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2019年三年级英语下册教学计划新年刚过去,我们又迎来了一个新的学期,根据学校教学工作计划的安排,现将本学期工作安排如下:一、 作为一名教师,除了要具备良好的思想品德,高尚的道德情操;还需要具备较高水平的业务技能。今后要以国家英语课程标准为指导,认真学习新课标各理念及精神。按照新课标和新教材的理念,积极进行课堂教学模式的改革、探索,优化课堂教学过程,重视对学生能力的培养,不断提高学生的综合素质,使每位学生自信且成功地成长。二、 学情分析三年级的学生已经学了一学期的英语,学生还没有养成良好的学习习惯,其中有百分之十的学生学英语没有兴趣。三年级的四个班虽然成绩相当,但每个班的情况各不相同。三(1)班优等率占75%,但学困生也好几个。梁诗域,苏俊杰,翟宇飞,李志明,贾巨杰,安富等学英语不感兴趣,成绩较差。三(2)班整体成绩略低一点,特优生少一些,中下等生较多,而且班内有几个调皮的学生,多动、好说,今后的教学中,一定先管理好课堂纪律,才能更好地展开教学工作。三(3)班优等率最高,但张超,亢渝龙,成国栋,高鑫源几人,学习特别困难,三年级的英语成绩就三四十分,甚至几分。三(4)班的优等学生也较多,但学困生更多,这些学生背不会单词,老师教的越多,背不会的越多,学生也越来越差。三。教材分析1.本册教材注重学生的综合语言运用能力,重视双向交流,融合学科知识,提高学生的综合人文素养。教材力图激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们学习英语的积极态度,使他们初步建立学习英语的自信心;培养学生具有一定的语感和良好的语音、语调、书写基础,以及良好的学习习惯;使他们初步具备用英语进行简单日常交流的能力。同时,培养学生的观察、记忆、思维、想象和创造能力,适当介绍中西文化,培养学生的爱国主义精神,增强世界意识,为学生的进一步学习奠定良好的基础。2.教学目标是:1 能听、说、认读60个单词和词组并能听、说、读、写 26个字母,并简单运用。2 熟练掌握所学歌曲、chant等。3 能听懂、会说 12组会话,并能进行简单的交流 4 能了解简单的中西方文化知识。5 能听懂6个幽默小故事。6 提升学生学习英语的兴趣,养成良好的朗读书写的习惯。 7 发音准确、朗读流利,准确掌握书中的重点内容。3.重难点:1 培养学生学习英语的兴趣及习惯,逐步养成认读单词及简单句子的能力2 培养学生正确、规范的英文书写习惯、根据例句会“举一反三”进行简单的英语造句能力。3 培养学生根据规律背诵单词的能力、独立进行完整的问答对话练习的能力。四。教学措施1、 认真备课,深入研究教材教法,以学生为中心,进行课堂的有效教学,提高课堂效率,做到当堂内容当堂掌握。2、创新运用各种不同英语教学法来辅助教学,如:情景教学法、直接教学法和全身反应法,并开展一些有趣的活动、游戏让学生在轻松的氛围中学习英语。3、创设英语情景和环境,使学生们在一定的英语语言环境里习得“第二语言”。做到“生活中有英语,英语中有生活”。4、鼓励学生大胆说英语,肯定他们的进步(尤其是英语基础不好的学生),树立学生的信心,培养学生朗读和书写的习惯。5、注重教材的灵活性和可操作性,以满足不同层次的学生的需求。帮助英语基础不好的学生,提升英语基础好的学生。6、多教授chant和歌谣或小故事等促进学生多单词和句型的记忆。充分利用教科书中的课文创设栩栩如生的情景,为学生提供使用英语进行交流的机会。7、教学生们巧记单词。在学习单词的过程中,渗透一些字母以及字母组合的常规发音方法,这样对他们记忆单词有不少帮助。8、关心学习有困难的学生,尊重和信任他们,寻找他们身上的闪光点,鼓励他们自尊自爱,要求上进。了解学生的情况,设计适合他们的课堂教学。要做到每一堂课的内容能保证学困生学会,而对于接受能力强的学生要做到上不封顶9、做好每位家长的思想转化工作, 要想孩子们学好英语,家长的态度也是非常重要的,现在英语课是主课,希望他们对这门科目要象对待语文、数学一样重视。要求家长要给自己的孩子制定一个学习计划,确保孩子们每天都能在家里读背半个小时的英语。五。培优辅差1.了解后进生情况,课堂的设计应该以让中下等的学生学会为目的,让全体学生得到发展,在日常教学中注意对差生的辅导。2.学生互助,采用“一帮一”的方法,让差生能有所提高。3.利用课余时间进行对后进生辅导。4.对于特优生课外适当增加一些常用的单词、词汇和句型,并加以操练和运用。5.提高特优学生学习的内在动力,不断鼓励特优学生。附送:教学内容:Unit one WELE BACK TO SCHOOL(1)教学目标和要求:1、Learn the names. 2、Learn to say “I am from America/Canada/China.”3、Learn to introduce yourself.教学重点:Learn to say “I am from America/Canada/China.”教学难点:Learn to introduce yourself. 教学用具:word cards/pictures。教学过程:Step1:1、 Look at the picture: WELE BACK TO SCHOOL2、 Say out the English in the picturesStep2:Learn the names.1、 Look at the people.2、 Learn the names:Amy3、 Look and say.Step3:Learn to say :WELE BACK TO SCHOOLI am from America/Canada/China.Step4:Introduce yourselfStep5:SummaryStep6:homework板书设计: Unit 1WELE BACK TO SCHOOL I am from America/Canada/China.作业布置:1、 Revise the names ;2、 Say “I am from America/Canada/China.”教学后记:学生对英语的学习兴趣很浓。教学内容:Unit one Hello!(2)教学目标和要求:1、Learn Part A(Lets talk Lets learn). 2、Learn the new words教学重点:Lets talk Lets learn教学难点:The new words and sentences. 教学用具:Tape/word cards/pictures。