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2019年六年级英语能力测试题一、 看中文、写英文,并背诵。晨练吃早饭进行体育活动吃晚饭夜晚、晚上起床上英语课什么时候在 点钟通常;一般二、 将单词补充完整,并写出中文意思。 fun_ r ( ) k_ l_ g r_ m ( ) s_l ( ) m_ t_ r ( ) t_ n ( ) k_ l _m_t _r ( )三、 写出下列单词的比较级。strong_ heavy_ hot_ long_big_ small_ fine_ thin_young_ short_ funny_ old_tall_ nice_ cold_ fat_四、 单项选择。( ) 1. Whose skirt is this?A. Its your. B. No, it isnt. C. Its yours.( ) 2._ water is there ?A. How many B. How much C. How big( ) 3. Line up from _ to_.A. shorter tall B. short taller C. shortertaller( ) 4.How _ are you? -Im 48kg.A. tall B. heavy C. old( ) 5.How are you?A. Im 14 years old. B. How do you do? C. Fine, thank you.( ) 6.The monkeys tail is long. The rabbits tail is _.A. long B. short C. longer( )7.Lucy is ten. Kate is nine years old. So Kate is _than Lucy.A. older B. younger C. bigger( ) 8.How _ are your feet?A. long B. big C. tall五、阅读理解Ben and Jim are twin brothers. They are nine. They are pupils. They study in Yuxin Primary School. They are in the same class. Everyday they go to school and e back together. Their teacher, Mrs Green, says to the pupils,“please write a position (作文)My Mother.” Jim is a good boy. He writes the position at home. But Ben plays football with his friends. The next day Mrs Green says to the class,” I read your positions today. But two of yours are just the same.” Ben stands up and says,” Jim and I are twins. We have the same mother.”快速判断:1.They are twins, so they have the same mother. ( )2.They are brothers so they have the same parents. ( )3.They are twins, so they are good pupils. ( )4.They have the same mother, so their positions are the same( ) 填空:1. Jim and Ben are .2. Jim and Ben are in Primary School.3. The title of the position is “ ”.4. is a good student, he writes the position.附送:英语期末专题复习( )5、How many do you have in the morning?A、lesson B、classes C、a class( )6、Its time to school.A、go to B、to going C、to go( )7、Please e to the party 6pm saturday.2019年六年级英语自主命题模板2019-2020年六年级英语自主命题模板乡(镇) 学校 班级 姓名 考号 密 封 线*答*题*线* 宜良县狗街镇华兴小学xx上学期六年级英语期末专题复习( )5、How many do you have in the morning?A、lesson B、classes C、a class( )6、Its time to school.A、go to B、to going C、to go( )7、Please e to the party 6pm saturday.A、Twenty-two B、eighty-two C、eight thrty( )11、Peter paying football,hes a good football player.A、likes B、like C、is like( )12、I am going to my grandparents nest week. A、visit B、visits C、visiing ( )13、-Are you going to buy books? -Yes,I want to buy story-book.A、some;any B、any;some C、any;any( )14、- are you going?-I am going at four Oclock.A、Where B、How C、when( )15、I am going to the to buy some apples.A、fruit stand B、pet shop C、theme park.( )16、I am going to the to buy some apples.A、play B、playing C、playing the( )17、-Does mike like paingting? - .A、Yes,I do B、Yes,he do C、No,he doesnt.( )18、I have a TV.A、am not B、dont C、doesnt( )19、My brother likes playing .A、the violin B、a football C、piano( )20、My mother is a teacher,she English.A、teach B、teaches C、teachs( )21、His two brothers .A、looks the same B、look like C、look the same( )22、Ann likes kites.A、make B、makes C、making( )23、My father newspaper every day.A、reads B、looks C、watches( )24、Does he ?A、teach you math B、teach math you C、teaches you math( )25、His father is actor.A、a B、an C、/( )26、- does your father do?A、What B、Where C、How( )27、- is he? -He is my uncle.A、What B、Who C、where( )28、let me help you the book.A、find B、finds C、finding( )29、-Where does he work? -He works a factory.A、in B、for C、with( )30、There are some on the floor.A、keaf B、leafs C、leaves( )31、-There are some on the floor.