2019年六年级英语下册 Module 8 Unit 1《Why do you have cups on your heads》教案 外研版.doc

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2019年六年级英语下册 Module 8 Unit 1Why do you have cups on your heads教案 外研版2019年六年级英语下册 Module 8 Unit 1Why do you have cups on your heads教案 外研版1能识别词汇:cup, planned, baseball, more, smile, mistake, with , said, 会书写单词:cup. Baseball, make mistakes 2.全体学生能听懂,会说,运用:Why do you have cups on your heads?教学步骤:一, 热身导入1 师生互致问候。演唱上一模块所学的歌曲。2 播放SB Unit1 活动1的动画或录音,请学生看动画或听录音,理解语境。3 请学生依次进行全班跟读、小组跟读、个人跟读。最后请部分学生展示。二 任务呈现师:在学习英语过程中,大家或多或少会出现一些语言错误。出现错误不可怕,我们应该学会总结自己的语言错误,在今后的学习中多加注意。和大家一样,Llingling 这次也犯了语音错误。让我们来看看她出现了什么小错误吧。三 课文学习1 播放Unit1 活动2的动画,请学生看动画,教师通过简单的提问帮助学生理解课文语境。2 再次播放录音,请学生完整的听一遍,进一步理解语句。播放第三遍录音,跟读录音,并圈出文中出现的“why”3 使用图片,单词卡片等教具,学习cup, planned, baseball, more, smile, mistake, with , said,并对with , said进行训练。4 完成AB Unit1 练习1.5完成AB Unit1 练习2. 请学生先朗读示例,然后两人一组,对练习的内容进行回答。请部分学生展示。四 训练巩固 学生看图,描述各图中人物的情绪或行为。补全对话。五 作业向家人展示自己跟读模仿课文录音的情况。课后进一步练习并完善课上总结的克服语言错误的对策。附送:2019年六年级英语下册 Module 8 Unit 2His name was Louis Braille.教学案 外研版一、学习目标1.Words: 识别并书写was born2.Sentences: 学习并能口头运用When was he born?He was born in 1809.3.会用这类语句来询问并回答你想知道的人物信息。4.Grammar: the past tense二、预习学案Warm-up1. chant: Humpty Dumpy sat on a wall.2. Free talk: Talking about ones experience in the past.3. Let the students describe their young.让学生描述事先准备好的小时候的照片,以此来复习前课所学的内容,并为新课做好准备。For example: In this photo, I was 5 years. I could dance. I couldnt speak English.三、导学案 1. The teacher will introduce a blind man to you. He was born in France. He became blind in 1812. He was very famous. Who is he? What is he? What happened to him? 2.Let the students to the tape. (让学生圈出生词)3. Listen again then let the students answer the questions(老师把关键的疑问词写在黑板上,运用 “对答如流”的游戏回答本课的问题)如: Where - France Where - in 1809 Who - Louis Braille 4.Let the students work in groups.以采访的形式询问自己某位朋友的经历并写一份简历四、课堂检测Read and match.1.Where was Louis Braille born? A.He became blind.2.When was he born? B.Blind children. 3.What happened to him? C.To him.4.When did it happen? D.In France5.What did he learn to at school? E.In 1809.6.Who went to this school? F.He helped blind people to read.7.What did he make in 1824? G.First letters in Braille.8.Why is he famous? H.In 1812.五、课后作业Use the new language to write a famous man or a woman in the past六、板书设计Modle8 Unit2 His name was Louis Braille.1.was born2.When was he born? He was born in 1809.七、教学反思


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