教学过程:Step1:Revision1、 Revise the names.2、 I am from America/Canada/China.Step2:Learn the sentences of Part A1、 Look at the pictures.2、 Listen to the recording 3、 Look at the sentences and read them after the recording 4、 Read the sentences together5、 Try to say “watch out” to someone.Step3:Lets playStep4: Learn the new words of Part A1、 Learn the new words.2、 Play a gameListen and do .Step5:SummaryStep6:homework板书设计: Unit 1WELE BACK TO SCHOOL Watch out! boy or girl!作业布置:1、 Read the sentences;2、 Read the words3、 Listen to the tape.教学后记:对新单词学的较快,并能较快理解新句子。教学内容:Unit one Unit 1WELE BACK TO SCHOOL (3)教学目标和要求:1、 Revision 2、 Try to learn the letters: A /B/C.3、 Learn to sing the song :boys and girls教学重点:Lets make and Lets sing教学难点:Write the name. 教学用具:Tape/word cards/pictures/recorder。教学过程:Step1:Revision1、 Revise the words2、 Lets do.Step2:Lets say the letters.1、Learn to say the letters.Aa/Bb/Bc2Try to write the letters. Aa/Bb/BcStep3:Learn to sing 1、 Learn to read the words of the song .2、 Listen to the recording 3、 Try to sing after recorder4、 Sing the song togetherStep4:SummaryStep6:homework板书设计: Unit 1wele back to school Apple ant /boy bag /coke coffee作业布置:1、 Listen to the recorder 2、 Try to sing the song教学后记:对对话的理解较好。教学内容:Unit one wele back to school(4)教学目标和要求:1、 Learn the new words 2、 Try to do :Show me教学重点:The new words教学难点:eraser和crayon的发音 教学用具:Tape/word cards/pictures/recorder。教学过程:Step1:RevisionStep2:Learn the new words1、 The teacher show out sth.2、 The students say the words after the teacher 3、 Look and say4、 Play a game :Guessing game5、 Step3:Lets do6、 Listen to the tape and show out the things Step4:SummaryStep6:homework板书设计: Unit 1wele back to schoolWhere are you from?Im from America. 作业布置:3、 Listen to the recorder 4、 Read the words教学后记:学生对本课掌握得较好,乐于用本文学的句型造句。教学内容:Unit one wele back to school!(5)教学目标和要求:1、 Revise the words 2、 Learn the sentences of Part B.3、 Try to ask someone: Where are you from?教学重点:The new sentences教学难点:Ask your name教学用具:Tape/word cards/pictures/recorder。教学过程:Step1:Revision1、 Say out the words 2、 Read the wordsStep2:Learn the new words1、 Look at the pictures of Part B2、 Listen to the recorder 3、 Ask and answer4、 Read the sentences5、 Pair work6、 Lets talk.Step3:Lets play1、 Wear the name cards.2、 Make dialogue.Step4:SummaryStep6:homework板书设计: Unit 1wele back to school Im sorry. Its OK. e in!作业布置:1、 Listen to the recorder 2、 Read the sentences教学后记:学生对话较好,能正确理解对话。教学内容:Unit one wele back to school(6)教学目标和要求:1、 Learn the new words2、 Lets do 3、 Lets chant.教学重点:The new words教学难点:Ee 的发音教学用具:Tape/recorder/pictures/things教学过程:Step1:Revision1、 Look and say:2、 Ask and answerStep2:Learn the new words1、 Look at the pictures2、 Learn the new words3、 Look and say 4、 Listen to the tape and read the words after the recording Step3:Lets do 1、 Listen to the tape2、 Look at the pictures 3、 Listen and do Step4:Lets chant 1、 Listen to the tape2、 Learn to say “D/E”3、 Listen and do Step5:Summary and homework板书设计: Unit 1wele back to school Im sorry. Its OK. e in!