2019-2020年二年级英语 Book 3 Module 6 Unit 1教案 新标准外研版.doc

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2019-2020年二年级英语 Book 3 Module 6 Unit 1教案 新标准外研版 一、 教材分析: 本节课的内容是《新标准英语》第三册第六模块第一单元的内容“周末活动”学生通过学习一些动词短语能够谈论自己在周末的行为及谈论他人在周末的活动,同时加强动词第三人称单数的学习训练。 教学重点:理解并灵活运用句型:What do you do at the weekend? I …… 教学难点:培养学生的综合语言运用能力和创新能力。 二、 教学目标: (1) 知识目标:掌握以下重点词句——do homework , watch Tv , ride bike , draw , play football , play the flute , go swimming , read books , wash clothes what do you do at the weekend ? I go to the park . What does Amy do at the weekend ? She watches Tv . What about daming ? He plays the trumpet . (2) 能力目标:培养学生综合运用语言的能力和创新能力。 (3) 情感目标:通过谈论周末,把语言训练融入各种情景之中,学生通过体验,参与活动,培养对语言学习的兴趣。 三、 设计思路: 1、 利用唱歌曲导入和韵句引出主题展开课堂教学,激发学生学习的热情。 2、 利用多媒体的效果演示给学生创设真实的学习情境,通过多媒体的步步深入演示,逐步呈现教学内容。 3、 通过学习,使学生掌握句型 What do you do at the weekend ? I …… 四、 教学过程: Teaching procedure Teacher’s activity Students’ activity Teaching purposes Warming up 1、 Greeting 2、 Chant and song Say and sing 营造活跃轻松的课前气氛,培养他们对英语兴趣,使学生带着积极和活跃的心态投入课堂中。 Revision say the phrase Listen and do the actions 继续调动学生的情绪,复习所学的动词词组,为新课的传授做铺垫。 Task 1. Watch the teacher’s weekend activity . 2. learn new lesson Module 6 weekend Activity 3. present the task 1. Listen and look 2.Learn new word: weekend 创设情境,使学生明确新课内容,同时引出新词和新课。 布置任务,有效进行学习。 Presentation 1. Act it out 2. Ask the students’ weekend activity . 3. practise 4. 4. Ok , now let’s see Amy and daming’s weekend activity(Watch CD-ROM) 5.Listen to the tape Act it out 1. Learn new word:watch Tv play football go swimming 2. Learn the new sentence: What do you do at the weekend? 3. pair work 4. Learn the new sentence :What does Amy /Daming do at the weekend? She plays the flute . He reads books . 5. Read the text . Pair work 边说,边做相应动作,创设活泼的课堂氛围。 通过询问学生的周末活动自然引出新句型。 多媒体教学,直观形象,活跃气氛。 通过朗读课文,锻炼学生的认读和听说能力 Practice Play a game Say and play 通过游戏,既达到操练问句的作用,又巩固了答句。 Consolidation 教师总结 学生总结 Homework Make an investigation. Blackboard design: Module 6 Weekend Activities What do you do at the weekend? Picture Picture Picture watch TV play football go swimming Picture Picture Picture I ride my bike draw wash clothes 附送: 2019-2020年二年级英语 module 10 unit 1 take the second on the right 比赛教案 人教版 Topic: Places Grade: Primary Grade two Designer: Xujuanjuan from Huming Primary School Unit 1: Take the second on the left. 教 学 目 标 1、语言知识: 会听、说、读单词:museum, department store, theatre, first, second, third, cousin, foreigner. 掌握并会运用句子:Take the first/ second/ third on the left/ right. 初步理解句子:It’s next to the theatre. It’s in front of the park. 2、情感态度: 在各个环节中激发学生学习本单元的兴趣,挖掘课堂中的“兴奋点”。 3、知识技能: 学会用较具体的语言来指路。 教 学重 点 能运用Take the first/ second/ third on the left/ right.及以前所学过的句型指路。 教 学难 点 理解并准确区分:first, second, third. 任 务设 计 帮助老师找到想去的9个地方 教 具 课件、评比表、自制单词卡、磁带、路线图。 板 书 设 计 Module 10 Unit1 left right third second first 教 学过 程 Step1. Warm-up: 1. Greetings: 2. Sing the song: Shake, Shake, shake your shoulders. 