2019年五年级英语My New teachers教案6.doc

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2019年五年级英语My New teachers教案6课 题: Unit1 my new teacher 第一课时教学内容:Lets learn, Lets find out教学目标:1、能听、说、认、读,并理解本课的五个新单词:young,heavy,old,funny,kind2、能掌握句型:Whosyour?Whatshe/shelike?并能在具体的语境中运用;3、培养学生热爱、尊敬老师的情感。重点难点:四会掌握五个单词。能运用句型Whosyour?Whatshe/shelike?教具准备:recorder,somebooks,somepictures,somecards理论依据教学过程 Step1Warmup1.Tshowsthepicturesoftheclassrooms, Sssay(Musicroom,Artroom,puterroom,Lab,etc.)2.Puttheteachersintherightrooms.T:Whoshe/she?Hes/Shes.(musicroom-musicteacher)3.Makeachant:Tall,tall,puterteacheristall,Short,short,short,Scienceteacherisshort,Thin,thin,thin,Artteacheristhin,Fat,fat,fat,Musicteacherisfat,Funny,funny,funny,theyresofunny!Step2Presentation1.(Tshowsabookofmaths)Look!Whatsthis?Ss:Itsamathsbook.T:(showsapictureofaman)Whoshe?Whatshelike?T:Hesourmathsteacher.Hestallandthin.Tshowsotherpictures andask:Whatshe/shelike? (young,funny,tall,strong,kind,old,short,thin)2.readthewords.3.Spellthewords:tall,strong,old,short,thinStep3Practise1.Makeachant:Mygrandmaisold,mymotherisyoung,Myfatheristall,Mylittlebrotherisshort,Zoomisheavy,Zipisfunny,Theyareallverykind,andImkind,too.2.Describeyourteachers.3.Decribethepictures.(somefamouspeople)4.LetschantStep4Assessment1.Makeaninvestmentaboutyourteachers(Name,Whatshe/shelike?Doyoulikehim/her?Suggestions)2.Activitybook3.Checkuptheanswers.1.Create a relaxed and active classroom atmosphere. Let the students learn to municate freely.2.Guide the new knowledge naturally from teacher and students municating.3.Let Ss understand and get to know the knowledge continuously,and learn the knowledge in the municative activities.教学反思这一课教的几个单词比较简单,学生在教学的过程中很快就学会了,而且也能较为流利地运用本课的重点句型,但在教学中,我们还应在设计的时候注意层层递进,使他们慢慢地学会运用更多的语言。附送:2019年五年级英语上册 Lesson 13 练习题(无答案)冀教版一、看图填空并写出画线部分的中文。1. This is a _ of the United Kingdom or the _._ is the capital of the U.K. In the U.K., they speak _.2. She is a _. 3. This is the U.K.s flag. It is _, _ and blue. 4. This is the Buckingham Palace (中文)_ in London (中文) _.二、把所给字母排序,组成单词,并写出中文。1. p, t, c, l, a, i _, (中文) _2. k, s, e, a, p _, (中文) _3. e, h, t, S, U _, (中文) _4. h, t, e, K, U _, (中文) _5. w, t, s, e _, (中文) _6. s, e, t, a _, (中文) _三、连词成句。1. a map, is, of, United Kingdom, this, the_.2. English, in, speak, the U.K., they_.3. kings, palaces, in, queens, live_.4. London, the, capital, of, U.K., the, is_.四、用所给的单词造句。1. east: _2. English: _3. speak: _4. capital: _答案:一、1. map, U.K., London, English 2. queen 3. red, white 4. 白金汉宫, 伦敦二、1. capital, 首都 2. speak, 说,讲 3. the U.S., 美国 4. the U.K., 英国 5. west, 西 6. east, 东三、1. This is a map of the United Kingdom.2. They speak English in the U.K.3. Kings and queens live in palaces.4. London is the capital of the U.K.四、略。

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