作业布置:1、 Listen to the tape 2、 Read the words and sentences教学后记:学生理解较好。教学内容:Unit one wele back to school(7)教学目标和要求:1、 Try to understand Part C: story time2、 To know the culture: Teachers Day and learn the song 3、 Lets check 教学重点:Lets check. The song 教学难点:Story time教学用具:Tape/recorder/pictures/things教学过程:Step1:Revision1、 The words2、 The sentencesStep2:Finish Lets check”1、 Listen and chose the right answer.2、 Check your answers.Step3:Story time 1、 Look at the pictures2、 Try to understand the story 3、 Listen to the tape4、 Say after the tapeStep4:Culture1、 When is the womens Day?2、 Happy Teachers Day!”Step5:Lets sing: Happy Teachers Day!1、 Read the song2、 Listen to the tape 3、 Sing togetherStep6:Summary and homework板书设计: Unit 1wele back to school Happy womens Day!Thank you! 作业布置:1、 Listen to the tape 2、 Sing the song.教学后记:学生的练习反馈情况较上一节课好。教学内容:Unit Two My family(1)教学目标和要求:1、 Lets talk Part A2、 Lets play Part B教学重点:The sentences of Part A教学难点:Whos that ?Whos this?教学用具:Tape/recorder/pictures/things教学过程:Step1:Revision1、 Say Hello/Hi2、 Revise the names.Step2:Learn the sentences1、 Look at the pictures2、 Listen to the tape 3、 Read the sentences after the recording 4、 Read the sentences together5、 Group work6、 PerformancesStep3:Lets play1、 Try to introduce someone3、 Step4:Listen and do Step5:Summary and homework板书设计: Unit 2My family Father mother man woman作业布置:1、 Listen to the tape 2、 Read the sentences教学后记:学生对单词学习较有兴趣,学得较快。教学内容:Unit Two My family (2)教学目标和要求:1、 Learn the new words2、 Try to listen and touch3、 教学重点:the new words教学难点:Lets do 教学用具:Tape/recorder/pictures/things教学过程:Step1:Revision1、 Greetings2、 Introduce someoneStep2: Learn the new words1、 Look at new pectures.2、 Learn the new words3、 Listen to the tape4、 Read the new words5、 Guessing game Step3:Lets do 1、 Look at the picture2、 Listen and do Step4:Summary and homework板书设计: Unit 2My familyWhos this man?Hes my father.作业布置:1、 Listen to the tape 2、 Read the words教学后记:学生对练习完成得较好。教学内容:Unit Two Look at me(3)教学目标和要求:1、 Lets draw 2、 Sing the song 3、 Learn Part B: Lets talk教学重点:Lets talk and Lets sing 教学难点:afternoon 的发音 教学用具:Tape/recorder/pictures/things教学过程:Step1:Revision1、 Touch you r2、 Good morning/Nice to meet you! Step2: Learn the sentences of Part B1、 Look at the pictures2、 Listen to the tape 3、 Read the aentences4、 Read the sentences 5、 Pefor the dialogueStep3:Lets playr1、 Look at the pictures 2、 Read the sentences 3、 Play the game with your partner.Step4:Sing the Teddy bear song 1、 Read the words2、 Listen to the tape 3、 Sing the song 4、 Sing and do Step5:Summary and homework板书设计: Unit 2My familyWhos this boy? Hes my brother.作业布置:1、 Listen to the tape 2、 Read the sentences3、 Sing the song 教学后记:学生对句子学习较好。