2019年三年级英语上册 Lesson 10 Find the food教案 冀教版.doc

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2019年三年级英语上册 Lesson 10 Find the food教案 冀教版本课是冀教版一年级起始版小学英语三年级第六册第10课:Find the food. 本节课通过复习以前所学食物单词,导入本课新单词:apple bananas grapes和句型:What food can you see?I can see _.What do you have for lunch? I have _ and _. 教学中使用多媒体课件、设置情景、游戏、歌曲、小组活动等有效地把单词和句型,情景相结合;注重听、说训练,并培养学生正确的语音、语调和语感,使学生能够进行交流,并能够达到灵活运用,培养学生学习的兴趣。基于此,同时依据小学生英语新课标所提出的总目标,以及本教材的特点,我将本课教学目标设定为:一、教学目标:1知识目标:a.能听懂,会说,书写,能读单词:an apple , bananas , grapes.b.能熟练运用句型:What food can you see? I can see _.What do you have for lunch? I have _ and _.2能力目标:a.培养学生的听、说、读、写英语的能力。b. 培养学生的合作互助能力,发展学生的独立思考能力,培养学生创新意识;激发学生学习兴趣。3情感目标:培养学生热爱生活,要多吃有营养健康的食物。二、教学重点和难点:1重点是能正确听、说、读、写单词apple bananas grapes。2难点是重点句型的实际运用和流畅表达。What food can you see? I can see _.What do you have for lunch? I have _ and _.三、教法和学法。 1. 根据小学生求知欲强,喜好模仿等特点,在教学过程中,教师采用直观法、游戏法、听说法等教学方法进行教学。2. 在教学过程中,教师对学生进行积极的评价,激发每一位学生的学习潜能,激发学生学习兴趣。3. 为学生创设轻松、和谐的学习环境,让学生在课堂上好学、乐学,让所有学生学有兴趣,学有所得。设计小组合作学习、实践性练习等教学环节为学生搭建展示能力的平台。四、教学过程:Step1: Warm up and review.1. 师生互动,相互问候,建立轻松和谐的教学氛围。2. 利用一个“Happy chant”, 激发学生的学习兴趣,把学生带到英语学习乐园。3.用多媒体课件中色彩鲜艳的图片,复习已经学过的食物单词,并进一步激起学生求知欲。Step2: Presentation.1利用直观教具Magic box.讲授新单词apple, bananas, grapes,增强了学生学习新知识的趣味性,加强了学生对新鲜事物的好奇,从而调动了学生的学习兴趣。2.游戏: Guess: What this?来引出新句型 What food can you see? Step3: Practice.1. 通过实物、卡片等直观教学手段进行句型练习,熟练运用所学单词。2. 通过观察多媒体课件来了解午饭lunch。从而引出句型What do you have for lunch?本环节中各种教学手段的设计,激发学生的求知欲,调动起学生多种感官,化枯燥的单词教学为轻松愉快地学习,让学生乐中学,学中乐。Step4: Drill& Consolidation.1听力练习和调查练习,作为形成性评价来考察学生所学单词和句型的掌握情况。2歌曲:“I like bananas” 演唱歌曲复习所学单词。本环节,能让学生放松刚刚学习时的紧张状态,同时也在宽松、愉悦的气氛中把课上所学的知识点既巩固复习,又加深印象。附送:2019年三年级英语上册 Lesson 11 My favourite food教案 冀教版教学目标:知识与技能:1.学生能够认读并掌握单词rice, dumplings, noodles和句型 My favorite food is_.2.学生可以运用句型 “I like ”,“ I dont like”,“My favorite food is” 等句型简单表达自己的喜好。过程与方法:利用实物学习、练习单词和会话,培养学生良好的学习习惯。情感、态度和价值观:通过学习,让学生懂得养成科学饮食的好习惯的重要性,提高学生的学习兴趣,让学生在快乐中学习。教学重点:单词:rice, dumplings, noodles.句型:I like _.I dont like _.My favorite food is_.教学难点:熟练认读单词,并能熟练运用句型完成交际活动。教学准备:单词卡片、各种水果实物、录音机。教学过程一、Class opening and review:1.GreetingT: Good morning, everyone.How are you? Nice to see you! 2、Sing a song: How are you?(设计意图:用英语歌曲问候来导入,激发学生学习兴趣)3. RevisionReview : apple, banana, peach, orange ,juice, meat, fish, chicken and vegetablesT: What do you like? : . S:I like _. 4、Lets chant.What do you like? I like _apple_.(设计意图:利用单词、句型和chant复习旧知识,为学习新知识做铺垫。)二New Concepts:1. Lets guess.T:I have a big box. There are some food in the box. Lets guess what it is. This is a kind of food. Its red .Tigers like it very much . What is it? S: It is meat.T: Yes ,you are right ! It is meat . (show the picture of meat.) T: I dont like meat, meat can make fat, so do you like meat?” S: Yes, I do. / No, I dont. T: I dont like meat. ( Ask the students read the sentence together.)The teacher will write the sentences “I like. / I dont like.” on the blackboard. Then lead the Ss to read the sentences. Practice:Do you like meat?I like meat . I dont like meat .( 设计意图:利用盒子,吸引学生注意力,通过猜一猜,激发学生学习兴趣;利用图片练习主要句型,充分锻炼学习口语表达能力。)2. Demonstrate Show them the other pictures and learn the other words :“rice , dumplings and noodles”. T: I like rice very much. Rice is my favorite. Favorite,最喜欢的。Whats your favorite food ?S:My favorite food is noodles.At the same time write the sentences under the words on the blackboard: “My favorite food is rice noodlesdumplings”.Practice:Chain work: Whats your favorite food ?My favorite food is rice.(设计意图:通过chain work练习主要句型,在活动中锻炼学生的表达能力,并熟练掌握重要句型。)3. Listen and read.Questions before reading:What food does Li Ming like? What food does not Li Ming like?What is Li Mings favorite food? Listen to the audiotape as the students follow in their books.Talk about the questions with your partner. Then the teacherll ask volunteers to answer the questions and give them presents if their answers are correct. (设计意图:任务型教学模式,在听之前布置任务,让学生带着任务去听,多形式练习,提高学生应用能力)4. Make a dialogue and act it out. Divide the class into small groups and make a dialogue about food. Ill ask some pairs to present their conversations to the class.S1:Do you like meat?S2:I like meat . I dont like meat .S1:Whats your favorite food ?S2:My favorite food is rice.(设计意图:锻炼学生的综合运用能力和合作能力。)三 Class closing:Homework: Make a survey, ask your parents and your friends what food do they like or not like?


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