2019年五年级第二单元测试题 (I).doc

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2019年五年级第二单元测试题 (I)班级_ 姓名_一选择正确答案。(20分) (1)_? Fall.A. When do you get up?B. Whats your favorite season?C. Why do you like fall?D. What do you do on the weekend? (2)I like winter, but summer is my_season.A. best B. like C. good D. favourite (3)I like summer, because I can _in the sea.A. skate B. fly C. plant trees D. swim (4)Which season do you like _? I like summer best.A. best B. favourite C. good D. summer (5)Why _ you like spring? A. does B. is C. are D. do (6)Its summer, They can swim _ the lake. A. on B. in C. at D. near (7)I like winter, because I can _. A. sleep a short time B. a long time sleepC. sleep a long time D. sleep a time long (8)The box is _ heavy(重) _ me. A. to; for B. on; for C. too; of D. too; for (9)He _ winter best. A. like B. is like C. likes D. to like (10)Id like _. A. play the piano B. to play the pianoC. playing the piano D. plays the piano (11) What is _ favorite season? A. Amy B. Amys C. Amys( )(12)Why do you like birthday? _ I can have a cake.A. And B. Because C. so (13) Which season _Zoom like best? Spring. A. do B. does C. done (14) _ spring now. A. Its B. its C. Is (15) Summer _ my favorite season. A. am B. are C. is( )(16)In a year, the first season is _. A. spring B. summer C. fall (17)_ my new coat. Its very beautiful. A. See B. Look C. Look at (18) Its _ in summer.A. sun and hot B. sunny and cold C. sunny and hot ( ) (19) I like _very much. A. to swimming B.to swim C. swim( )(20) I like_best. A. planting trees B. to planting trees C. plant trees二请对号入座(10分) (1)When do you do homework? (2)What do you do on Monday? (3)Which season do you like best? (4)Why do you like fall? (5)What would you like to do? A. I often have Chinese class. B.I usually do my homework at 5:00. C. I like spring best. D. Id like to visit my friends. E. Because I can go hiking.三读句子,把下列句子按意思排好顺序。(10分)( ) Why do you like fall?( ) Nice to meet you, too. Where are you from?( ) My favorite season is fall.( ) Hello, my name is Daniel. Whats your name?( ) Halloween and Thanksgiving.( ) Im Ada. Nice to meet you.( ) Its spring now. I dont like spring.( ) Im from America.( ) Whats your favorite season?( ) Whats season is it in America? 四把下面的单词连成句。(20分)1) favorite, What, season, your, is (?)2) Why, you, spring, do, like (?)3) fly, I, can, Because, kites (.)4) go, is, time, best, to, to, Beijing, When, the (?)5) Because, can, in, the, I, river, swim (.)