2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Unit6 第3课时教案 人教PEP.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Unit6 第3课时教案 人教PEPUnit6 At a Farm 第三课时教学目标1.能够听,说,读,写“cat ,rabbit, duck,pig”等单词以及“Are they ducks?No,they arent.” 2.能够总结字母“I”的发音规律。3.准确,流利地朗读会话。教学重点、难点1本课重点:能够听,说,读,写“cat,rabbit,duck,pig”等单词以及“Are they ducks?No, they arent.”2本课时的难点:字母“i”的发音规律和名词复数形式。教学准备1. Lets talk部分的录音及课件。2. 本单元歌曲的录音。3. 相关单词卡片。教学过程教 学 步 骤个案分析一、Step I :Warm up / Review 1.Greeting2.T:Now ,lets play a game 。“Guessing games OK?”S:OK。Step II: New conceptsT:I have many pictures (教师做动作用纸挡住一部分,猜是什麽)What are they?3.T: What do you see in the picture? S: I see two pigs.Read. Spell.4.T: What else? S: I can see three geese.Read.5.What can you see in the picture? dog Read. Spell.Step:Read books.T: Youre very clever. Youre right. Zhang Peng and John are counting them. Are they right? Lets see. Now open your books.Circle the words you dont understand.T: Now, lets listen to the tape.Lets listen to the tape and follow it.领读。Read it by yourself.角色朗读(Role play)Act.Step: WriteT: Now, take out your exercise book, write the words and sentences on it.Write.(分钟)T: Zhang Peng writes very well, now, lets see. (单词间空一个字母)Step:趣味练习、T: Lets play a game, I have many cards, can you make sentences with them? Now, look at me.They are rabbits.Are they rabbits?Step当堂检测。(练习册)T: Now, lets do the exercise.Check.Step小结What have you learned in this class?StepHomeworkAfter class, you copy the words and sentences on the exercise book.附送:2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Unit6 第4课时教案 人教PEPUnit6 At a Farm 第四课时教学目标1.能够听、说、认读本课时主要单词2.能够跟录音朗读生词3.能够说唱B部分的歌谣4.能够理解Story time的内容教学重点、难点1.本课时的重点: B部分的单词:potato, tomato, onion, cucumber, carrot.2 .教学难点:potato ,tomato的复数形式教学准备1.教师准备各部分的挂图2.教师准备相关的词卡和图卡3.教师准备录音机、录音带4.教师和学生共同准备实物若干教学过程教 学 步 骤个案分析一、复习引入:一、.情境引入Warm-up,教师播放Lets chant部分歌谣,教师根据歌词适时举起相应的图片二、语言学习新知呈现:教师举起一个西红柿,说:I like tomatoes.Do you like tomatoes?引导学生用I likeor I dont like-根据自己的实际情况进行表达。教师在拿起一根黄瓜,边说边完全呈现:Oh,its long and green.Its a cucumber.Do you like cucumbers?让学生在回答中学习单词。出示土豆:Do you know it?French fries are made of it.Its a potato.Do you like potatoes?学生根据实际情况使用I likeor I dont like-进行回答。教师出示洋葱:Its pink and round.It is often used to make of pizza.its an onion.Do you like onions?学生读单词:onion请学生猜谜语:They are long and orange .Rabbit like eating them,what are they?学习单词carrot教师将五种蔬菜分别放在教室的不同位置,然后说单词,请学生指出相应的实物。小组活动:一个同学说单词,其他同学举起相应的单词卡片。绘画游戏:教师说:two potatoes,three carrots,a pink onion,five long cucumbers,four tomatoes.学生比赛看谁画得又快又正确。学习对话:质疑答疑:学生看课件:教师提问:What do you think of the cucumber?Are they fresh?引导学生重复:Theyre fresh.教师拿起实物(tomato,carrot):The tomato is fresh.The carrot is fresh.然后启发学生说说fresh的意思。引导学生用fresh一词形容图中的内容:The - are fresh.Look at the potatoes,are they big?引导学生重复:Yes, and the potatoes are big.听音跟读,听音模仿:学生跟读录音模仿对话。教师启发学生用所学形容词和颜色词描述图中的蔬菜。三、语言实践1、Lets chant教师请学生看着书听歌谣。让学生观察歌谣中like后的蔬菜单词和Lets learn中的单词有什么不同。其他学生说出like后的名词是以复数形式出现的。分别请五个学生将黑板上的单词卡片与原地变为复数形式,在请另外五名学生改变后单词,教师适当强调tomato和potato的复数形式拼写的变化。carrot的复数形式读音的变化。请学生跟录音说唱儿歌,教师强调单词juicy,tasty,jummy,tender,smelly的读音和意思。2、趣味操练每名同学举起(自己喜欢吃的)蔬菜卡片一张,另请五名同学收拿小篮子,分别说出蔬菜的英文名称,其他同学根据听到的词,将手中的图片分别放进相应的小篮子里。如:其中一位同学说potato,手拿土豆图片的学生将图片放进该学生的小篮子中。教师统计全班学生最喜欢吃什么蔬菜。拓展练习Story time 学生看课件,了解故事大意,学生自己读故事,找出生词。四总结归纳五当堂检测1.做相应的配套练习2.把今天听的故事讲给自己的伙伴和家长听。3.Write the words on your exercise-books.板书设计


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