-I a birthday cake.A、 make B、making C、am making( )32、Im going to flower seeds in the garden.A、plant B、planting C、plants( )33、Where you pen pal e from?A、does B、is C、do( )34、 he live in the country?A、Do B、Does C、Is( )35、I a book tomorrow.A、buy B、am going to buy C、bying( )36、Mike home at 5:30 every dary.A、go B、goes to C、goes( )37、Her father works in a factory.He is an .A、actor B、engineer C、writer( )38、-What does he ?-He is an accountant.A、do B、does C、work( )39、In several ,you can see a sprout.A、day B、a day C、days( )40、 ,Where is the post office ,please?A、sorry B、Im sorry C、Excuse me( )41、There are many in the pot.A、rain B、water C、( )42、Im going to buy some .A、 ic book B、ic books C、ics book( )43、You must stop at a light.A、green B、 yollow C、red( )44、Are you going to use books?A、some B、a C、any( )45、Look the traffic lights.A、at B、after C、for( )46、My uncle is engineer.A、an B、a C、the( )47、-Are you a student?-Yes, .A、Im B、you are C、I am( )48、-Is there a tiger in the zoo?- .A、Yes,it is B、Yes,there is C、Yes,there are.( )49、What color do you like?I like .A、green B、bike C、toy( )50、Thtere is old woman on the chair.A、a B、an C、the ( )51、-Thank you!- .A、OK B、Youre C、Yes,please.( )52、We play together SundaysA、at B、on C、in( )53、Her mother likes TV.A、watch B、watches C、watching( )54、I can see two under the tree.A、men B、woman C、teacher( )55、 your mother usually go the market in the morning?A、Does B、Do C、Is( )56、Look,Lin Tao football in the playground.A、play B、playing C、is playing( )57、See you at 2 Oclock.A、Goodbye B、Thank you! C、see you then!( )58、-What day is it to day?- .A、Its sunnday. B、Its sunny C、Ok( )59、There is a letter your grandma.A、in B、for C、to( )60、I am an .I go to by subway.A、student B、engineer C、singer( )61、-Happy birthday.- .A、Happy New Year. B、OK C、Thank you( )62、-Who are you?- .A、I am sarah B、Who are you? C、I am fine( )63、Does Alice like swimming?- .A、Yes,I do B、No,she doesnt C、Yes,she doesnt.( )64、-Where is the library?- .A、Its far from here. B、Thank you! C、Its near the cinema( )65、-Where are you going?- .A、At8:00 B、Theme park C、Im to the cinema.( )66、I go to school bus.A、by B、on C、by a( )67、How many are there in the classroom.A、boy B、girl C、boys and girls( )68、 is your fawourite season?A、How B、What C、Where( )69、-How are you?- .A、I am sarah B、How are you C、Im OK( )70、-How mach is it?- ,A、Two B、Ten yuan C、OK( )71、-Whats he like?- .A、He is a teacher B、He is tall C、He is my mother.( )72、Its a day.A、Sun B、sunny C、son( )73、 is she going to be?A、What B、How C、When( )74、What are you going to do Sundary?A、on B、in C、at( )75、Thank you all your .A、is B、are C、be( )76、Thank you all your .A、e B、ing C、es( )77、There is apple and pear in the box.A、a;a B、an;an C、an;a( )78、We often go to the park Sunday morring.A、on B、in C、at( )79、-How many month are there in ayear?