2019年五年级英语下册 Lesson1 What Would You Like to Eat教案.doc

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2019年五年级英语下册 Lesson1 What Would You Like to Eat教案一、教材分析:我们选用的教材是黑龙江少年儿童出版社出版的EEC小学英语教材。这套教材的学习内容和学生生活紧密相联,形式活泼多样,有对话、歌谣、游戏等,其目的是激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们学习英语的积极态度,培养一定的语感以及良好的学习习惯,形成初步用英语进行简单日常交流的能力。本课选自五年级下册第一课 What Would You Like to Eat ?第5课时,属于句型练习课。它是在学习了解4课时的基础上,即初步接触了怎样购物和询问对方想吃什么之后进行教学的。通过以旧带新,可以降低教学难度。通过本课教授新单词并对句型的不断巩固,学生将更熟悉有关句型,巩固本单元中复杂的对话,使学生达到熟练的程度。二、学情分析:小学生的模仿力和记忆力强,爱玩、爱唱、爱游戏、爱活动,他们学习英语的基本形式是模仿,这就要求教师要选择合适的方法,让学生易于接受,我所在小学五年级的学生学习英语的兴趣浓厚,听和说的习惯比较好。如何保持这部分学生学习英语的兴趣,使他们不因学习内容的简单而感到索然无味,同时又不使接受能力较弱的孩子掉队,是我必须思考和解决的问题。三、教法和学法:根据本课的课型特点及语言特色,在教学方法的总体构思上,我采用情境教学法,全身反应法等教学手段,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,突出重点、突破难点。在学习过程中,学生们通过听、说、演、做和创造等手段,巩固所学的内容,完成知识技能目标。在活动过程中,我面向全体,尊重个体差异,采用小组竞赛、教师示范和小组合作的方式,调动学生的积极主动性,使每个学生都能在原基础上有所发展。四、教学目标及重难点:基础教育阶段的英语课程的总体目标是培养学生的综合语言运用能力,本单元的教学重点是怎样购物及说出自己想要吃的食物的英语表达。五年级的学生对购物语言都有一定的了解,我在引导学生准确运用可数名词与不可数名词进行英语表达的基础上,结合他们已有的知识丰富教学内容,增加课堂语言的信息量。现将本课学习目标设计如下:1. 能听、读、说 spaghetti、lemonade、ice cream,并了解其含义;2能灵活运用重点句型,并清楚其运用的场合和语气;Would you like something to eat ? Id like. and .How about you ?Thats okay with me ?3能模仿本文对话,并能在一定的语境中运用所学语言进行交际;4培养学生的注意力和观察力,激发学生积极思维,挖掘学生运用语言的创造能力。结合本课的学习目标,我设计了本课的重难点1重难点句型:(1)What would you like? Id like (2)How about you ?(3) Thats okay with me ?2掌握有关食物名称的词汇。五、教学设计:英语课程的学习,既是学生通过英语学习和实践活动逐步掌握语言知识、语言技能、提高语言实际运用能力的过程,又是学生陶冶情操、拓展视野、发展个性、形成有效的学习策略的过程。所以我采用了听、说、读、做等一系列教学活动形式,具体设计以下四个环节:Step 1:warm-up :师生双方友好问答: Good morning . Nice to meet you . What do you usuallg do after school ? etc . 这既是对旧知识的巩固复习,又能培养学生用英语交流的习惯。Step 2:Revision 师:Iets do some exercist . OK ? Do as I do .教师做动作并表达,学生模仿教师,复习Hungry 、thirsty 等词,这样做既活跃了课堂气氛,使学生迅速进入英语学习状态,又为后一阶段的学习做好准备。Step 3: Presention :1、学习新单词,以旧带新学习spaghtti , lemonade , ice cream 师用显现,刺激学生的视觉,提高学生学习兴趣。2、师显现新句型:What would you like? Id like How about you ?Thats okay with me ?教师使用图片创设情境,展开教学。Step 4:Practie :1、师创设情境:出示课件,屏幕上出现招聘服务员的海报,让学生分组训练,然后上前表演对话,力求使学生掌握并熟练运用。2、调查练习:师出示调查表格让学生用新句型询问其他同学,达到熟练运用,这样贴近学生生活,又能进行任务型学习,让学生树立自信心,增强英语学习兴趣。六、作业和板书设计:课后让学生继续互相合作,进一步巩固新知,并能在下堂英语课上熟练的表演。这样做提供给学生互相学习、互相交流的机会。板书我采用阶梯式结构,让学生一目了然,紧紧抓住本课重点内容。综上所述,我始终以新课标为指导,以活动表演为舞台,让学生带着愉快的心情,在活动中感知,在表演中熟练,在合作中提高,使学生真正成为学习的主人。附送:2019年五年级英语下册 Lesson2 What Do You Want to Be教案教材分析:本课是小学EEC英语第六册第二课第一课的内容。本节课的重点在于熟悉表示放学后学生们要做的事情,掌握相关的单词以及要表达的英语句式。学情分析:学生的语言基础知道已经牢固,并具有对信息的获取、分析、处理、加工的能力。他们很喜欢用英语表达,很喜欢用英语表达自己的情感。教学目标:一、知识目标:本课通过学习、练习巩固What do you usually do after school? I usually Sometimes I 句型。二、能力目标:把所学知识运用到实际的生活中。三、情感目标:让学生从小立志,有远大的理想。教学重点:1、巩固句型:What do you usually do after school?I usually Sometimes I 2、运用所知识进行综合语言交际活动。教学过程:本课我采用的是情景式教学模式。首先通过复习已识知的单词形式进行热身活动,然后通过图片的引入学习新知,运用分组、分角色教学进行扩展学习。扩大孩子的词汇量。听说读写并用。激发了孩子的兴趣。教学流程:一、旧知复习,激情连谊。Greeting , say hello to each other.Try to think how to say the words.通过观看大屏幕,轻松课堂氛围,激活学生英语思维。并与学生进行互动交流,拉近师生之间的距离。二、为学习语言新知奠定基础:利用多媒体课件呈现生活情景,使学生整体感知学习内容。同时运用课件、单词卡片等多种教学手段,使学生在愉悦的氛围中自然地掌握单词。T: Leam to read the words ,and leam to read the sentence .talk in pairs.Always , usually ,sometimes ,cook ,do my home work One by one read the words 用分组训练的形式继续练习words。提问Who can say ? Always , usually ,sometimes ,cook ,do my home work Play “drive train ”and “spin the pass”to practice the sentences.三、情境中体会语言,学习语言, 应用语言1.Stick the words, and practice the pronunciation. Learn to read the words.2.