2019年六年级英语上册 Lesson15 Are You Ready for a Quiz?教案 冀教版.doc

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2019年六年级英语上册 Lesson15 Are You Ready for a Quiz?教案 冀教版教学目标:1、知识目标:复习本单元听说读写方面掌握和运用的单词;能够理解运用并能口头应答一些关于各个季节衣服变化。并以冬季为重点。2、能力目标:能够在日常生活中运用所学的各种冬季运动的词汇并能运用句型做简短的情景对话。如:在教室中两个同学在谈论同学们冬季里的活动,等等。3.情感目标:用游戏、歌曲的方式激发学习兴趣,激发学生对四季的喜爱之情。教学重点: 在于让学生掌握和运用更多的关于冬季活动的语句。教学难点: 引导学生创造性地运用语句。教学过程:(一)、问候:T: How are you? Boys and girls!Ss: Fine, thanks. And you?T: Fine, thank you!T: Whats your favourite season ?(教师随意找一名学生对另一名学生提问)S1: My favourite season is _.T: Why?S1: Because _. T: Lets sing a song “ The season song”(二)、复习将教科书中的小测试用作复习,观察学生理解能力。T: Are you ready for a quiz?Ss: Yes!T: Stand for the right answer. Sit for the wrong answer. Are you okay?录音内容 (略)T: What did you do? Look at the answer below.(三)、故事:“The snowman”利用教科书和录音带 阅读前准备:教师可先提几个问题:让学生可以先讨论1. Who is in this story?2.What can this snowman do? (Talk, skate, ski)3. Why do the students think the snowman is in the refrigerator at the end of the story?阅读:教师先读一遍故事,让学生理解。让后让学生单独朗读。阅读后讨论:用几个问题帮助学生理解,也可以是学生自己提问题。对故事的大概意思理解就可以。不必为解决某个单词多用时间。When can the snowman talk?Can the snowman ski?Can he skate?(四)、复习重点句型的问答标准用语及口语:Take off _.Put on _. Go backwards.Go forwards.Turn around.Why? Because _.两人一组进行一对一练习. (学生根据短语自编对话练习)板书设计:Lesson 15 Are You Ready for a Quiz?Take off _. Go backwards.Put on _. Go forwards.Turn around.Why? Because _.附送:2019年六年级英语上册 Lesson2 Can You Playthe Piano教案 冀教版一、教学内容1. music,piano,violin,better,best,favourite , once 2. Talk about the instruments.二、教学目标1、知识方面:能读、写、说出并且听懂下列单词:music,piano,violin,better,best,favourite。2、能力方面: 促进学生思维能力的发展,提高学生的语言运用能力。 培养学生熟练用单词、流利说英语的能力。三、教学重难点Good,better与best的实际运用。How often do you _? _. 四、教具准备运用录音机、多媒体、实物辅助教学。五、教学步骤Step 1: Class Opening and Review1. Greetings.2. Revision:Review the structure “play_(sport, game)”with an object-prompt drill. When the teacher hold up an object, ask the students to respond with “Lets play_.” Here are some examples of objects and substitutions:Objects Phrasesping-pong paddles Lets play ping-pongbasketball Lets play basketballcards Lets play cardscheck board Lets play cherkers Step 2: New Concepts:1. Play “Puzzle Game”.Show a picture of a violin .Guess what it isLearn the new word: violin.(The same way to learn piano, guitar and erhu).Discuss the students experience with playing instruments. What instruments do they play? (让学生注意play the violin)如果班里有人弹过这些乐器,提问:How often do you play_? 并引出once这个单词。2. Play a game(Ask for some volunteers .Whisper “Play the piano” “Play the violin” “Play the erhu” and “Play the guitar” one by one. And the volunteers should do the actions.T: What is heshe doing?Other students should answer :HeShe is playing _.3. T: The piano ,guitar ,violin and erhu can make music . Listen to some music. Learn the new word : music.4. 播放一段梁祝的小提琴演奏曲。T: I like this music. Violin is my favourite .What is your favourite, the piano, violin or guitar?Spell the word: favouriteSs try to answer: I like _.5. Listen to number 1and read the text.6. To demonstrate“better”and“best”. Draw three squares on the blackboard .Draw the first square badly. Draw the second square better than the first square, but roughly. Draw the third square carefully with a ruler.T: What is this ?(Point to the first square) Ss: A square.T: Is this a good square or a bad square? Ss: A bad square.T: Right! (point to the second square and first square.)This square is better than that square .Its better. Ss guess what the meaning of better is and practice the new word: better.T :( Point to the third square) This square is the best.Ss guess what the meaning of best is and practice the new word: best.7. Listen to number 2 and number 3. Read the text.Step3: Ending.

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