- .A、Four B、Twelve C、Seven( )80、Her aunt the room.A、am cleaning B、cleaning C、is cleaning( )81、This is kate.She is America. A、beside B、for C、from宜良县狗街镇华兴小学xx上学期六年级英语期末专题复习三英汉互译一、英译汉(单词&短语)1、on food 2、by bike3、by bus 4、by train5、by subway 6、by ship7、by plane 8、go to shool9、traffic lights 10、traffic rules11、get to 12、library13、post office 14、hospital15、cinema 16、science museum17、next to 18、shoe store19、after school 20、a pair of 21、get off 22、north23、south 24、east25、west 26、turn right27、turn left 28、go strainght29、look for 30、next week31、this morning 32、this afternoon33、this evening 34、tomorrow35、take a trip 36、read a magazine37、go to the cinema 38、theme park39、the Great wall 40、together41、ic book 42、story book43、poat card 44、newspaper45、dictionary 46、fruit stand47、pet shop 48、hobby49、riding bike 50、diving51、pen pal 52、playing the violin53、making kites 54、collecting stamps55、TV reporter 56、reach57、watch 58、read59、singer 60、writer61、actor 62、actress63、artist 64、engineer65、accountant 66、policeman67、policewoman 68、salesperson69、cleaner 70、worker71、pany 72、factory73、rain 74、cloud75、vapour 76、sun77、stream 78、e from79、wake up 80、e out81、fall down 82、sead83、soil 84、sprout85、plant 86、should87、make sure 88、e on 89、pot 90、month二、英译汉(短语&句子)1、How do you go to school?2、Usually I go to school on food on foot.3、Sometimes I go by bike.4、We can go to the bus stop on food.5、Lets go to the park this afternoon.6、Which floor?The fifth floor.7、Look at the traffic lights.8、Remember the traffic rules.9、Stop at a red light.Whit at a yellew light.Go at a green light.10、How can I get to Zhongshan Park?11、You can go by the No.15 bus.12、Can I go on foot?13、Sure,if you like.Its not far.14、Excuse me.Where is the library?15、Its near the post office.16、Is there a cinema near here?17、Is it far from here?18、Is it far from here?19、Get off at the post office.20、Then walk straight for three minutes.21、The hospital is on the left.22、Its east of the cinema.23、Turn left at the cinema,then go straight.24、Walk east for three minutes.25、What are you going to do this evening?26、Im going to visit my grandparents.27、When are you going?28、Im going at3 oclock.29、Where are you going this afternoon?30、Im going to the bookstore.31、I want to be a science teacher one day.32、What is your hobby?33、I like collecting stamps.34、Does your pen pal live in Shanghai?35、No,he doesnt.He lives in Beijing.36、Does she teach English?37、They look the same.38、What does your father do?39、Hes a TV reporter.40、How does he go to work?41、He goes to work by bike.42、Where does she work?43、She works in a car pany.44、Where does the rain e from?45、It es from the clouds.46、How can the water bee vapour?47、Its a sunny day.48、Wait for a flower to grow.49、How do you do that?50、Firt,put the seeds in the soil.51、What should you do then?52、But still it has no flowers.53、I can hardly wait.三、汉译英(单词&短语)1、步行 2、乘公共汽车3、乘火车 4、上学5、交通灯 6、交通规则7、图书馆 8、邮局9、医院 10、电影院11、书店 12、与相邻13、左转 14、右转15、直走 16、下周17、今天上午 18、今天下午19、今天晚上 20、漫画书21、明信片 22、报纸23、歌手 24、作家25、男演员 26、女演员27、画家 28、电视台记者29、工程师 30、会计31、(男)警察 32、销售员33、清洁工 34、雨,下雨35、云 36、太阳37、来自 38、种子39、土壤 40、嫩芽41、植物、种植 42、应该四、给出下列短语的ing形式。1、骑自行车 2、拉小提琴3、制作风筝 4、集邮五、给出下列词语的第三人称单数形式。1、居住,住 2、教3、去 4、看5、读,看 6、工作宜良县狗街镇华兴小学xx上学期六年级英语期末专题复习五书面表达仔细读对话,选择正确句子,把序号填在横线上。(一)Chen:What are you going to do after school?Mike:1、 .(我想买一双鞋。)Where is the shoe store?Chen:2、 .(它在医院的旁边。)Mike:How can I get to the hospital?Chen:3、 .(你可以乘从301路公交车去。)Get off at the cine-ma.4、 .(然后直走3分钟。)The hospital is on the left.Mike:Thank you.Chen:5、 .(别客气。)A:You can go by the NO.301 bus.B:Its next to the hospital.C:I want to buy a pair of shoes.D:Then go straight for three minutes.E:You are wele.