(6)does, like, Chen jie, season, which, best (?)(7)can, with, play, She, a, dog (.)(8)is, always, cold, too, It, winter, in (.)(9)does, not, Mary, winter, like (.)(10)do, not, I, in, winter, hiking, go (.)五按要求写句子。(10分)(1) Its rainy and cool in Beijing.(对划线部分提问)_ the weather _ in Beijing?(2) Zip likes summer best,because he can swim in the lake.(对划线部分提问)_ does Zip like summer best?(3) My favorite season is spring.(对划线部分提问)_ your favorite season?(4) Summer is my favorite season.(同意句转换)I _ summer _.(5)He doesnt like climbing mountains in winter, because its _.(太冷)六. 阅读理解 A 判断对错, B选择正确的答案,C 判断对错.(30分)(A) Sam and TomSam and Tom are twin brothers. They are in the same school. They are in Class1.Grade 4. Theyre in the same coats and trousers. They have the same school bags. Sam has a new pen. But Toms pen is old. Tom has a new pencil box. But Sams pencil box is old.( )1. Sam and Tom are classmates. ( )2. Their pens are new.( )3. They are in Class4,Grade1. ( )4. Their pencil boxes are the same.( )5. Their trousers are different.(B) At one in the afternoon, Jack is having lunch with his friend Peter. Peter is very fat. He likes food and eats a lot. They are sitting at a table. They buy some nice things to eat. After lunch they eat some other food. “We could go now, Peter” Jack says, “we are here for a long time. Its three now.” ”Oh, no. We cant leave(离开) now, Peter. Its time for tea.”( )1. Peter likes _. A. eating B. drawing C. swimming.( )2. -How long do they stay there? - _. A. Two hours B. One hour C. Three hours ( )3. Jack and Peter are _ A. friends B. classmates C. twins ( )4. -What are they doing together? -They are_. A. eating lunch B. skiing C. drinking( )5. -Does Jack want to leave? -_ A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesnt. C. He wants to drink some tea.A Good Time Today is Sunday. It is a fine day. The sky is blue. Mr White is with his family. There are four people in his family. They are Mr White, Mrs White, May and Jim. They are walking on the bridge. There are some boats on the river. Mr and Mrs White are looking at them. May is not looking at the boats. She is looking at a big ship. Jim is looking at the birds in the sky. They have a good time.True or Fause:( )1. Today is Saturday.( )2. Its cloudy today.( )3. Mr White, Mrs White and their children are on the bridge.( )4. Father and mother are looking at the boats on the river.