2019-2020年四年级英语下册 4B unit3(2)教案 苏教牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语下册 4B unit3(2)教案 苏教牛津版一、教学目标1、复习日常交际用语Whats your/his/her job? Im/Hes/Shes a . How old are you/is he/she? Im/Hes/Shes a 2、听懂、会说和会读What are their jobs? Theyre 3、听懂、会说、会读单词: they ,their , an engineer, a farmer, a postman, a cook.二、 教学重点正确流利朗读会话,并能表演。 三、 课前准备挂图,录音机,图片等。 四、 教学过程(一)Free talk1、T: First take out the name card of your parent. First of all : please tell me: What is your fathers / mothers name ? Whats his / her name? ( 先把你给爸爸或妈妈设计的名片那出来, 首先: 请你告诉我你爸爸或妈妈的名字, 告诉我他们的名字。) Are you ready now? OK. Now lets try to talk about them. Please take them out.Ss: My fathers / mothers name is .His / Her name is .Hes /Shes a teacher.Hes /Shes 36.T: Whats his/ her fathers/ mothers name?S: T: Whats his / her/ job?S: Hes / Shes a T: How old is he/ she?S: Hes /Shes 学生介绍,学生提问,学生回答。2、 Take out the name card of yourself, then talk with your deskmate.(二)新授1、出示图片,T: Whats his job? Ss:Hes a cook. Learn to say: a cook. T: Whats her job? Ss:Shes a cook. 同理学习: an engineer, a farmer, a postman2、拼读这些单词,齐读,拼读本课的四会单词。 3、 A game:Whats missing?出示四张图片,然后抽掉一张,问学生:Whats missing?让他们说出所抽取的那张图片中人物的职业。 4、T:Whats his/her job?(出示David,Mike, Liu tao,Lang lin等图片)S: Hes a student.T: What are their jobs?S: Theyre students.教师领读their, 学生跟读。句型操练:What are their jobs? Theyre 5、 巩固练习Ask and answerA: Whats his / her/ job?B: Hes / Shes a A: What are their jobs?B: Theyre(三)Homework1、 Copy : A. Words: a worker, an engineer, a farmer, a postman, a cook. B. Sentences: Whats your job? Im a doctor.Whats his job? Hes a policeman. Whats her job? Shes a waitress. What are their jobs? Theyre farmers How old are you? Im one. How old is he? Hes two. How old is she? Shes three Whats his job? Hes a policeman.2、Try to know your parents and grandparents ages, jobs use the English sentences after school. ( 回家后试着用英语来了解一下你父母和爷爷奶奶的年龄和工作.)附送:2019-2020年四年级英语下册 4B unit3(3)教案 广东版开心1、 Lets check听力练习检查学生对unit 2 所学内容的掌握情况。2、 Lets chant, 通过说有节奏、有韵律的歌谣学习与巩固本课所学的单词。3、 Lets sing. 通过歌曲的学习,激发的兴趣,巩固所学的单词。Lets sing. 通过歌曲的学习,激发的兴趣,巩固所学的单词。4、 Lets think. 通过联想,培养学生运用新单词的能力。II、 Teaching aims:1、能学会本课的八个新词组。( sweeping the floor, cleaning the windows, doing the dishes, making the bed, folding the clothes, watering the plants, dusting the furniture, washing the clothes.) 2、能在一定的情景中运用本课的新单词。3、培养学生的注意力,激发学生的积极思维,挖掘学生运用语言的创造能力。III、Teaching aids:本课的单词图片;录音机;磁带。IV、Teaching procedureStep 1 Revision1. Lets chant2. Ask and answer. P.16.Step 2 Presentation ActivityGetting ready Have Ss cover the student B box. Have Ss look at the characters in the student A box and go over the names ( From left to right: Mr. Green/Dad, Ms. Black, Peter, Ben, Bonnie, Boomer, Mrs. Green/Mom, Jenny, Lisa, Tony and Gogo). Write them down on the board if needed. Put picture cards 21-30 on the board for reference. Go over the vocabulary if necessary.Using the book Put Ss into pairs and have them sit down face. Student A covers student B box and student B covers student A box. Write Is ( characters name)? On the board. T: Look at Tony. Student As, ask a question like this. Repeat. Is Tony folding the clothes? ( student As: Is Tony folding the clothes? T: Student Ss, answer the questions based on your picture. ( student Ss: No, hes not. Hes making the bed.) T: Circle the pictures when they are different. Dont circle them when they are same.Give pairs time to find the difference. Check the answers together as a class.Sounds and wordsGetting ready Write black and lake on the board and underline-ck and ke. T: ( Point to the endings.) Lets practice this sound. T: / k /. ( Ss: / k /.) Make sure that Ss make the voiceless sound at the end. Have Ss touch their throats to feel the difference between / g / and / k /. ( for the sound / k /, Ss dont feel the vibration of the vocal cards. For the sound / g /, they do.)Using the book Have Ss look at the pictures on the page. T: Lets listen to the tape.Play the tape and have Ss point to each words the tape says it. T: Lets listen again and this time, repeat. Have Ss repeat after the tape.After enough practice, point to the pictures randomly and have Ss say the words.Listen and chantGetting ready Have Ss look at the pictures around the lyrics. T: ( point to the black cake.) Repeat. Its a cake.Ss: Its cake.T: Its black.Ss: Its black.T: ( point to the black lake.) Repeat. Its a lake.Ss: Its a lake.T: Its black.Ss: Its black. Do the same for the snake picture.Using the book T: Lets listen to the chant. Play the tape once. T: Now lets practice.Read out the lyrics sentence by sentence and have Ss repeat. T: Lets chant together. Play the tape and have Ss chant along.Listen WB P.9.Step 3 SummaryStep 4 Homework1. Read P. 20.2. Finish ( writing book).教后记:.在教新单词的过程中,对各个单词都配以相应的动作教学,学生学习积极性很高,本课学习生活当中家务劳动的八个词组,词组较长,对部分学生来说较难掌握,应反复复习与巩固。通过各种不同的形式操练句型,学生对本课句型掌握较好。结合教学内容,创设情境教授对话部分,学生有较大的学习兴趣和表演欲望,学习效果良好。


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