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2019年小学五年级英语家教面试英语中常见的五大问题面试英语中,自我介绍完了以后,主考官就会开始问你一些常见的问题,我们一定要认真准备。注意在准备的过程中,要结合自己的经历和见解来准备答案,让自己的回答和整个的自我介绍融为一个整体。要不然很容易被考官抓住把柄,问个没完,很容易因紧张而露出马脚。在每一次的面试英语中都会有很多相同的问题,这些问题看起来很平常,却有很多陷阱,一不小心就会被主考官抓小辫子了。回答这些常见的看起来很平常的问题,是很有艺术的。在这里一共提供了5个常见的传统问题:1. What can you tell me about yourself? (关于你自己,你能告诉我些什么?)这一问题如果面试没有安排自我介绍的时间的话。这是一个必问的问题。考官并不希望你大谈你的个人历史,他是在寻找有关你性格、资历、志向和生活动力的线索,来判断你是否适合读研或者MBA。下面是一个积极正面回答的好例子:“在高中我参加各种竞争性体育活动,并一直努力提高各项运动的成绩。大学期间,我曾在一家服装店打工,我发现我能轻而易举地将东西推销出去。销售固然重要,但对我来说,更重要的是要确信顾客能够满意。不久便有顾客返回那家服装店点名让我为他们服务。我很有竞争意识,力求完美对我很重要。”In high school I was involved in petitive sports and I always tried to improve in each sport I participated in. As a college student, I worked in a clothing store part-time and found that I could sell things easily. The sale was important, but for me, it was even more important to make sure that the customer was satisfied. It was not long before customers came back to the store and specifically asked for me to help them. Im very petitive and it means a lot to me to be the best.2. What would you like to be doing five years after graduation? (在毕业以后5年内你想做些什么?)你要清楚你实际上能胜任什么。你可以事先和其他的MBA交流一番。问问他们在毕业后在公司的头5年都做了些什么。可以这样回答:“我希望能在我的职位上尽力做好工作,由于在同一领域工作的许多人都被提为区域负责人,所以我亦有此打算。”I hope to do my best I can be at my job and because many in this line of work are promoted to area manager, I am planning on that also.3. What is your greatest strength? (你最突出的优点是什么?)这是很多面试考官喜欢问的一个问题,这是你展示自己的最佳机会,不要吹嘘自己或过于自负,但要让雇主知道你相信自己,你知道自己的优点。如可答:“我认为我最大的优点是能够执着地尽力把事情办好。当做完一件工作而其成果又正合我的预想时,我会有一种真正的成就感。我给自己定了一些高目标。比如说,我要成为出色的毕业生。尽管在大学一年级时我启动慢了些,但最终我以优等论文完成了学业。”I feel that my strongest asset is my ability to stick to things to get them done. I feel a real sense of acplishment when I finish a job and it turns out just as Id planned. Ive set some high goals for myself. For example, I want to graduate with highest distinction. And even though I had a slow start in my freshman year, I made up for it by doing an honors thesis.4. What is your greatest weakness? (你最大的弱点是什么?)你不应该说你没有任何弱点,以此来回避这个问题。每个人都有弱点,最佳策略是承认你的弱点,但同时表明你在予以改进,并有克服弱点的计划。可能的话,你可说出一项可能会给公司带来好处的弱点,如可说:“我是一个完美主义者。工作做得不漂亮,我是不会撒手的。”Im such a perfectionist that I will not stop until a job is well done.5. How do you feel about your progress to date? (对于你至今所取得的进步你是怎样看的?)绝不要对你以前的所作所为表示内疚。如可答:“我认为我在学校表现不错。事实上,有好几门功课我的成绩居全班第一。在某公司实习时,我获得了该公司数年来给予其雇员的好几项最高评价。”I think I did well in school. In fact, in a number of courses I received the highest exam scores in the class. As an intern for the X pany, I received some of the highest evaluations that had been given in years.Connie was surprised at her own feeling of aversion from Clifford. What is more, she felt she had always really disliked him. Not hate: there was no passion in it. But a profound physical dislike. Almost, it seemed to her, she had married him because she disliked him, in a secret, physical sort of way. But of course, she had married him really because in a mental way he attracted her and excited her. He had seemed, in some way, her master, beyond her. Now the mental excitement had worn itself out and collapsed, and she was aware only of the physical aversion. It rose up in her from her depths: and she realized how it had been eating her life away.She felt weak and utterly forlorn. She wished some help would e from outside. But in the whole world there was no help. Society was terrible because it was insane. Civilized society is insane. Money and so-called love are its two great manias; money a long way first. The individual asserts himself in his disconnected insanity in these two modes: money and love. Look at Michaelis! His life and activity were just insanity. His love was a sort of insanity.And Clifford the same. All that talk! All that writing! All that wild struggling to push himself forwards! It was just insanity. And it was getting worse, really