2019年(春)三年级美术下册 第9课《眼睛的创想》教案 浙美版.doc

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2019年(春)三年级美术下册 第9课眼睛的创想教案 浙美版课题9. 眼睛的创想第 1 课时教 学目标1.欣赏和眼睛有关的超现实主义作品,思考眼睛在画面中的作用。2.利用眼睛的形状和结构,尝试对眼睛进行各种创意的联想,提高创造能力。3.引发发散性思考,拓展创新思维,能举一反三,通过图像表达自己的思想。教学难点如何巧妙的利用眼睛的元素进行创意联想,能通过自己的画面表示出有力的图示运用。教学准备多媒体课件。教学流程1.欣赏认知。(1) 教师出示作品错误的镜子。提问:欣赏这一幅画,你们看到了什么?有什么感想? (2)教师简单介绍作者玛格丽特和作品错误的镜子。(3)出示一幅真实。(4)观察和眼睛形状相似的物体,并进行对更多物体的联想。(5) 观察眼睛的结构。(6)结合眼睛的结构,说一说第二张图片和眼睛有什么关联性。(7)观察PPT中的图片,说一说它们分别和眼睛有什么关联性?你还能想到哪些物体。(8)学生习作欣赏2.尝试创作。根据眼睛的形状、结构等特点进行联想,画一幅有创意的画。3.学生创作,教师指导。 4.展示评价。5拓展欣赏。欣赏眼睛元素的设计。附送:2019年(春)三年级英语下册 Culture 1Names教案 广东版Teaching Aims: Know the names in English-spoken countriesKey points: 1. To learn the sentences: Hello, Mrs. Green. Good morning, Miss Black. 2. To learn the words: Mr., Mrs., Miss, Liu Xiang, Deng Yaping, Ye Li, Yao MingDifficult points: To read the new words correctly.Teaching Materials: Famous people or celebrities pictures, Picture Cards, Who is ?Teaching Procedure:Step1: Warm up Review Tims family tree. Prepare the picture of Tims family tree in SBW P32 and tape it on the blackboard. Step2: Look, match and learn. A. Ask Ss to match the pictures and the titles.B. Read the words Mrs. ,Mr., Miss, Green, BlackC. Learn the culture of English spoken countries:People in English spoken countries usually use the words of colors for the family names, such as:white -White green-Green black-Black red - RedTell the class the follow facts: Mr. is an abbreviation of mister and is the title that es before the first name and the surname of a man, e.g. Mr.(John) Brown. Mrs, is the title that es before the first name and the surname of a married woman e.g. Mrs. (Jane) Brown. Miss is the title that es before the first name and the surname of an unmarried woman of kept by a married woman e. g. for professional reasons: Miss(Gloria) Kelly.D. Call Tims families using Mr., Mrs., and MissStep3: Practice.1 Ask Ss to match the sentences and the pictures according to the context, and then fill in the blanks.2 Ask three pairs of volunteers to act the dialogs.Step4: Activity1 Divide the class into three groups which act Mr., Mrs. and Miss, then play the roles so that Ss can control the three words.2 看图回答问题:1) 2) 3) 1) Whos she? _2) Is she Mrs. Green? _3) Whos he? _Step5: Summary: Read the new words. Read the dialogs.Step7: Homework: 1. Read the new words. 2. Write the words Mr., Mrs., Miss, Miss Black, Mrs. Green , Mr. Green each for six times.On the blackboard:Culture 1 : NamesMr.(先生), Mrs.(夫人), Miss(小姐),Hello, Mrs. Green. Good morning, Miss Black.white(白色) -White(怀特) green(绿色)-Green(格林) black(黑色)-Black(布莱克) red(红色) - Red(里德) Culture 1: NamesThe second periodTeaching Aims: Know different names in different countriesKey points: 1. To learn the sentences: Hello, Mrs. Green. Good morning, Miss Black. 2. To learn the words: Mr., Mrs., Miss, Liu Xiang, Deng Yaping, Ye Li, Yao MingDifficult points: To read the new words correctly.Teaching Materials: Famous people or celebrities pictures, Picture Cards, Who is ?Teaching Procedure:Step1: Warm up A. Post the picture of Tims family tree of SB1 P32 on the blackboard. B. Call Tims families using Mr., Mrs. and Miss _ Smith _ Smith _ Mary White _ Billy Smith Step2: Look and write1. Watch videos about the athletes. Tell Ss what kinds of sports do the athletes do. While Ss are listening, circulate around the classroom and ask Ss questions, e.g. Who is he? Who is she?2. Ask Ss to fill in the blanks with Miss, Mr., Mrs.3. Check the answers. Accept different responses, e.g. Mr. LiuXiang, Mr. Liu, Miss Deng YapingTell the class different names in different countries : In English-spoken countries, family names e in the last but in China family names e in the first. e.g. John Smith Yao Ming 名+姓 姓+名Step3: Talk about people1. Put Picture Card on the board. T: (Point to picture 1) Who is he? T: (Point to picture 2) Who is she?Continue with the third fourth picture. 2. Ask Ss to introduce the athletes using the model: Hes Mr. Liu. Encourage Ss to talk about the athletes in English as much as possible. Such as: Hes tall. Hes Happy. Hes a superman. I like him.Step4: Practice Ask students to write their own names in English.Step5: Summary: Read the new words. Read the dialogs.Step7: Homework: 1. Read the new words. 2. Write the words Yao Ming, Deng Yaping, Ye Li, Liu Xiang each for six times.On the blackboard:英美国家 中国名+姓 姓+名 John Smith (约翰 史密斯) Yao Ming姚明 Deng Yaping 邓亚萍 Culture 1 Names 知识梳理1. 掌握句型 Hello, Mrs. Green. Good morning, Miss Black.2. 了解不同国家的姓名。如: Mary White Yao Ming3. 掌握词汇 Mr. , Mrs., Miss, Liu Xiang, Ye Li, Yao Ming Deng YapingCulture 1 Names 练习设计一、 听录音,排顺序: Mr. Miss Mrs. Yao Ming Deng Yaping ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Ye Li Liu Xiang ( ) ( )二、 用Miss, Mrs., Mr填空: My name is Jane White. Im a girl. You can call(称呼) me _ White. My mother is _ White. My father is _ White.三、选择正确的答案:1. 毛泽东A. Mao Ze Dong B. Ze Dong Mao C. Mao Zedong2. 李东ALi Dong B. Li dong C. Lidong3. 比尔史密斯 A. Bill Smith B. Smith Bill C.Bill smith4. 玛丽怀特A. mary white B. White Mary C. Mary White四看图回答问题:1 2. 3. 4. 1. A: Who is he? B: Hes _.2. A: _ is _? B: Shes Deng Yaping.3. A: Who is he? B: _.4. A: _? B: Hes Mr. Bean.

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