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2019年六年级上学期第4周教案:4教学目标: 1教学重点:1.The simple present tense.2.Words and expressions (from the text and the reading)教学过程:. Warming up :1) Whats your nationality ? What nationality are you?2) Whats your age ? How old are you?3) Whats your telephone number / Whats your e-mail address?4) Whats your family / first / last / given name ?5) What your address? Where do you live?6) May I have your name?7) Are you from Shanghai? Do you e from Shanghai?8) Could you help me with my Chinese?9) Here we are. 10) May I know your telephone number? . Revision1. Recite the text2. Recite the expressions from text. . Reading P161. My home address in shanghai is 11 Sun Garden = I live at 11 Sun Garden.2. Class One, Junior One 初一(1)班3. I am very good at maths. be good at + sth. ./ doing = do well in (op) be poor at/ in 4. keep in touch with my classmates by e-mail. by 以.方式 We go to school by bus / bike / phone / e-mail / letters 附送:2019年六年级上学期第4周教案:第一课时教学目标: Language focus and difficult points :1. The simple present tense.2. Words and expressions (from the text and the reading)Sentence patterns : 1. A: Nice to meet you. B: Nice meeting you, too.2. Where do you live ? ( I live at 18 Garden Street)3. What nationality are you ? ( I m British / American / Australian.)4. Are you American ? Yes, I am. / No, I m not. 5. Could you help me with my Chinese ?6. May I have your telephone number / e-mail address ? Function :1. Asking for personal information2. Making a request First periodMain point :I. Warming up :1. topic : introduce myself2. detail : name, age , family, hobby.II. New words and expressions :1.other a. 其他的,另外的 other + n.(复数) 形容词修饰名词 other people其他的人, other books其他的书 pron. 其他的人,另外一个 others (pl.)=other peopleeach other 互相,相互 help each other 相互帮助learn from each other 相互学习 write to each other相互写信one. the other一个另一个.(特指两个中的另一个)1).The old man has two sons. One is a doctor and the other is a worker. 2)I have two books. One is expensive and the other is cheap.3)Tom is taking some flowers in one hand and some books in his _ hand. A. the other B. other C. another D. /another.另一个 (许多数量中的另一个)1).Would you give me another pair of shoes ?2).Please show me another pen. Have another try , please. 3) I want to have another glass of milk.3.nationality n. 国籍 对国籍提问,回答用形容词-Whats your nationality ?=What nationality are you ? 您是哪国人呢?-Im Chinese./British./American./Australian. 我是中国人/英国人/美国人/澳大利亚人国家与国籍 England n. 英国 English a.&n 英国的,英国人 Britain n. 英国 British a.&n 英国的,英国的China n.中国 Chinese a.&n. 中国的,中国人 America n.美国 American a.&n 美国的,美国人 France n. 法国 French a.&n 法国人 Japan n. 日本 Japanese a.&n 日本人 Russia n. 俄国 Russian a.&n 俄国的,俄国人 Spain n. 西班牙 Spanish a.&n 西班牙的,西班牙人 Canada n. 加拿大 Canadian a.&n 加拿大的,加拿大人 Germany n. 德国 German a.&n 德国的,德国人 India n. 印度 Indian a.&n 印度的,印度人 Australia n. 澳大利亚 Australian a.&n 澳大利亚的,澳大利亚人对国名提问,回答用名词表示Where are you from? Where do you e from? Im from China / Japan.Which country are you from?4. subject 学科,科目 Chinese中文, English英语, P.E., music音乐, maths, art艺术, history历史We study Chinese ,English, maths and some other subjects.5.询问地址- Whats your address?= Where do you live?-I live at 18 Garden Street (门牌号码前面用介词 at )6.telephone = phone 电话n. 打电话v.telephone number电话号码make a telephone call 打电话询问电话号码: -Whats your telephone number? -My phone number is 60312901.(电话号码中的0读作zero /oh, -读作dash ,两个数字重复读作double -)65532208 读作: six double five three double two O eight. 7.price n. 价格,价钱(价格有高低,东西有贵贱) high / low price 高/低价询问价格 : How much is the coat ?What is the price of the coat ?What / how much does the coat cost ?Homework 1. Read the new words and expressions. 2. Recite the new words and expressions.3. Preview the text and do exercise P13

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