2019年四年级英语上册 Unit5 I like noodles教案 湘少版.doc

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2019年四年级英语上册 Unit5 I like noodles教案 湘少版一 、教学目标1 能听懂、会说新单词;2 能听懂,会说本课对话;3 能运用”What do you like ?”和 “Ilike /dont like”询问他人和表达个人的喜好。二、教学重点及难点重点:熟练地表达自己的喜好。难点:新单词的发音。三 、 教学准备食物图片若干、单词卡片,教学挂图,教学磁带等。四、 教学步骤Step 1 Warming up 1 师生问候。游戏Guess, guess, guess!(猜一猜)分组进行游戏。一组做动作扮演小动物(a beautiful bird, a big elephant ,a strong tiger , a small mouse, a small mouse, a fat pig),另一组猜一猜他们表演的是什么。游戏Quick response(快速反应)复习一些已学的食品名称 hamburger , fried rice , pizza , jam.Step 2 Presentation and drill 拿出一顶厨师的帽子,扮演厨师。T : Boys and girls , can you guess what I am ?Ss: You are a cook .T : Yes , I am a cook . What time is it now ? Oh , its 11oclock. Its too late . I am hungry now . Are you hungry?板书单词hungry,通过动作让学生明白其含义。带读数次。S1 : Yes , I am hungry . 出示若干食品图片,选择其中的一张。T : What will you do when hungry ?Right !Eat something . What do you like? I like cake.(笑脸) I dont like rice.(哭脸)用身体语言让学生理解like 和dont like的含义和用法。T : What do you like ?S2 : I like hamburger/ French fried/ riceT : What dont you like ?S3: I dont like milk/fruit/3、听课文A部分录音,跟读。4、听录音,复述所听内容。5、分小组练习。6、分角色表演。Step 3 Practice 学一首童谣。H-U-N-G-R-Y, I am hungry.Bread, please. Biscuits, please.I like bread. I dont like biscuits.Y-U-M-M-Y. Yummy!H-U-N-G-R-Y, I am hungry.Apples, please. Bananas, please.I like apples. I dont like bananas.Y-U-M-M-Y. Yummy!游戏Quick response (快速反应)出示多张水果(Oranges, apples, pears)图片,学生以最快的速度说出句子“I like /I dont like ”。还可将水果单词换成动物、颜色、文具、人物等单词。Step 4 Consolidation 创设情景,自由会话。情景 : 星期天中午,小朋友们一起到麦当劳餐厅就餐。评价。练习。(见练习册P17)家庭作业。Period 2教学目标能掌握新单词 ;能灵活运用句型询问他人和表达个人的喜好; 能阅读理解课文D部分小故事。教学重点及难点重点:那听懂、会读、 会说新单词。难点:能区分中西方不同的食品及饮食习惯。教学准备单词卡片、教学磁带等。(有条件的学校可利用多媒体课件)教学步骤Step 1 Warming up. 1 师生问候。2 男女分组,让学生用”What do you like ? I like /dont like ”造句。可进行比赛。Step 2 Presentation and drill 1、出示课件My restaurant. T: Look , this is my restaurant . There are many foods in it .Do you want to eat something ? What are they ? Do you like them ?食品逐个出现,并展现单词 noodles, dumplings , biscuits , rice , bread , milk , jam及其读音,让学生跟读。解释noodles , dumplings, rice是中式食品,而jam , bread , milk是西式食品。2 、T : Do you still remember the food in my restaurant?鼓励学生说自己所能够记住的食品名称,或者使用中文,老师将其翻译成英语。同时,将食品的单词卡片贴在黑板上。3、 听课文B部分单词,跟读 。Step 3 Practice 游戏Apple and pear(苹果和梨)在黑板上画好苹果与梨子的笑脸,分别代表教师(苹果)和学生(梨子)。让学生跟读所学单词。当教师读对时,学生们必须大声地跟读;当教师读错时,所有的学生必须保持沉默。如果学生出错,代表学生的梨子将被擦去五官中的一个,反之,则擦去代表教师的苹果的五官中的一个。游戏中,教师故意输掉比赛,被擦去了眼睛。于是,教师闭上眼睛说:“Oh , I have no eyes,I cant see now. Who can tell me where the dumplings are ? I am hungry!”请学生帮忙,找出正确的单词。以考查学生的认读能力。Step 4 Consolidation 1、课文D部分。让学生阅读课文D部分的小故事,帮助学生理解故事大意。判断以下说话的正误。I . Dino is happy today.II . Dino likes rice.III . Dino likes biscuits. 分角色表演2 、创设情景,自由会话。情景 : 小餐厅。将学生分为四人小组,每一个小组自建一个餐厅,画上食品并出售。(自编对话) Salesperson : Good morning . A : Good morning . Salesperson : What do you like ?Eggs ,milk , bread or rice ? A : I like cake , milk and eggs . Salesperson : OK . Here you are .3、评价。4、练习 。5、家庭作业。Period 3一 教学目标能掌握字母组合在单词中的发音;2、能掌握本课重点单词的书写;3、完成课文s部分。二 教学重点及难点重点:字母组合s 在单词中的发音;单词的书写。难点;理解新单词。三 教学准备四线三格小黑板、单词卡片,教学磁带等。四 教学步骤Step 1 Warming up 1 师生问候。2 完成课文F部分。(可让学生自己找到正确答案,用铅笔标记出来,然后两人一组进行交流。)