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2019年pep小学英语三年级上UnitFourPartALetslearn年5月 日教者林杨班级三年级二班科目英语课题Unit Four Part A Lets learn教学目标1. Help students master the words about fruit.2. Enable students to say out the singular and plural form of the words.3. Enable students to use the sentences Do you like? I like I dont likein their daily life.重点1. Help students master the words about fruit.2. Enable students to use the sentences Do you like? I like I dont likein their daily life.难点Enable students to say out the singular and plural form of the words.教具CAI, word cards学具Students book步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图IIIIIIIVWarm-up:1. Free talk 2. Greeting each other3. Sing a song(Rainbow song)Prasentation:1.Lead in the new lesson.T: What colour do you like?T: Do you like black?T: I like red. And this fruit is red, too. Whats it?2.Spell and make sentences) Writing the tittle on the board.3.show the plural form of the word apple.4.show the word “orange” through the colour.5.practice with the sentence pattern;6.show the words banana and peach through the monkey.7.Lets chant8.using the same way to show the word pear.9.divide the word watermelon into water and melon.10. Lets chant:Practice:1. read after the tape.2. matching game3. Say out the singular and plural4. Say with the target language.Homework:Students read or recite their favourite dialogues in pairsStudents sing the song together.(open class)Students answer me their favourite colours.S1:No, I dont like black.Ss: appleS2: a-p-p-l-e appleS3: I like apples.Students read after the teacher.Read together.Pick up some students to read the singular and plural form.Do you like ?Pick up some students to read the singular and plural form.Chant for the peach togetherstudents read the singular and plural form.Students read the each part and then read together.1. Students chant together.2. pick up one to read.Look and repeat.Indiviual work to check.For the lower students.Pair work to practice and sayStudents practice in groups,and then act out their conversation.Recite the words that weve learnt today.The content of the song has connection with todays lesson. through this song to lead in .This part has appeared before. Not only they review the content before ,but also develop sts confidence and I show the main sentence freely.Games are students favourites. We can move on quickly to next stage. CAI is very mon in English teaching , Its very easy to show the new content ,on the other side it could improve the students enthusiasm their activism.Check the pronunciation and understanding of these words.allows more capable sts. tochallengethemselves/each other provides opportunity for the lower students increase the ability for using the sentence ,I can find their mistakes or the word they seldom use, and help sts use the words correctly.Error correction for previous activityPeer check feedback could encourage them and let them feel successful.