2019年三年级英语下册 第二模块测试题 外研版.doc

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2019年三年级英语下册 第二模块测试题 外研版一、写出字母表中的前七个字母的大小写:(14分)-二、将下列单词与汉语连线:(10分)tree 小汽车doll 玩具ship 树toy 洋娃娃car 龙船monkey 大象tiger 狮子cat 猴子elephant 老虎lion 猫三、写出下列单词的反义词:(16分)fat tall big yes mother this these white 四、选择填空:(30分)( )1、Whats ? Its a tiger. A . this B .these( )2、What are they ? are lions. A . This B .They( )3、This tree tall. A .is B .are( )4、Hello,boys and girls. ,Mr Li. A .Hello B .Ha,ha( )5、Whats this ? Its . A .a elephant B .an elephant( )6、That monkey is . A .a thin B .thin( )7、What are they ? They are . A .monkey B.monkeys( )8、Whats this ? Its a tiger. Its . A .big B .a big( )9、What are they ? They are pandas. Theyre . A .fats B .fat( )10、Look the dogs . Theyre small . A .to B .at五、选出符合题意的句子:(15分)( )1、向别人介绍“这是玲玲。”用 。A .Shes Lingling . B .Its Lingling . C .This is Lingling .( )2、询问“那是什么?”用 。 A Whats that ? B .Whats this ? C. What are they ?( )3、回答“Whats this?(这是什么?)”的句子,下列哪个句子能用? A .Its big. B .Its a tiger . C .This is a tiger .( )4、“指那个胖鸟儿。”下列那个句子正确? A .Look at the fat bird . B .Piont to the fat bird , C .Look !Its a fat bird .( )5、“那棵树是低的。”应该是 。 A .This tree is short . B .That tree is a short . C .That tree is short .六、连词成句:(15分)1、is , Lanlans , small , bag , .2、Whats , colour , favourite , your , ?3、elephant , The , fat , is , .4、it , a , lion , Is , ? , ? 新课标 第一网5、they , dogs ,They , are , are , What ? , . , ? .附送:2019年三年级英语下册 第五模块测试题 外研版(三起)2. 默写字母表中1-14个字母的大小写:(10分)Aa Ff Jj Nn二、选择正确的字母,将单词补充完整。(10分)( )1.t_me(时间) A. a B. i ( )2.h_ve(有) A. a B. o ( )3.pas_(超过)A. t B. d ( )4.ocl_ _k(看)A. ou B. oc ( )5.h_ _f(半)A.al B.ul 三、改正下列词组中的错误。(20分)1、seven past half(七点半) 2、go to school(上学)_ 3、eat lunch(吃午饭)_ 4、watch TV(看电视)_ 5、go home(回家)_ 6、at three oclock(在三点钟) 7、get up(起床)_ 8、go to bed(睡觉)_ 9、have breakfast(吃晚饭) 10、listen to the clock(听钟表) 四、选择填空。(20分)( )1. I _ up at 6 oclock. A.go B.get C.gone D.goes( )2. _ time is it? A. Which B.When C. What D. Than.( )3.I go _ school at 8 oclock. A. in B. at C. on D. to( )4. I _ lunch at twelve oclock. A. have B. has C. had D. the( )5 I have dinner _six oclock. A.in B.on C.the D.at( )6. I _TV at seven oclock. A. see B. look C. watch D. visit( )7. I go to bed at half _ nine. A. pass B. past C. pest D. play( )8 Whats the time?Its_six oclock. A. / B.at C.to D. in( )9. I have dinner at _ past six. A. time B. to C. get D. half( )10.What _ is it , please? It is half past seven. A. half B. time C. past D. pass五、选词填空。每空一词,(10分) in; at ; What ; time ; oclock ; past post1. A: _ time is it, please? B: Its six_. 2. A: What _ is it, please? B: Its half_ six. You have dinner_ half past six.六、连词成句,并注意大小写及标点符号。(20分)1. get, six, oclock, up, I ,at _2. the, please, what,time, is _3. past, half, at, eight, bed,to, go, I _4. Daming, TV, at, watches, eight, oclock _ 5. half, seven, past,it, is _七、阅读理解。根据短文内容,判断对()错()(10分) My name is Xiaoming . I get up at half past six . I have breakfast at seven oclock. I go to school at eight oclock. I have lunch at twelve oclock . I go home at four oclock. I have dinner at five oclock . I watch TV at half past six . I do my homework at seven oclock . I go to bed at nine oclock.( )1. I get up at seven oclock. ( )2.I have lunch at twelve . ( )3. I go home at five oclock.( )4. I watch TV at half past six. ( )5. I go to bed at half past nine.外研版小学(三起)三年级英语下册第五模块测试题答案:一、Bb Cc Dd Ee Gg Hh Ii Kk Ll MmXk b 1. 二、BAABA三、1、half past seven 2、go to school 3、have lunch 4、watch TV 5、go home 6、at three oclock 7、get up 8、go to bed 9、have dinner 10、listen to the clock四、CBDAD CBADB 五、1、What , oclock ,2、time , past , at 六、1. I get up at six oclock .2. What is the time ,please? 3. I go to bed at half past eight .4. Daming watches TV at eight oclock . 5. It is half past seven . 七、


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