S1 : What is Annes/Linglings/Peters/Mingmings favourte food?S2 : Anne like noodles . Lingling likes hamburger. Peter likes pizza . Mingming likes fried rice . Step 2 Presentation and drill 板书:F部分 将带有s的单词标红。T用拼读法读出单词。学生从听从说出s的语音。单个学生奖励。Game: 金耳朵。老师读单词 学生听,如果有含s的音 学生说yes,没有说noSnow, shop, swallowGame: 老师写单词,学生拼读, sun sand see sea 挑战单词: bus swim singStep 3 Consolidation 1 创设情景,自由会话。情景: 让学生做一个调查表,调查班上同学的饮食爱好。完成后,选择几名学生向大家陈述他们的调查结果。 食品姓名noodlesbiscuitsmilkricebread2评价 。3 练习 。(见练习册P20)4家庭作业。附送:2019年四年级英语上册 Unit6 Lesson31教案 人教新版Knowledge and Ability Objects:1.Knowledge objects(1)Key vocabulary : big small(2)Target language :It has big ears .And small eyes2.Ability objectsTrain students speaking skill .Train students municative petence using the key vocabulary and the target language .Procedures and Methods:Use practising 、listening and role playing .Group work ensibility and Value:Dont make fun of others .Teaching Key Point:Key vocabulary :big small .Target language :It has big ears .And small eyes Teaching Difficult Point:Train students speaking skill .Teaching Aids : A puter Teaching Steps: Step 1 :Warm-up / RevisionLets do. The teacher orders .The students do action .Touch your nose / eye / eyes /ear / mouth /faceStep 2 :Lead in Ask students look at the screen . Show the picture elephant .Teach the word big .Show the picture mouse .Teach the word small .big Its so big .small Its so small .Step 3 : Practising Look at the screen .Show the picture elephant .Practising the words by sentences . Look at the elephant .Its so big.Look at the screen .Show the picture mouse .Practising the words by sentences .Look at the mouse .Its so smallStep 4 : Words Show the pictures .Read the word together .Show the words .Ask students to pay attention to the writing .Step 5 :Play a game If the teacher says “big” , you must say “small ” and do action .If the teacher says “small”, you must say “big” and do action .If you do wrong , you must be out .Step 6 :Just speak Show the sentences in text .Read after the teacher.Read the conversation together .Step 7 :Listening Listen to the puter .Ask students read sentences first . Then show the conversation .Ask students read together .Then play the cartoon .Ask students read the conversation after the cartoon.Step 8 :Practising Practise the conversation in pairs .Invite five groups to act the conversation for the class. Praise the good actor .Step 9 :Just read and write Remember the words by heart .Give the students two minutes remember the words .Ask several students spell the words.Step 10 :Lets sing Show the song .Ask students read the song first .Then play the song .Ask students learn the song .Sing the song together .Play the cartoon .Sing the song after the cartoon .Step 11 :ExercisesRead and choose 1. Look _ the big panda. It looks funny. A.for B. at C. in2.A small ant. ( )A.大象 B.小蚂蚁3.It has big _.A.ear B.ears4.Shall we go _ the zoo?A.in B.toStep 12 :Homework Write down the words.Write down the sentences.Remember the words by heart.Step 13 : Blackboard Designs Unit 6 Im short and fatLessoon 31big Look at the elephant .Its so big .small It has big ears .And small eyes.


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