2019年三年级英语上册 Unit5 lesson18教案 北京版.doc

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2019年三年级英语上册 Unit5 lesson18教案 北京版第 五 单元 单元主题 ITS A NICE AUTUMN DAY 课题 Lesson 18总课时1教学总目标【三维目标】知识目标:1.复习本单元关于天气及季节特点的日常交际用语,能描述某地的天气情况。2.复习本单元所学词汇,要求能听懂,会读,会说,能认读。3. 能根据天气状况选择适合的服装,会用英文描述。4感知字母组合ear, eer, ere在单词中的发音,能够认读相关单词。5. 会说含有/ei/音的韵文, 感受ai,ay在单词中的发音。能力目标:1.培养学生用所学句型进行交际问答的能力。2.能够跟随录音熟练朗读课文。情感目标:通过各种活动,继续保持学生学习英语的兴趣。教学重点、难点教学重点:1. 能用多种方式询问及描述某个季节,某地或某一天的天气特点。2. 能正确朗读含有字母组合ear, eer, ere的单词和句子。教学难点:韵文中e again another day。连读 不易读准。第一课时:1.复习本单元关于天气及季节特点的日常交际用语,能描述某地的天气情况。2.复习本单元所学词汇,要求能听懂,会读,会说,能认读。3感知字母组合ear, eer, ere在单词中的发音,能够认读相关单词。4. 学习小韵文。板书设计 Lesson 18Whats the weather like today?Its sunny.Its rainy. I can put on my.Do you have a lot ofin?Yes, we do.I love snowy days.课前准备(师)课前参与(生)自制多媒体课件,配套光盘,单词卡片单词小卡片教学过程教师教学活动(教学各环节设计、预设意图)学生学习活动(学习内容、形式及要求)课前复备第一课时: I .Warm-up1. Hello, boys and girls! How are you today? 2. Free talk:Whats the weather like today?Do you have a lot ofin?设计意图:通过对话考查学生对重点句型的应用能力。3.Bomb game:Review some weather words设计意图:通过游戏复习单词,激发兴趣。II. Now I can understand1.Listen and tick.2.Do by themselves.3.Check in pairs.4.Check in class.设计意图:提高听力水平。III. Now I can say1. Look and think what we should do this activity.2. T gives a model of weather report.3. Show.设计意图:游戏练习,激发兴趣,巩固学生对天气单词的掌握。IV. Now I know the sound1. T leads S to read the words: ear, deer, here2. T lets S to find the sound of “ear, eer, ere”3. T leads S to read the sentences.V. Now I can writeChoose the correct word to plete the following sentences. 1. Read the words firstly.2. Choose the right word to plete the following sentences. 4. Discuss in groups.5. Read the sentences again and try to check the answers.设计意图:通过笔头练习补全填空的方式,训练学生的阅读、拼写单词的能力。VI. Lets chant1. Watch the chant and try to read.2. Tell them the knowledge of the calendar.3. T plays the recording.4. Listen and repeat.5. Pair works.6. Show.VII. Homework:1. Review the unit 5.English show.Hello!Answer questions.Pair works. Ask and answer.Play game.Watch the picture.And try to guess the main idea.Listen and tick.Check.Look and think. Think and practice.Group works.Show.Learn the sentences.Give the assessments.生生互评。Look and read.Think and find.Look and read.Look and read the words.plete the following sentences.Discuss.Check.Look and read.Think and understand.Read after the recording.Pair works.Show. 水平测试目标及内容1. Have a dictation of unit 5.2. Read and match :(1)Whats the weather like today? A.I can put on my raincoat.(2)Do you have a lot of snow in winter? B. Its snowy.(3)Its rainy. C. Yes, we do.(4)Its snowing. D. Lets make a snowman.3. Read or recite the dialogue.教学反思课后补充备课附送:2019年三年级英语上册 Unit5 This is my family教案 湘少版教学目标:1、熟练的介绍家庭成员2、会读和听懂家庭成员的单词教学重点、难点:介绍家庭成员教学课时:二课时Period 1教学目标:熟练的介绍家庭成员悉和掌握新单词教学重点难点:较熟练的介绍家庭成员Step 1 GreetingStep2 RevisionRevise the alphabet Aa Bb Cc Dd EeStep3 PresentationTeach the alphabet “Ff” and teach the new words aunt cousin grandfather grandmother member uncleStep4Lets listen and sayOpen your books and turn to Page21 Listen to the tape and read after itStep5 PracticeLets read the dialogue and in pairsStep6 ActLets act the dialogue outStep7 HomeworkLets copy the new words five timesPeriod 2教学目标:会读和听懂家庭成员的单词教学重点、难点:会读和听懂家庭成员的单词Step1 GreetingStep2 RevisionRevise the alphabet Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Step3 RevisionRevise the new wordsStep 4 PresentationPage 22 Part CLets actPart D Lets readPart ELets listen, read and write Fan frog fat fly friends flowers Step5 Read the sentence My fat fringe is fanning with a fan .read the sentence several times.Step 6 lets have fun.Family tree. Step 7 Homework.Copy the new words and alphabet.


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