2019年(秋)六年级英语上册 Unit6 How do you feel教案1 (新版)人教PEP.doc

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2019年(秋)六年级英语上册 Unit6 How do youfeel教案1 (新版)人教PEP课题Unit 6第1课时设计者教学要点1能够正确听说朗读How do you feel?Ifeel Theyre afraid of 等询问他人感受,并作适当回答的句式,以及在情境中队他人进行适当的劝解和建议的句式You should 2.能够正确听说,认读表示感受的词汇,如angry,happy,ill,afraid等和短语be angry with ,take a deep breath ,count to3.能够听懂,会说,会表演Lets talk的内容,并在真实场景中运用所学语言进行真实的交流和运用。教学设计:Step1 Warming-up &revision1.Daily Talk教师随机提问学生。How are you ?S:Fine./Not very well.T:How is the weather today?S:Its cool/warm/fine.T:How do you feel?S:I feel cool/warm.T:In such a fine day,I feel so good!Lets sing a happy song.Ok?2.Lets sing a song.If you are happy,clap your hands.教师为学生播放歌曲,学生跟唱并在音乐声中做出相应的动作。3.look and say教师为学生展示人物或动物的表情图片或视频材料,学习关于情绪感受的单词。T:Oh,I feel tired.Are you tired? S:Yes,I feel tired.T:But I feel very happy!How do you feel? S:I feel happy,too。T:Now look and listen!How do they feel?课件中展示表情情绪的材料,学习单词,并进行问答活动。Step2 Presentation1.学习Main scene(1)出示教学挂图,让学生观察who are they?What should the boy do?(2)学生仔细观察图片,展开合理现象并回答老师的问题。(3)教师出示表格,让学生思考,然后在表格的相应位置填写答案,完成探究学习第二题。教师组织学生以小组为单位活动,讨论课文内容和问题(1) 教师引导学生将讨论的结果展示交流,同时公布正确答案。(2) 听录音,模仿朗读,理解对话内容。(3) 教师领读,学生跟读模仿,同时讲解本课出现的重点单词、词组。(4) 在教师帮助下,让学生翻译课文内容。(5) 学生领读,齐读练习,生生对话,小组表演。2.学习Lets try&Lets talk(1)Lets try让学生观察图片,思考:Who are they?What are they talking about?在学生以小组为单位讨论结果并公布答案后,教师评价并导入Lets try环节,完成探究学习第三题,并核对答案。(2)看Lets talk部分的课文插图,进行问答。T: What are they talking about? S:They are talking about a cartoon.And the cartoon is about a cat.T:I like this cartoon.Do you like it?S:Yes!T:Lets watch it.播放黑猫警长片段,让学生明白chase意思,并谈论对动画片的感觉。(1) 听录音,模仿朗读。模仿探究学习中第四题。(2) 教师领读,学生跟读,并对重点词组进行讲解学习和巩固。(3) 根据Lets talk的内容,以小组为单位分角色朗读对话,然后角色扮演。3.Play a game.教师出示孩子们喜欢的动画片图片,让学生用英文单词快速,大声地说出他们的感受。Step 3 Consolidation 1. pass the question随机接力问答,让学生们挑选他们喜欢的同学接力问答,训练重点句型。2. play a game :I am your good friend.完成探究学习中第五题。学生以小组为单位开展活动,一般4-5人一组,在小组中一人充当倾听者并给予建议。Step4 Homework1.听录音背诵本课课文。2.完成课堂检测中的相关习题。3.预习下一课,查查生词,译译句子。4.结合本课学习内容,创编一个新对话并将其表演出来。修改:教后反思:附送:2019年(秋)六年级英语上册 Unit6 How do youfeel教案3 (新版)人教PEP Teaching contents Unit Six How do you feel? Part A Teaching aims 1. To learn the new words : angry , afraid , sad , worry , happy 2. To learn the key sentences: Sarah is angry. The cat is afraid. 3. Student can make sentences use the key sentences. Important points The key sentences: Sarah is angry. The cat is afraid. Difficult points 1. Make sentences use the key sentences. 2. Translate into Chinese : “ Lets talk ” Teaching aids The word cards , a tape Teaching procedures Teacher Students The first lesson - I Organization 1 , Greetings 2 , Lets sing : What do you want to do? II Revision 1 , Review the words of Unit Five 2 , Review the key sentences III Presentation 1 , Open the book “ let s learn ” 2 , Teacher show cards of the new words : angry , afraid , sad , worry , happy 3 , Listen to me 4 , Read after me 5 , Listen to the tape 6 , Learn the key sentences : Sarah is angry. The cat is afraid. 7 , Translate into Chinese IV Practice 1 , Read new words by themselves 2 , Listen to the tape and read after it 3 , Give enough time to read them 4 , Let students make sentences V Summary and homework 1 , Read and write down the new words 2 , Recite the key sentences _ The second lesson - I Organization 1 , Lets try : Turn to page fifty-eight 2 , Greetings II Revision 1 , Review the new words : angry , afraid , sad , worry , happy 2 , Review the key sentences III Presentation 1 , Open your book 2 , Were going to learn the “ lets talk ” 3 , This is the dialogue of Sarah and Sam 4 , Lets translate into Chinese : Teacher say English 5 , Listen to me carefully 6 , Read after me IV Practice 1 , Read “ Lets talk ” by themselves 2 , Listen to the tape and read after it V Summary and homework 1 , Read and write down the “ Lets talk ” 2 , Recite the “ Lets talk _ The third lesson - I Organization 1 , Free talk : the key sentences 2 Greetings II Revision 1 , Review the “Lets talk ” 2 , Lets read III Presentation 1 , First , open your book “ Read and write ” 2 , Draw faces for each word 3 , Lets translate into Chinese : Teacher say English 4 , Listen to me carefully 5 , Read after me IV Practice 1 , What does the story tell us? 2 , Number the pictures 3 , Fill in the blanks and retell the story V Summary and homework 1 , Recite the “ Lets talk ” 2 , Finish the English excise Teacher and students say “ hello ” to each other Listen and write Look at cards Student read after teacher Students look at the blackboard Read loudly Write them down on your English excise-book _ Teacher and students say “ hello ” to each other Write them down Recite the dialogues Open their books Students translates into Chinese Read in role Practice in groups _ Teacher and students say “ hello ” to each other Recite the “Lets talk ” Open their books Students translates into Chinese Write down the correct answer blackboard design Unit six How do you fell? Part A Lets learn : Sarah is angry. afraid worried happy The cat is afraid angry sad worried


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