教学内容:Unit Two My family (4)教学目标和要求:1、 Learn the new words 2、 Lets do and chant教学重点:The new words 教学难点:The new words教学用具:Tape/recorder/pictures/things教学过程:Step1:Revision1、 Greetings2、 Lets do Step2: Learn the new words 1、 Look at the toy 2、 Say out the words3、 Look and say4、 Listen to the recording 5、 Listen and do Step3:Lets do1、 Look at the pictures2、 Listen to the tape3、 Lets do Step4:Lets chant1、 Listen to the tape 2、 Say and doStep5:Summary and homework板书设计: Unit 2My familye on.Whos this boy? Hes my brother.作业布置:1、 Listen to the tape 2、 Read the words 教学后记:对比较级的练习反馈较理想。教学内容:Unit TwoMy family(5)教学目标和要求:1、 Try to understand the meaning of the story tome2、 Try to know the culture.3、 Lets check教学重点:Story tome; Culture;Lets check 教学难点:Lets check教学用具:Tape/recorder/pictures/things教学过程:Step1:RevisionStep2: Story time1、 Look at the pictures2、 Listen to the recording 3、 Read the sentences after the recording 4、 Try to understand the meaning of story5、 Read the storyStep3:To know culture1、 Look at the pictures 2、 The culture of HalloweenStep4:Lets sing 1、 Listen to the recording 2、 Read the words of the song 3、 Sing the song after the recording 4、 Sing the song togetherStep5:Summary and homework板书设计: Unit 2My familyHow beautiful.作业布置:1、 Listen to the tape 2、 Sing the song 教学后记:学生练习反馈较好。教学内容:Unit 3 How many(1)教学目标和要求:1、 Learn the sentences of Part A2、 Try to ask someone “How many ?”教学重点:The new sentences教学难点:The new sentences教学用具:Tape/recorder/pictures/things教学过程:Step1:RevisionStep2: Learn the new sentences1、 Look at the pictures 2、 Listen to the tape 3、 Read the sentences after the tape 4、 Read the sentences5、 Learn the new sentencesStep3:Lets play1、 Look at the sentences2、 Read the sentences5、 Step4:Do the exercisesStep5:Summary and homework板书设计: Unit 3How manyHow many kites can you see?I can see 12.作业布置:1、 Listen to the tape 2、 Read the sentences 教学后记:四会词句基本上掌握。教学内容:Unit 3 How many?(2)教学目标和要求:1、 Lets learn the numbers2、 Try to listen and do 3、 Say out the numbers教学重点:The numbers教学难点:Say out the numbers教学用具:Tape/recorder/pictures/things教学过程:Step1:RevisionAsk and answerStep2: Learn the numbers1、 Look at the pictures2、 Find out the numbers3、 Say out the numbers4、 Listen to the tape 5、 Read the words after the recording 6、 Read and say the numbers 7、 Look and say Step3:Lets do 1、 Look at the pictures 2、 Look at the numbers 3、 Listen to the tape4、 Listen and do Step5:Summary and homework板书设计: Unit 3How manyHow many cats can you see?I can see 10.作业布置:1、 Listen to the tape 2、 Read the numbers教学后记:学生基本上掌握新单词及新句子.教学内容:Unit 3 How many(3)教学目标和要求:1、 Learn the song 2、 Learn the sentences of Part B3、教学重点:The sentences教学难点:The sentences 教学用具:Tape/recorder/pictures/things教学过程:Step1:Revision1、 Say out the numbers2、 Lets paintStep2: Lets sing 1、 Try to understand the meaning of the song 2、 Listen to the recording 3、 Sing after the tapeStep3:Lets talk 1、 Ask and answer2、 Listen to the recording 3、 Try to understand the dialogue4、 Read the dialogue5、 Act the dialogue out Step5:Summary and homework板书设计: Unit 3How many Eleven twelve thirteen 作业布置:1、 Listen to the recorder2、 Read the sentences3、 Draw a picture.