(二)Liu Yun:Hey.Sarah!Sarah: Whats up?Liu Yun:Lets easy. Then we can walk to the bus stcp and take a bus.Sarah:GOOd idea! .Liu Yun:Its next to the hospital.Sanah: .Liu Yun:The third floor,Room 3B.sarah:OK!see you at 13:30 this afternoon.Liu Yun:See you then!A、But how do we go?B、Hi, Liu Yun.C、Which floor?D、Walk to my home first.E、But whereis your home?(三)Amy: .Policeman:Whats the matter?Amy: .policeman:Yes,there is.Amy:Thats great. .Policeman:Its beside the supermarket.Amy: .Policeman:No,its not far.Amy:Thank you.PolicemanL: .A、Is it far from here?B、Is there a Hongyang School near here?C、Where is it,please?D、Youre Wele.E、Excuse me,sir.(四)Chen: .john:Im going to plant trees.Chen: .John:No,So Im going to the bookstore . . Chen: .John:Yes,Im going to the bookstore. .Chen:Really? .John:This Saturday morning.Chen:Great! I want to go to the bookstore,too.Lets go together.John:Ok!A、What are you going to do this Weekend?B、Are you going to use any books?C、Do you have any trees?D、When are you going?E、Im going to buy a magazine about plants.(五)Lily:Hi,Tom! .Tom:Im going to the bookstore. Lily: .Tom: Im going to buy some storybooks for my mom.Lily: .Tom:No,she doesnt .Shes a teacher .Lily: .Tom:No,she does,she likes to read stories after supper.Lily: .Tom:Yes,she reads for me every night.A、Does she read stories for you ?B、Does she teach chinese ?C、Is your mother an actress?D、Where are you going?E、What are you going to buy? (六)Sarah:Hi,Mike! Who is she?Mike: .Sarah:What does she do ?Mike: .Sarah: .Mike:She walks to work.Sarah:Whats here hobby?Mise: .Sarah:Does she work in lulong?Mike: she work in No.4 primay school.A、She is a doctor.B、she is my aunt.C、she likes swimming.D、yes,she does.E、How does she go to work?(七)Mike: .Mr Black:Fine,than you,Let me ask you some questions.Mike:Great!Mr Black: . Mike:It es from the vapour .Mr Black: .Mike:It es from the water in the riven.Mr Black: . Mike: The scen shines and the water beter bees vapour.Mr Black :Super!A、Where does the uapaour e from?B、Where does the cloud e from?C、How can the water bee uapour?D、Where does the rain e from ?E、How are you ,Mr Black? 宜良县狗街镇华兴小学xx上学期六年级英语期末专题复习四1、to,How,go ,do ,you ,school ?2、on,go,I,school,to,foot.3、I,go,by,Sometimes,bike.4、by.bus,can,you,No.15,go,the.5、to,park,How,can,get,zhongshan,I?6、go,I,bus,by.7、do,you,How,home,go?8、the,Its,to,next,hospital.9、Where,the,please,is,cinema?10、go,Then,straight.11、Its,the,on,left.12、the,at,Turn,cinema,left.13、visit,my,Im,going ,grandparents,to.14、What,to,do,going ,you,are?15、the,going,to,Im,park.16、going,are,what,you,this,do,to,weekend?17、Im,ic,going,buy,to,a,book.18、going,what,you,where,afternoon,this?19、going,what,you,where,afternoon ,this?20、bookstore,going,Im,the,to.21、bike,usually ,I,bookstore ,by,go,the,to.22、hospital,where ,the ,is?23、at,cinema,right,the,Turn.24、your,is,what,hobby?25、stamps,like,collecting,I.26、stamps,He,collecting,likes,too.27、English,she,Does,teach?28、she,Yes,does.29、,doesnt ,No,she.30、do,what,your,does,mother ?31、is,Tv,She,a,repored.32、she,work,where ,does?33、she,does,go,work,How,to?34、does,where,rain,the,from,e?35、from,the,es,clouds,It.36、from,It,es,vapour,the.37、that,do,do,you,How?38、do,should,then,what,you

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