maniacal.Connie felt washed-out with fear. But at least, Clifford was shifting his grip from her on to Mrs Bolton. He did not know it. Like many insane people, his insanity might be measured by the things he was not aware of the great desert tracts in his consciousness.Mrs Bolton was admirable in many ways. But she had that queer sort of bossiness, endless assertion of her own will, which is one of the signs of insanity in modern woman. She thought she was utterly subservient and living for others. Clifford fascinated her because he always, or so of ten, frustrated her will, as if by a finer instinct. He had a finer, subtler will of self-assertion than herself. This was his charm for her.Perhaps that had been his charm, too, for Connie.Its a lovely day, today! Mrs Bolton would say in her caressive, persuasive voice. I should think youd enjoy a little run in your chair today, the suns just lovely.Yes? Will you give me that bookthere, that yellow one. And I think Ill have those hyacinths taken out.Why theyre so beautiful! She pronounced it with the y sound: be-yutiful! And the scent is simply gorgeous.The scent is what I object to, he said. Its a little funereal.Do you think so! she exclaimed in surprise, just a little offended, but impressed. And she carried the hyacinths out of the room, impressed by his higher fastidiousness.Shall I shave you this morning, or would you rather do it yourself? Always the same soft, caressive, subservient, yet managing voice.I dont know. Do you mind waiting a while. Ill ring when Im ready.Very good, Sir Clifford! she replied, so soft and submissive, withdrawing quietly. But every rebuff stored up new energy of will in her.When he rang, after a time, she would appear at once. And then he would say:I think Id rather you shaved me this morning.Her heart gave a little thrill, and she replied with extra softness:Very good, Sir Clifford!She was very deft, with a soft, lingering touch, a little slow. At first he had resented the infinitely soft touch of her lingers on his face. But now he liked it, with a growing voluptuousness. He let her shave him nearly every day: her face near his, her eyes so very concentrated, watching that she did it right. And gradually her fingertips knew his cheeks and lips, his jaw and chin and throat perfectly. He was well-fed and well-liking, his face and throat were handsome enough and he was a gentleman.She was handsome too, pale, her face rather long and absolutely still, her eyes bright, but revealing nothing. Gradually, with infinite softness, almost with love, she was getting him by the throat, and he was yielding to her.附送:2019年小学五年级英语教学计划上册一 指导思想为贯彻落实国家的教育方针,学习、实践“三个代表”重要思想民,为实现国家发展目标培养高素质的人才,围绕学校的中心工作,结合实际,力求做到有计划、有目的地实施教学大纲的要求,以便使学生获得一些最基本的语言知识和技能,培养他们良好的学习习惯,为以后继续学习英语奠定良好的初步基础。二 教材分析本教材的设计体现了“以人为本”的教育思想,形式多样活泼,很符合该年龄阶段的儿童。教材以话题为纲,以交际功能和语言结构为主线,逐步引导学生运用英语完成有实际意义的语言任务。体现了交际教学思想,注重学生语言应用能力的培养。在整体构思、内容安排、活动设计和教学方法选用上都紧密联系学生的生活实际、贯彻了语言的交际功能和语言应用的基本原则。三 教学目标根据小学生的心理和生理特征以及发展需求,小学阶段的英语课程的目的是激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们英语学习的积极态度,使他们建立初步的英语学习的自信心;培养学生一定的语感和良好语音、语调基础。六年级的学生已经有一定的英语基础,本学年应达到以下目标:1、能按四会、三会的要求掌握所学单词。2、能按四会要求掌握所学句型。3、能使用日常交际用语,进行简单的交流,做到大胆开口,发音正确。4、能在图片、手势、情境等非语言提示的帮助下,听懂清晰的话语和录音。5、进一步养成良好的书写习惯。6、进一步养成听英语、读英语和说英语的良好习惯。7、能运用相关的语言知识和技能,完成某项任务。四学情分析教学对象为五年级的学生。他们已经接触了三年英语,有一定的英语基础。儿童的特性使得他们活泼好动,对新事物有着强烈的好奇心,探索知识的欲望很强烈,并且有着很强的表现欲。但五年级的学生对英语学习兴趣整体有所下降,两极分化比较严重。所以本学期我将面向全体学生,以学生的发展为宗旨,因材施教,分层教学,始终把激发学生的学习兴趣放在首位,引导学生端正学习态度,掌握良好的学习方法,培养学生良好的学习习惯。五教学措施1、以活动为课堂教学的主要形式,设计丰富多彩的教学活动,让学生在乐中学、学中用,从而保证学生英语学习的可持续性发展。 2、在教学过程中,采用情景教学法,让学生身临其境,积极主动地参与到课堂教学中去,调动学生的非智力因素,提高学生实际运用语言的能力。3、通过听、说、读、写、唱、游、演、画、做等形式,进行大量的语言操练和练习。4、培养学生拼读音标的能力,确保学生自主学习的质量。六、教学计划全书六单元新授课,两单元复习课。新授课单元6课时完成,复习单元3节课完成,机动复习3课时书本知识共48课时,不排除因为课文难,学生接受较慢而增加课时。由于放假、学生差异、教学容量等客观因素的影响,我将按实际需要进行适当调整,力求达到最佳。

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