( )5. May is looking at the boats, too.附送:2019年五年级第二学期一、二单元测试及答案一、听写略二、看拼音,写汉字。f m l mo d yn xi s ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )j sh bin jing xi mi j ju ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、比一比,再组词。漠( ) 陷( ) 晰( ) 涯( )寞( ) 焰( ) 析( ) 崖( )四、把下面的四字词语补充完整并选择其中的一个造句。情不自( ) 翠色( )流 绞尽( )汁一( )正经 杯水车( ) 美轮美( )_五、根据要求改写句子。(1)空气那么清新,天空那么晴朗,使我总想高歌一曲。(改为反问句)_(2)我童年的发现很可笑。我很快乐,难以忘怀。(用关联词连句)_(3)高大挺拔的白杨树像一排士兵似的排列在宽阔笔直的马路两旁。缩句:_(4)童年是一首歌,歌里有我们的幸福和欢乐;童年是_,_。(仿写句子)六、默写古诗舟过安仁。_作者:_,_。_,_。诗中能体现孩子聪明可爱这特点的诗句是:_。七、按课文内容填空。1、草铺横野六七里,_。2、天行健,_。3、白了少年头,_。4、忽然,像被_似的,远处的小丘上出现了一群马,马上的_穿着各色的衣裳,群马疾驰,_,像_向我们飞过来。5、白杨这篇课文运用了_的表达方法,赞扬了_。6、古诗词三首中,儿童的形象惹人喜爱,其中牧童一诗是这样描绘的:_,_。清平乐村居一诗是这样描绘的:_,_。八、阅读。(一)课内阅读。 爸爸的微笑消失了,脸色变得严肃起来。他想了一会儿,对儿子和小女儿说:“白杨树从来就这么直。哪儿需要它,它就在哪儿很快地生根发芽,长出粗壮的枝干。不管遇到风沙还是雨雪,不管遇到干旱还是洪水,它总是那么直,那么坚强,不软弱,也不动摇。”1、这个自然段选自 ,课文讲了爸爸向孩子介绍了白杨树的三个特点:_、_、_。2、用上带点的词语写几句话,夸夸像课文中的爸爸那样的祖国建设者或保卫者。_3、文中画线的句子属于( )A.外貌描写 B.神态描写 C.动作描写4、读了这段话,我知道了_。(二)课外阅读我爱小院一走进我家的大门,就会看见一个小小的院子。我在它的怀里长大,深深地爱着它。它( )小,( )一年四季富有迷人的色彩。春天,万物复苏,院中的蔷薇花用一片翠绿向我们(报告、告诉)春天的信息。爬山虎也不甘示弱,(舒展、张开)开黄绿眉眼的小芽,带来了满墙的新绿。美人蕉(像、象)一个亭亭玉立的绿衣少女迎来了夏天,在暖风中向我点头。金秋,秋菊迎风怒放,金黄的、墨绿的,一株株、一盆盆,装点着院子。一阵秋风吹来,喜树的叶子纷纷扬扬地掉下来,像一只只金蝴蝶在翩翩起舞。寒风送来了冬爷爷和雪姑娘,院子里披上了白毯,树枝上开出了朵朵白花。小院给我以美的享受。小院的怀中生活着许多有趣的小生命:在枝头打架的白头翁,在墙壁上散步的壁虎,(贪婪、贪心)地从墙壁缝里伸出小脑袋的老鼠妈妈常把这些小动物编在一起,讲成一个个我所喜爱的童话故事。每年春天,爸爸总要爬上高高的喜树、女贞树,去整理树枝,左邻右舍的小伙子们常跑来帮忙,大家边说边干,好热闹。每当腊梅飘香的时候,我们总选出几枝怒放的送给邻居们,大家一起(享受、感受)这迷人的清香。小院( )充满着欢声笑语,( )使我懂得邻里互助友谊深。如今,虽然我长大了,即将成为一名中学生,要投入到广阔天地的怀抱中去,_。1.划去括号里用得不恰当的字、词。2选择恰当的关联词,填到文中的括号里。 不但而且 如果就 不是而是 虽然但是3用“_”画出一个比喻句,这个句子是把_比作_。(3分)4.短文第二自然段是按_顺序写的。(1分)5.用波浪线画出第二自然段的中心句,这个自然段主要运用了( )和( )的修辞手法描写景物。(3分)6根据短文的题目,联系文章内容,把文章的结尾补充完整。(2分)7.短文中的哪些事例让“我”懂得邻里互助友谊深?请用简洁的语言概括。(2分)_九、习作。 请你写一封信给你的亲朋好友,向他(她)讲述一件你童年的趣事。要求:1、注意书信的格式,要把事情经过写清楚,写出自己的真实感受。2、不少于400字,注意语句通顺,书写工整。答案:二、抚摸 礼貌 低吟 羞涩 拘束 边疆 卸煤 咀嚼三、沙漠 陷入 清晰 天涯寂寞 焰火 分析 山崖四、情不自禁 翠色欲流 绞尽脑汁 一本正经 杯水车薪 美轮美奂五、1.空气那么清新,天空那么晴朗,怎不使我总想高歌一曲?2.虽然我童年的发现很可笑,但是我很快乐,难以忘怀。3.白杨树排列在马路两旁。4.童年是一幅画,画里有我们的想象和憧憬。六、舟过安仁(杨万里)一叶渔船两小童,收篙停棹坐船中。怪生无雨都张伞,不是遮头是使风。怪生无雨都张伞。七、1.笛弄晚风三四声 2.君子以自强不息 3.空悲切 4.一阵风吹来 男女老少 襟飘带舞 一条彩虹 5.托物言志 白杨树生命力强,坚强不屈的精神品质。6.归来饱饭黄昏后,不脱蓑衣卧月明。最喜小儿亡赖,溪头卧剥莲蓬。八、1.白杨 坚强不屈 生命力顽强 毫不动摇2.略 3.B 4.白杨树能够在恶劣的环境下生长,不管干旱还是洪水,风沙或是雨雪,都不轻易动摇,始终挺拔,具有坚强不屈的品质。我们做人也要像白杨树一样,坚强,不软弱。我家的小院1.略 2.虽然 但是 不但 而且 3.美人蕉 绿衣少女4.时间 5.拟人 比喻 6.但是我永远不会忘记那美丽、迷人、充满欢声笑语的小院。 7.每年春天,爸爸要爬上树整理树枝,左邻右舍的小伙子们常跑来帮忙;每当腊梅飘香的时候,我们总选出几枝怒放的送给邻居们。

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