2019-2020年新标准英语一年级起第二册Mudule9 Unit1教学设计.doc

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2019-2020年新标准英语一年级起第二册Mudule9 Unit1教学设计【教材分析】教学目标:a. 语言知识目标:学习功能句I dont like meat 以及单词meat、 rice 、noodles 、sweetsb. 语言技能目标:能够听懂会说本模块句型,正确运用句型表达自己的喜好。c.情感态度目标:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,并融入喜爱的英语学习活动中去。教学重、难点:重点:单词meat、 rice 、noodles 、sweets 。运用功能句Ilike,I dont like 表达自己喜欢和不喜欢的事物难点: You are good children. Sweets for you .的读音和意思。Sweets for you. Noodles for you 等句for的用法.【学生分析】在上一模块,学生学习了怎样表达自己喜欢的事物,本课继续学怎样表达自己不喜欢的事物,并将两者加以综合运用。【设计理念】一年级学生的特点是对英语学习充满兴趣,愿意在游戏中学知识,但注意力时间持续短。因此本课的设计以游戏、活动贯穿始终,同时在掌握新知的同时加以延伸和扩展,不仅运用功能句表达自己喜欢和不喜欢的食物,还扩展到颜色、动物、体育运动等等。达到学以致用,活学活用的目的。教学准备教材、磁带、食物、挂图、卡片、图片等等。教学过程1 Warm-upa. Greeting. Hello, boys and girl. How are you? b. Review the words and sentences.T: Look at the pictures. What sport/ colour/ animal do you like? Ss: I like .2. Presentation a. Teach the new words.Oh, Im hungry. (揉肚子) I want to eat. (吮吸面条的声音). Guess whats this?Yes. “Noodles” Teach it. T: I like noodles. What about you? Ss: I like noodles.(板书)c. Im still hungry. I still want to eat. Look. I like it. Whats this? Rice. (不发音,让学生注意口型)Chick,chick, chick, I like rice.Tweet,tweet, tweet, I like rice. d. -是什么味道这么香?I will have a look.( Show a picture). Oh, whats this? Do you like it? How to say the word, can you guess? (让学生自己猜测读音,培养学生的观察能力)。(meat) Oh, Im a lion. I like meat. What about you? (模仿狮子)e. I think noodles,meat, rice are very very nice.(拍手) Say the chant. Noodles, meat, rice are very very nice. Mmm, mmm, mmm! Very,very, nice. (You are good children.)e. Practise to say “I like noodles/meat/ rice.”3. New-teachinga. Oh, its 12 oclock. Its lunch time. Our friends are eating. Q1: What are they eating? Lets listen.Ss: noodles, rice, meat and sweets. Teach the new word “sweets”. Show some pictures: So many _. They are _.T: Do you like sweets? Ss: Yes.T: Does Tom like sweets too? What does Tom like? What doesnt Tom like?b. Listen to the tape and try to repeat, find the answer.c. Find the answers. I like sweets. I dont like noodles/ meat/ rice.( You are a good boy/ girl. Stickers for you) (回答出问题的,奖励学生)d. Read the sentences. Play a game.e. Open the books. Read after the teacher.4. Consolidationa. Look. 5years later, theres a zoo in Changhai. I will choose some animals for the zoo. Can you help me? I like . I dont like The zoo will be great.c. Look. A happy face/ a sad face. T: Football.Ss: I like/ Idont like football.c. Draw a picture. Do you like colouring?5. Summary and Homework: a. Lets look what we have learnt? b. Remember the words and the sentences, then teach you mum and dad.6. BlackboardModule 9 Unit 1I like meat.I dont like noodles. rice. meat.附送:2019-2020年新标准英语一年级起第四册Mudule9 Unit1教学设计Teaching aims 1. Knowledge objects(1) To enable the children understand and remember the new words: turn left, turn right, go straight on , West lake Road , East lake Road , Excuse me.(2) Grasp the drills: Turn left! Turn right! Go straight on! And use them in real situations.2. Ability objects To develop the children abilities of listening and speaking. To train their ability of observation. 3 Moral objects; To make the children be careful and helpful.Teaching Key and Difficult point (1)Key points: (1) Words and drills (2) use the target drills in real situations.(2)Difficult point: Use the target drills properly in different situations.Teaching aids: cards , PPT, mapTeaching stepsStep1.Warm-up 1.Listen and do actionsStep 2 Presentation1. Now Lets listen and do “Turn around”, Then learn new word”right left”, (板书 ,教读) 2. learn target sentences ”Turn left! Turn right! Go straight on!”3. T: You are very clever, Today were going to use”turn left ,turn right, go straight on” how to ask and tell the way. Now lets learn moduule9 unit1 Turn left!Step 3 Text-teaching1. Show a map : Sam is going to Damings flat, But he cant find the way ,Listen to the text then answer: Where does Daming live?2. Then learn “East Lake Road ,West Lake Road”3. Listen again ,Then circle”go straight on , turn right, turn left”(为学生能回答出 Wheres west lake Road?做铺垫)4. T:Now , Im Sam, Excuse me , Where is West Lake Road?(在真实的语境中学习Excuse me)S: Go straight on , then turn left, then turn right.5. Look at the map,Sam is in West Lake Road, but Daming Lives in East Lake Road.So Sam said Im lost!(让学生明白lost的意思)6. T:Now Sam is lost, Lets help him. Excuse me. Where is East lake Road? 7. Listen and repeatStep 4 Task-fulfilling 1. Do Activity books exercise22. Listen and move on the map ,Now where are you?( 给学生每个人发一个棋子,先听老师口令,看看我们到达了什么位置)3. Practice this game in groups.Step 5 Summary and Homework Summary: What have you learnt today? Homework:Copy the words and practice the drills Listen and read the dialogue.板书设计 Module9 unit1 Turn left! Turn right! Go straight on!

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