教学后记:学生基本上掌握新单词及新句子.教学内容:Unit 3 How many(4)教学目标和要求:1、 Learn the sentences2、 Learn the numbers教学重点:The new words教学难点:The new words 教学用具:Tape/recorder/pictures/things教学过程:Step1:RevisionStep2: Learn the new words of numbers1、 Look at the numbers2、 Learn the new numbers3、 Listen to the recording 4、 Read the words5、 Say out the numbers Step3:Lets do 1、 Look at the pictures2、 Listen and do Step4:Exercises1、 活动手册2、 Look and say Step5:Summary and homework板书设计: Unit 3How many Jeep jump key kangaroo作业布置:1、 Listen to the tape 2、 Read the words.教学后记:学生基本上掌握新单词及新句子.教学内容:Unit 3 How many(5)教学目标和要求:1、 Lets check2、 Lets chant3、 Story time教学重点:Lets check/ Lets chant/ Story time教学难点:Lets check 教学用具:Tape/recorder/pictures教学过程:Step1:Lets check 1、 Listen to the tape 2、 Finish the exercises3、 Check the answers Step2: Lets chant 1、 Look at the pictures 2、 Find out the numbers3、 Listen to the tape 4、 Read the sentences after the recording5、Read the sentences togetherStep3:Story time 1、 Look at the pictures 2、 Listen to the recorder3、 Try to understand the meaning of the story4、 Read the sentences after the recording5、 Read the sentencesStep4:Summary and homework板书设计:Unit 3How many How many crayons do you have? Guess!作业布置:1、Listen to the tape 2、Read the sentences教学后记:学生基本上掌握新单词及新句子.教学内容:Unit 3 How many(6)教学目标和要求:1、 To know the culture2、 Learn the song3、 Finish the exercises教学重点:The exercises教学难点:The exercises教学用具:Tape/recorder教学过程:Step1: To kown the culture1、 Look at the flags2、 Say out the numbers of the flagsStep2: Lets sing 1、 Look at the words of the songs2、 Listen to the tape3、 Read the words4、 Sing the songStep3:Finish the exercises1、 Listening work2、 活动手册Step4:Summary and homework板书设计:Unit 3How many Lion milk mouse nest作业布置:3、 Listen to the tape 4、 Finish the sentences教学后记:学生基本上掌握新单词及新句子.教学内容:Recycle(1)教学目标和要求:1、 Try t understand the story 2、 Try to cat the story教学重点:Lets act教学难点:Lets act 教学用具:Tape/recorder教学过程:Step1: Revision1、 Sing a song2、 Greeting ?Step2: Lets act1、 Look at the pictures2、 Try to understand the story 3、 Listen to the tape4、 Read the dialogue after the tape5、 Try to understand the sentences6、 Read the story together7、 Act the storyStep3:A match1、 Group workAct the story out2、 Retell the storyStep4:Summary and homework板书设计:2019年三年级英语下册教案全册作业布置:1.Listen to the tape 2.Read the sentences教学后记:学生练习较好。教学内容:Unit 4 Do you like pears?(1)教学目标和要求:3、 Learn the sentences of Part A4、 Try to ask someone “Do you like pears?.”教学重点:The new sentences教学难点:The new sentences教学用具:Tape/recorder/pictures/things教学过程:Step1:RevisionStep2: Learn the new sentences6、 Look at the pictures 7、 Listen to the tape 8、 Read the sentences after the tape 9、 Read the sentences10、 Learn the new sentencesStep3:Lets play3、 Look at the sentences4、 Read the sentences6、 Step4:Do the exercisesStep5:Summary and homework板书设计: Unit 4 Do you like pears? (1)Do you like peaches?Yes, I do.