3. Say the chant: Left foot, right foot … Step2. Review/ Show the task: 1. T: You’re great! Sit down please! 2. T: Now, listen to my order and do the actions. Stand up!First, go straight on. Second, turn left. Third, turn right. OK, go back and sit up straight. 3. T: Just now, I say first… Ss: Go straight on. Turn left. Turn right. 4. T: Look at this picture!(课件) Where is the school? S1: Go straight on! T: Where is the park? S2: Turn left! T: Where is the hospital? S3: Turn right! T: Now, look! Where is the hospital? (出现较多路口的图) Ss: …… 5. T: 遇到这么多拐弯的路,还可以用简单的指路方式来找地方吗?所以今天我们就要来学习比较具体的指路方法。学会后,Miss Xu要请你们帮我找到9个地方,完成这幅图。我还要评出最佳指路员,你们有信心得到吗? Step3. Learn the sentences: 1. T: 今天课文中有一个男孩,他就可以很具体准确地帮三个人指路。认真听,他是怎么指路的。(Play CD-ROM, 师用手边指板书的路标) T: So we know, this is the first/ second/ third. (贴卡片-drill) T: It’s the first on the left. (drill) It’s the second on the left. (drill) It’s the third on the left. (dril) T: 同样的,请你想一想,这边---on the right 应该怎样说?Discuss in groups than tell me. T: Who wants to say? S1: the first/second/ third on the right. (drill) Step4. Game: 1. T: Now, let’s play a guessing game. 猜猜Sam 会在哪个路口拐弯,要在刚才学过的句子前加个take, 如:take the first on the left, take the first on the right.看谁能猜对. (师先示范) 2. T: 把教室想像成一条路,以教室前面,我站的位置为出发点。So it’s the first on the left, It’s the …。 Let’s play the other game. 规则:请两个人,一个人来躲,另一个人蒙上眼睛听大家的指挥来找人。 T: Where is …?S:Take the first/second/third on the left/ right. Step5. Learn the text: 1. T: (课件) Look, Who is the boy? S1: Daming’s cousin- Lin. (drill and spell) T: There are three people ask him for the directions. The first one is a foreigner. (drill and spell) The second one is an old man. The third one is a young man. 2. T: Where are they going? Let’s watch CD-ROM again. S1: museum, department store, hospital. (drill) 3. T: Where is the museum/ department store/ hospital? Open your books to page38, Listen and repeat, then answer my questions. ① T: Where is the museum? S1: Go straight on. Take the second on the left. T: Good, let’s find and stick it. (将museum 的小图贴于板书的路标上) ② T: Where is the department store? S1: Take the first on the right. It’s next to the theatre. T: Can you stick it? S1:… T: Yes, it’s next to the theatre. (stick theatre and drill the sentence) ③ T: Where is the hospital? S1: Go straight on. Then take the third on the left. It’s in front of the school. T: Can you stick it? S1: … T: It’s in front of the school. (stick school and drill the sentence) ④ T: Daming’s cousin Lin knows the city well. What does he do? S1: He’s a taxi driver. (drill) 4. T: Listen and repeat again. Step6. Finish the task: 1. T: Now, let’s finish the task. 每个四人小组都会拿到一幅图,图上有个地方,四人小组讨论该如何从出发点找到这个地方。再派代表上来说。 2. T: 请大家推选一名“最佳指路员”。S1: … Step7. Homework: 1. 听读课文30分钟。 2. 画从学校到家里的路线图,并用英语具体描述出来。
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