(通过大屏幕的展示,询问whats he doing?)Good, now who can tell me? (1)He practices the violin. Clean my room . At the Pool I like go swimming at the pool. but ,its just my hobby. (板书呈现)(2)Play a game: listen and touch the words on the board.Read the words that the teacher pointing , who is quicker.learn to read the sentence.(3)Have a petition: a big shark.(4)Sentence: (板书呈现) What do you usually do after school?I usually clean my room .Sometimes I help my mom cook.(5)Check the students reading the dialog. And talk in pairs.(Use the words and the sentences.)(创设情景在语言交际中自然呈现本课知识,并使学生对新知内容有初步的了解。)3. Show time for the students.T: Who can be the teacher? T: Good, excellent teachers! (给学生展示的空间,用询问的形式走到教室前面来体会用英语对话的乐趣,) 4T: You did a good job. Our friends 3PO also want to play game.Now lets listen to the tape and find out what happened in the story.T:Now open your books and turn to page 18(听课文,在课件的辅助下,利用磁带对学生进行语言输入。让学生在情境中体会语言。 )T: Ok just stop here, lets check out together.5Practice.T: Group work:(分角色读、分组读、整体读课文等形式理解课文。)6. Listen again and repeatT: Good, now lets listen to the tape again, and read after the tape.(再读课文,熟悉课文的细节。)四.运用所学语言进行交际1.在学生了解单词句型用法之后,现场学生就应用所学句式。练习放学后我能做什么?What do you usually do after school?I usually Sometimes I .2.学生选场景小组练习。T: Ok you get the right answers so now lets practice in groups by using Whatweve learnt. Please do it!(让学生以语言实践为途径,开展语言应用活动,以小组语言形式汇报,使学习程度有所提升。)五、结合所学,升华教学内容通过小组商定放学后的活动内容进行语言实践。学生选场景小组练习。T:What do we do together after school ? Please talk about it and tell me the result.Show them what do you usually do after school ? let the students introduce it S: I usually . Sometimes I T: Ok you get the right answers so now lets practice in groups by using what weve learn with the pictures. Please do it!S: OK .(让学生以语言实践为途径,开展语言应用活动,以小组语言形式汇报,使学习程度有所提升。)六、布置作业Homework: 根据给出的短文,写一篇你自已的在学校的生活计划,将课堂学习延伸到课外。Make a plan afrer school. 七、板书设计 Lesson2 What Do You Want to Be? practices cleanpool hobby Whatdo you usually do after school?I usually clean my room .Sometimes I help my mom cook.Lesson 2 What Do You Want to Be? (第2课时)教学目标 Objectives(1)Talking about the peoples dream.(2)Learning the jobs and the correlative activities.(3)prehending the passage.Language skills:Listening: Identify key words in an utterance by recognizing the stressLocate specific information in response to simple instructions or questions.Recognize differences in the use of intonation in questions and statements. Speaking: Use model phrases and sentences to municate with teachers or other learners.Use appropriate intonation in questions and statementsLocate specific information in the passage in response to questionsIdentify main ideas from the passage which teacher supportWriting: Develop written the passage by putting words in a logical order to make meaningful phrases or sentences ,and adding personal ideas and information when a model or framework is provided Structures:(1)I want to be(2)I want toTeaching Aids: puters, cards, a projector.教学流程Teaching procedures:I.Warm upT: Hello, boys and girls! Ss: Hello, Jacky!T: Before our class, lets enjoy a wonderful song, and we can relax.通过一首歌曲使本课在轻松愉快的气氛下开始,同时教师通过歌曲提问顺利引入新课。