2019-2020年(沪教牛津版)四年级英语上册教案 Module3 Unit1 period1.doc

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2019-2020年(沪教牛津版)四年级英语上册教案Module3 Unit1 period1Unit: 1 In the schoolPeriod: 1Date:Aims:1.Using numbers to talk about quantity.2.Using the introductory ”there” to express facts.制定依据:内容分析:重点:用 There be 句型表达有某东西。难点:数字1120的发音及表达。学生情况:There be 句型学生经常碰到,能够理解其意思,但未落实到笔头的表达中。数字1120的发音和读写会成为本课的难点,尤其是 five-fifteen这些不易记的单词。本课在There be 句型中操练单词,并配合些教学游戏,学生的积极性会比较高。Teaching ProcessStageContentMethodPurposePre-task preparation Daily talk. Ask and answer: Can you tell me your telephone number? How many seasons/months/weeks are there in a year? How many girls/boys are there in our class? To review the numbers and elicit the drills “How many_?”While-task procedureLook and learn: Count_ How many_? There be_.Write the numbers 11-20 on the board and repeat them aloud.Hold up some exercises books and ask: What are these? How many exercises books are there in my hand? Please count them.Count the objects.Whats in our classroom?Open the books ,look at the picture and count the objects.Practise in paires:Ask and answer”How many chairs are there in the classroom? There are seventeen.”Strengthen the numbers.To elicit the New word:exercise.to elicit another word: count.To elicit the objects in our classroom.5. To use “count” and the new sentence structures.Post-task activityPracticeCounting: How many _? There be_.Do the sum.To strengthen the knowledge and arouse the sts interest.板书: one eleven twelve twelve twenty three thirteen thirty four fourteen forty five fifteen fiftysix sixteen sixtyseven seventeen seventyeight eighteen eightynine nineteen ninetyCount the chairs. There are seventeen chairs.Thinking & Rebuilding 附送:2019-2020年(沪教牛津版)四年级英语上册教案Module3 Unit1 period3Unit: 1 In the schoolPeriod: 3Date:Aims:Purpose: Open an interaction by buying things制定依据:内容分析:重点:用名词的复数形式表达多于一样的物品以及 There be句型的使用。 难点:形状的表达。Teaching ProcessStageContentMethodPurposePre-task preparation1. Review the sharps 2. Introduce: rectanglesdraw a circle, a star, a square, a triangle.-What sharp is this?-Its a circle.To review and elicit the new teaching.While-task procedureLearn “Ask and answer”Play the cassette : Read and guess. For more able students, encourage them to give you the answer.Write : Its a (sharp) Its (colour) What is it? on the board . For more able students , encourage them to make their own riddle and let the class guess.4. Learn the soundsRead the words in ask and answer.Listen to the cassette.Ask: How many stars? (write)There are fourteen stars.There are fourteen.Count the numbers of triangles, circles and rectangles.Take out Photocopiable page 28 . Students work in pairs to ask or to count and answer.To catch the sentences.To elicit: To strengthen the knowledge.To encourage.Post-task activity1.Exercise2.Play a guessing game1.Drawing Workbook page 18.2.S1: Its a(sharps).Its What is it?S2: Its a To consolidate.板书a star / stars a square /squares a triangle / trianglesa circle /circles a rectangle /rectanglesThinking & Rebuilding


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