板书设计Unit Four Part ALets learnDo you like pears?apple banana orange peach pea(豌豆)+ chwatermelon= water +melonpear ear(耳朵)教学反思I think I have two successful parts :First I use the different methods and activities to lead in the new lesson. The students could learn the new learning from the old content freely. Of course they like it very much. Secondly ,I show the new learning to students from easy to difficult ,step by step .and improve their speaking ability in the practice. I give them more opportunities to read and make new dialogues.The consolidation part went well. Because the activity I design make all the students are invovled .And they show me A lot of special opinions from them.The task activities. I think I will make better activities to focus the main points, and help sts using the language creatively.But I dont think my timing is good. Because I less time to give their ment and leave the homework附送:2019年PEP小学英语三年级上册教学计划-一、指导思想认真学习教育教学理论,全面贯彻党的教育方针政策,认真学习新课改的精神,采用符合学生年龄、心理特征和语言规律的教学方法。二、小学英语课程的教学目的:根据小学生的生理和心理特点以及发展需求,小学阶段英语课程的目的是激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们英语学习的积极态度,使他们建立初步的学习英语的自信心;培养学生一定的语感和良好的语音、语调基础;使他们形成初步用英语进行简单日常交流的能力。同时,注重培养学生的观察、记忆、思维、想象和创造能力。适当介绍中西文化,培养学生学生爱国主义精神,增强世界意识,为进一步学习打下基础。三、课程标准对本学段的要求(一级目标)(一)、总体目标对英语有好奇心,喜欢听他人说英语。能根据教师的简单指令做游戏、做动作、做事情(如涂颜色、连线)。能做简单的角色扮演。能唱简单的英文歌曲,说简单的英语歌谣。能在图片的帮助下听懂和读懂简单的小故事。能交流简单的个人信息,表达简单的情感和感觉。能书写字母和单词。对英语学习中接触的外国文化习俗感兴趣。(二)语言技能一级目标听做:1、能根据听到的词语识别或指认图片或实物;2、能听懂课堂简短的指令并做出相应的反应;3、能根据指令做事情,如:指图片、涂颜色、画图、做动作、做手工等;4、能在图片和动作的提示下听懂简单的小故事并做出反应。说唱:1、能根据录音模仿说英语;2、能相互致以简单的问候;3、能相互交流简单的个人信息,如:姓名、年龄等;4、能表达简单的情感和感觉,如:喜欢和不喜欢;5、能够根据表演猜测意思、说词语,6、能唱英语儿童歌曲15一20首,说歌谣15一20首;7、能根据图、文说出单词或短句。玩演:1、能用英语做游戏并在游戏中用英语进行简单的交际;2、能做简单的角色表演;3、能表演英文歌曲及简单的童话剧,如(小红帽)等。读写:1、能看图识字;2、能在指认物体的前提下认读所学词语;3、能在图片的帮助下读懂简单的小故事;4、能正确书写字母和单词。视听:1、能看懂语言简单的英语动画片或程度相当的教学节目;2、视听时间每学年不少于10小时(平均每周20一25分钟)。 四、全册教材简析:本册教材以话题为纲,交际功能为主线,兼顾结构,运用英语去完成任务为目的。即:话题-功能-结构-任务。按单元形式整体设计和编写,采用“教案式”编排体系。第一册全书共6单元,2个复习单元。每单元分“ABC”三个部分。教师可自由地选择并灵活地安排教学内容,提高教学效果。别具一格的开头-不是“零”的零起点“Wele to English ”。具体内容安排:单元题目话题Unit 1HelloSchool thingsUint 2Look at meBodyUnit 3Lets paintColourRecycle 1Unit 4We love animalsAnimalsUnit 5Lets eatFood and drinkUnit 6Happy birthdayNumbersRecycle 2五、全册总目标要求:1)能听懂、会说12组会话,并能进行简单的交流;2)能听说、认读50 个单词(包括同学、家庭成员、数字、水果、方位、动物等6个话题),并能简单的运用;3)能听、做6个TPR活动;4)能学会2个小制作;5)能唱8首歌曲;6)能听、说、唱7首歌谣;7)能完成8个形成性评价活动;8)能听懂6个幽默小故事;9)能了解6项简单的中西方文化知识。六、教学重点难点: 1)Lets learn 词汇教学 2)Lets talk 对话教学七、学情分析:小学三年级的学生正处于少年时期,孩子们具有好奇、好活动、爱表现、善模仿等特点。他们喜欢新鲜事物,对陌生语言的好奇心能激起他们对外语的兴趣。他们的记忆力好,形象思维好、模仿力、可塑性强,但缺乏理性思维,逻辑思维不强。他们中有些学生已经初步的接触过英语了,有的是刚开始学,但对英语都有着浓厚的兴趣。(请各科老师具体分析自己班级的学生情况,从学生的年龄特点、心理特点、知识接受的特点、上学期的班级成绩以及班风、学风等方面具体分析,以适合自己的班级教学。)八、提高教学质量的措施:小学生主体性地位在英语对话教学中的体现,小学英语对话教学在整个英语教学中占有相当大的份量。怎样充分体现学生学习主体性地位呢?在小学英语教材中,安排了许多浅显易懂、生动活泼的对话。根据这些对话稍稍用心设计一下,便能让学生成为学习的主人,取得意想不到的效果。(一)、建立和谐、民主的教学环境,形成学习对话的良好氛围。 通过复习与新授对话内容有联系的已学过的对话,为新对话教学作好辅垫,并可以以此导入新对话教学。从而达到以旧引新,更好地为新授打好基础。对话的方式可以有:教师与全班对话(个别学生也可),或是让学生问候教师,学生与学生的对话。(二)、以学生为中心,设置场景,表演对话。 在教学对话前为学生设计场景,营造氛围,诱发学生的语言动机。让学生发言,教师稍稍加以引导,将他们的句子串联成对话。请学生跟读。然后操练几遍,便可让学生在设置的场景里进行表演,充分利用道具让学生有真实的体验。而下面的学生当“观众”并打分,并请打分的同学说说为什么打这个分?这样可以提高学生的听说能力,更能够体现学生学习的主体性。怎么说?对不对?应带怎样的表情?怎样演会更好?学生无论是表演的还是看表演的,都会在打分时找到他们需要的答案。(三)、通过娱乐、竞赛形式激发学生的学习动机与兴趣。 小学生中,就是再高年级的学生还是非常爱玩。我们可以利用小学生爱玩的天性。在对话教学中,设计各类竞赛、游戏。让学生在比中学,猜中学,玩中学,唱、跳中学。如:藏卡片、快看快说、快听快指等。印象会特别深。(四)、注重在教学中,运用手势。把一些单词、短语、甚至是句子与手势或是肢体语言相结合,让学生全身活动,手脑并用,即加深了记忆,又能抓住学生的注意力。九、教学进度安排单元课题课时周Unit 1Hello!42Unit 2Look at me42Unit 3Lets paint42Recycle 142Unit 4We love animals42Unit 5Where is my ruler?42Unit 6Happy birthday42Recycle 242机动复习84合计4020


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