II.New lesson.a.Lead in.T: What a wonderful song! That sounds great. Do you know who sings the song?Ss: T: Yes, you are right. XXX is a famous singer, and there is another famous person, I think maybe you know him. Lets have a look.Show the picture of Yao Ming.T: He is Yao Ming, he is a basketball player. Singer and basketball player are jobs. Now there are many other jobs, do you want to know what they are?Ss: Yes.T: OK, I will show you.Show many pictures. Let students talk about what they are, then check them.T: Do you know what else jobs?Ss: T: Today I want to show you other two jobs, they are pilot and engineer.b.New knowledge.Show the pictures of pilot and engineer.Students read the words follow the teacher. Read the words one by one.T: Do you want to be a pilot?Ss: T: Do you want to be an engineer?Ss: T: I want to be a pilot. I want to be an engineer.Write on the blackboard.Students follow the teacher to read the sentences. T: They are both good jobs, but I think maybe in the future, you will be only one of them, so please tell me, what do you want to be?Ss: I want to be a pilot. I want to be an engineer.T: That sounds great.Ask and answer one by one.According to the students answer, the teacher gives a question.T: Good. XXX says he/she wants to be a but do you know what things should do?Ss: T: Yes, you are right. Well I think engineers can do so many things, lets have a look.Show the pictures.T: The engineers can design a room, a building, a bridge, and the three gorges project. They can also design the spaceships, look. Wow, thats fantastic.Students repeat.T: Engineers can design spaceships. Do you want to design spaceships?Ss: T: How about the pilots? If you want to be a pilot, maybe you can say: “I want to fly planes.”Ss: T: OK, now please tell me, what do you want to do?Ss: Write on the blackboard. Read the sentences.Make a dialog. Show some pairs.T: Your dreams are very great. I think everybody has a dream, so our friendsDongdong and Jane have dreams, too. Do you want to know what they want to be? You can guess.Ss: T: Are you right or wrong? Lets read the dialog and find the answers.Listen to the tape and repeat twice. Students ask them then check the answers.S1: Hi, Dongdong, What do you want to be?Picture: I want to be a pilot. How about you? S1: I want to beS2: Ss: Ss: Hi, Tino, What do you want to be?Picture: I never thought about my job.T: Tino is so sad. Lets fort him?T: Dont be so sad, Tino. Were always with you.The others repeat.通过图片以及多媒体给学生直观的感受,使学生能迅速明白词义和句意,并通过多种形式进行操练,使学生对新授知识逐渐熟练并能相互交流。II.PresentationT: Today we have learned so many jobs. And in a labor exchange, there are many jobs for people. If you want to look for a job, you can go there. Lets watch it.Show a video.T: Now, here is the labor exchange, Im the clerk. You can look for a job here. Can I help you?Ss: T: Now you can act like this.Ss: 通过一段视频让学生感受对话情景,联系实际并自主交流。IIIpositionRead a short passage and do the exercise.Homework: Write a short passage. The topic is “My dream”, give the key words.And talk about it next lesson.IV.The endT: Now we must stop here, Im very happy today, and I hope you are all happy. So see you next time. Good bye students.Ss: Good bye teacher.Blackboard Design:Lesson 2What Do You Want to Be?I want to be a pilot.What do you want to be?I want to be an engineer.I want to fly planes.What do you want to do?I want to design spaceships.Lesson 2 What Do You Want to Be? (第3课时)教材分析:1、EEC教材是由黑龙江省EEC学院编写的小学英语教材。根据小学生的年龄特点和性格爱好,教材选取学生喜闻乐见的生活内容,以生动的故事为主线,并配有欢快音乐的学习磁带,着重培养学生的听说能力和交际能力,养成良好的学习习惯。2、本课是EEC教材第六册第二课,主要内容是学习问答自己的理想。锻炼学生的听说能力和日常口语交际能力,知道从小就要有自己的理想,向着自己的理想目标努力。学情分析:教学对象为五年级学生,英语学习已有一定基础,结合这一年龄段学生的特点,充分利用歌曲、图片、歌谣、角色扮演等手段,调动学生的学习兴趣,活跃课堂气氛,提高教学效率,取得良好的教学效果。设计理念:英语教学面向全体学生,创造轻松和谐的学习环境,通过感知、体验、实践、参与、合作等方式,使英语学习成为一种愉悦的体验和感受,以提高学生的听说能力和交际能力,培养持续的学习兴趣,形成科学的学习方式,为终身学习打基础。