2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Module 5 Unit 13(The first period)教案 广州版.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Module 5 Unit 13(The first period)教案 广州版课 题Time to eat 课时安排The first period 教学内容Time to eat目标要求知识:What time do you have breakfast, Jean?At about eight oclock.What about lunch?At one oclock.What time do you have dinner?Usually at about seven thirty.能力:会简单的询问时间、询问何时吃饭的时间。重点难点重点:What time do you have breakfast, Jean?At about eight oclock.四会单词:breakfast about oclocklunch dinner usually have Me too. 难点:四会单词的掌握,句型的实际灵活运用。 教具准备美食图片,金太阳软件,录音机,钟表,钟表盘图片教学过程复习导入新授 练习小结作业Sing along“I want to be a teacher”后提问学生:Do you want to be a Do you want to be a cook?大部分的学生会说no,出示美食图片I want to be a cook.When I see these delicious food ,I want to eat them.Oh ,I am hungry now.引出Are you hungry?What time is it now?What time do you have lunch?What time do you have breakfast?What time do you have dinner?拿出图片和实物演示,让学生回答。打开出58页,听第一部分,做第二部分。看金太阳软件,订正答案。把四幅钟表图贴在黑板上,让学生不看书表演。Encourage them to use their own words if they cant remember the original words.每个单词四遍背诵课文板书设计 breakfast about oclock lunch dinnerusually have Me too. What time do you have breakfast?What time do you have lunch?What time do you have dinner?What about lunch?What about dinner?教学反思 在实物与实际中学习,学生掌握的较理想,特别是能随时随堂表演,效果很好。 备注附送:2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Module 5 Unit 2 Can Sam play football教学设计 外研版教材分析本节课是新标准三年级起始第三册第五模块第二单元,主要是学习单词strong. star,以及用can来询问他人能力和相应的回答。教学目标1.知识目标(1)正确读、说、拼、辩单词 strong,star.(2)正确认读句子 Can Sam play football?/Can Lingling play basketball? Yes, he /she can. / No, he /she cant.2.能力目标(1)能用can句型来询问别人的能力和回答。(2)能正确朗读、理解课文和表演课文。3.情感目标(1)培养学生良好的合作和竞争意识。(2)培养学生良好的听说读写的学习习惯。教学方法:小组合作法,直观法。教学过程Step1. GreetingStep2. Warming up: Do and say. a. Show the phrases quickly and ask Ss to look and stand to read.b. T:Can you ride a bike? Ss: Yes , I can,/No, I cant.c.Chant.Can you swim? Yes , I can .Can you skate? Yes , I can.Can you sing? No, I cant.Can you dance? No, I cant。( 意图:通过复习动词词组,把学生带入轻松愉悦的学习环境中,同时也为后面知识的运用做好准备。)Step3.Presentation.a. Show the video about the students.T: Look .They are my friends and they are our stars. Then teach the new words (star 明星)b. Show the each videos and ask.1. T: Who is he? Ss: He is T: What does he look like?Ss: Hes strong.(teach the new words:strong.) T: Can he play football? Ss: Yes , he can.(板书)2. T: Who is he? Ss: He is T: What does he look like?Ss: Hes tall. T: Can he play football? Ss: No , he cant.(板书)Practice reading the sentences.3. T: Who is she? Ss: She is T: How old is she?Ss: shes 9 years old. T: Can she dance? Ss: Yes , she can.(板书)4. T: Who is she? Ss: She is T: Can she dance? Ss: No , she cant.(板书) (意图:利用学生来做范例,学生们较感兴趣。吸引他们的注意力。)Step4. Practice1.Question2.Answer(意图:用所学的句型来充分练习,加深印象。)3. Game:listen and guess(意图:通过游戏环节更能调动学生的积极性。)Step5.Text1.Listen and answer Can Sam play football?Can Lingling play football?2.listen and repeat(意图:让学生带着任务学习,培养学生学会倾听的习惯。) Step6.Consolidationa. Look and say.(show the pictures and describe)b. Write and say Mum is our star.She can make dumplings.She cant dance .(意图:小学生善于模仿和表演,让学生轻松愉悦的合作学习、积极表演、练习句型。最后通过写达到了语言的运用。)c. Homework1、小调查,询问家人用Can you ?再与同学交流用Can your father ?2、听录音,跟读。(5)3、抄写课文。(2) 整节课上下来以后感觉很顺畅,重点突出,难点突破,学生能够在各个环节中积极参与学习活动,并顺利掌握学习内容,教学效果不错。在引入新课时,采用视频(同学自己),学生都很感兴趣,吸引学生的注意力。但在教学中虽然采用了很多教学方式,比如游戏、chant、表演等,但是感觉气氛始终处于不温不火的状态,没有掀起一个课堂小高潮,还是留有遗憾,或许是活动本身,但更主要的是教师自身没有“high”起来,没有以自己的情绪感染和调动学生的学习情绪,这应该是我在今后的教学中重点努力的方向和目标。还有一点就是,在教学中注意指令明确。如果学生有些模糊不清楚时,可以简单的示范,或多些的例子。这样学生的学习目的就明确。 本节课就体现了小组合作学习,生教生,让学生成为课堂的主人。学生在课堂上用自己喜欢的方式学习英语,运用英语,这就是他们的快乐,同时,小组合作学习让每个学生在课堂上带有任务地去学习,有些英语基础差的学生也会用自己喜欢的方式勇敢的在课堂上展示自己,这就是合作学习,交际法的功劳。可以调动所有的学生。

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