:教学内容课时安排A部分1课时B、C、D部分1课时E、F、G部分1课时Period 1一、教学目标能听懂、会说本课新单词;能听懂、会说本课对话;能用“These/Those are Theyre”对事物进行简单介绍。二、教学重点及难点重点:理解并正确运用本课会话进行交流。难点:正确理解并掌握句型“These/Those are Theyre”;理解these和those的含义及用法。三、教学准备图片、单词卡片、教学挂图、教学磁带等。四、教学步骤Step 1 Warming up师生问候唱一首已学的英语歌曲“Ten little Indian boys”。游戏Little spy(小侦探)教师说一组10以内的数字,学生找出其不一合规律的一个。T: One, three, seven, eight.S: Eight!Step 2 Presentation and drillT(藏到教室门后): Can you find me? Where am I? Yes. I am hiding behind the door.T(走出来,站到门前): Now, I am in front of the door.继续以教室里的其他实物为例进行说明,帮助学生理解in front of的含义。T: Who is sitting in front of you, S1?S1: S2 is sitting in front of me.帮助学生回答。然后板书并带读in front of。然后让学生集体、分组、单个练读。游戏Quick response(快速反应)教师发出指令,学生快速作出反应。T: Stand in front of the stage, please! Hide behind the door, please! Sit in front of S1, Please! (可让学生两个人一组进行游戏。)课件出示鲜花、大树、绿草、绵羊、鸡蛋、小鸟等图片。T: Look at this picture.They are 帮助学生回答:“Theyre flowers/trees/grass/sheep/eggs/bird”解释单词,板书,带读。出示课文A部分教学挂图。T: What can you see in the picture?S1: I can see some people.S2: I can see some flowers.S3: I can see some birds. 启发引导学生大胆地描述图片内容。 T: Very good! Youre all right. Do you know what they are doing? Theyre on an outing. 解释并板书词组on an outing, 带读。让学生们练读。听课文A部分录音,跟读。然后分组分角色表演。Step 3 Practice出示几幅图片,要学生将图片贴在正确的地方,由学生根据图片提示来介绍。T: Look at the pictures. What are those?S1: They are eggs. They are birdseggs.Step 4 Consolidation创设情景,自由对话。情景:明天是周末。小伙伴们准备出去郊游,他们来到一片树林里,在那里他们看到了很多美丽、新奇的事物。S1: S2: 评价。练习。家庭作业。听磁带,背课文。

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