Teaching aims:(1)Words: always, usually, sometimes, never, artist, cook, doctor, sick, picture(2)Sentences : What do you do after school / on the weekend?I always I usually , sometimes I What do you want to be ?I want to be.(3)Improve abilities of listening and speaking.Teaching points: (1)To use :artist, cook, doctor, sick, picture(2)To use the sentences : What do you do after school / on the weekend?I always I usually , sometimes I What do you want to be ?I want to be.(3)To different the words:always, usually, sometimes, neverTeaching aids: a tape, a recorder ,a picture, some cards.Teaching steps:Step 1 Warm-upSing a song .What do you want to be ?(x2) I want to be a (Acting the sentences.)Step 2 Reviewing and leading in(1)Greetings : T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you?Ss: Hello, teacher. Im _. And you ?T: Im _, too. Thank you very much.(2)Review: Listen and write the words. Act the dialogue.(3)Presentation:T: There are so many things to do after school. Do you want to know my daily life?S: Yes.T: Now look at the screen. (用相机把自己周一到周五放学后干的事拍下来,通过多媒体给学生演示。) T:Who can ask me?S:What do you do after school?T:I cook for my family onMonday ,Tuesday ,Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. So I always cook for my family. I watch TV on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. so I usually watch TV. I read newspapers on Thursday and Friday. So I sometimes read newspapers. I dont play basketball on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. So I never play basketball. 利用多媒体课件,把自己周一到周五放学后干的事通过表格的形式列在屏幕上,把always, usually, sometimes, never四个表示频率的副词用图片表现出来,让学生通过对比图片间的差别了解四个词语表示频率的不同。T:What do you always/usually /sometimes/never do after school?S:I always/usually /sometimes/never play soccer/ play basketball/ watch TV/ do my homework (学生们根据自己平时放学后的活动,畅所欲言)T:Do you want to learn some more ?演示多媒体课件,学习新词组:go hiking, clean the room, study English, practice the pianoT:Saturday and Sunday is the weekend(学习单词weekend, 教师出示题目: What do you do on the weekend?)Ss ask the teacher: What do you do on the weekend?T:I usually cook for my family, sometimes I go hiking with my family. What do you do on the weekend?The students ask according their daily life.T:You are so clever. Lets go on learning P24. Look at the pictures, Whos this? Do you know? Answer me.(x3).S1:Shes Sandy . Hes Billy . Shes Cody.T:Do you want to know what they want to be ? Ok. Lets learn.(4)Step 3 LearningLook at the picture and teach the words: artist cookdoctorsickpictureT:show me your finger, write with me in the air.T:Please open your book to page 24.Look at the pictures1. Do you want to know what does Sandy Billy Cody want to be? Ok, Lets listen to the story.T:Who can answer me.Ss:Artist. Cook . Doctor.T:Ok, lets listen to the tape once more. Learn the sentences.(1)Read it after the tape and repeat.(2)Students practice in work pairs.Step 4 DrillingPoint to the student ask and answer one by one. S1: What do you want to be? S2 : I want to be Step 5 Consolidating(1)Look at the book, listen to the tape carefully .Repeat it after the tape. Then read it together. (Chant)(2)Listen and speak (If you know you can stand up and speak.)(3)Play a game: Choose five students and act in role play.(通过对课文的学习,巩固新知,在情境中分角色表演,使句子运用的机动灵活。)Step 6 Homework(1)Listen to the tape and read after it.(2)Copy words and sentences.Step 7 Summarye on for your dreams!Blackboard design:Lesson 2 What Do You Want to Be?What do you do _?I usually _.Sometimes I _.What do you want to be?I want to be a (an)_.


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