作业布置:3、 Listen to the tape 4、 Read the sentences 教学后记:四会词句基本上掌握。教学内容:Unit 4 Do you like pears? (2)教学目标和要求:4、 Lets learn new sentences5、 Try to listen and do 6、 Say out the animals教学重点:THE FRUITES教学难点:Say out the animals教学用具:Tape/recorder/pictures/things教学过程:Step1:RevisionAsk and answerStep2: Learn the fuites8、 Look at the pictures9、 Find out the fuites10、 Say out the animals 11、 Listen to the tape 12、 Read the words after the recording 13、 Read and say the fuites14、 Look and say Step3:Lets do 5、 Look at the pictures 6、 Look at the fruits 7、 Listen to the tape8、 Listen and do Step5:Summary and homework板书设计: Unit 4 Do you like pears? Do you like peaches?Yes, I do./No,I dont.作业布置:3、 Listen to the tape 4、 Read the fruits5、 教学后记:学生基本上掌握新单词及新句子.教学内容: Unit 4 Do you like pears?(3)教学目标和要求:4、 Learn the song 5、 Learn the sentences of Part B6、教学重点:The sentences教学难点:The sentences 教学用具:Tape/recorder/pictures/things教学过程:Step1:Revision3、 Say out the fruits 4、 Lets paintStep2: Lets sing 4、 Try to understand the meaning of the song 5、 Listen to the recording 6、 Sing after the tapeStep3:Lets talk 6、 Ask and answer7、 Listen to the recording 8、 Try to understand the dialogue9、 Read the dialogue10、 Act the dialogue out Step5:Summary and homework板书设计: Unit 4 Do you like pears? Have some fruits.Have some more?作业布置:4、 Listen to the recorder5、 Read the sentences6、 Draw a picture.教学后记:学生基本上掌握新单词及新句子.教学内容:Unit 4 Do you like pears? (4)教学目标和要求:3、 Learn the sentences4、 Learn the animals教学重点:The new words教学难点:The new words 教学用具:Tape/recorder/pictures/things教学过程:Step1:RevisionStep2: Learn the new words of fruits6、 Look at the fruits7、 Learn the new fruits8、 Listen to the recording 9、 Read the words10、 Say out the fruits11、 Step3:Lets do 3、 Look at the pictures4、 Listen and do Step4:Exercises3、 活动手册4、 Look and say Step5:Summary and homework板书设计: Unit 4 Do you like pears? An apple a day!作业布置:5、 Listen to the tape 6、 Read the words.教学后记:学生基本上掌握新单词及新句子.教学内容:Unit 4 Do you like pears (5)教学目标和要求:4、 Lets check5、 Lets chant6、 Story time教学重点:Lets check/ Lets chant/ Story time教学难点:Lets check 教学用具:Tape/recorder/pictures教学过程:Step1:Lets check 4、 Listen to the tape 5、 Finish the exercises6、 Check the answers Step2: Lets chant 5、 Look at the pictures 6、 Find out the fruits7、 Listen to the tape 8、 Read the sentences after the recording5、Read the sentences togetherStep3:Story time 6、 Look at the pictures 7、 Listen to the recorder8、 Try to understand the meaning of the story9、 Read the sentences after the recording10、 Read the sentencesStep4: Summary and homework板书设计:Unit 4 Do you like pears? Rainbow rain snake squirrel tiger taxi作业布置:1、Listen to t


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