2019年(春)二年级美术下册 第7课《笔筒设计》(第2课时)教案 浙美版.doc

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2019年(春)二年级美术下册 第7课《笔筒设计》(第2课时)教案 浙美版.doc_第1页
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2019年(春)二年级美术下册 第7课《笔筒设计》(第2课时)教案 浙美版.doc_第2页
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2019年(春)二年级美术下册 第7课《笔筒设计》(第2课时)教案 浙美版.doc_第3页
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2019年(春)二年级美术下册 第7课笔筒设计(第2课时)教案 浙美版课 题7.笔筒设计课 时第2课时教学目标1、和文房四宝一样,笔筒中蕴含着历史和变化,应引起同学们的关注。2、利用塑料瓶做笔筒,提醒师生共同关注塑料瓶的多种造型及如何利用彩色纸对瓶筒进行美化装饰。3、学会用彩色纸剪贴的方法装饰筒形。教学重点用废旧塑料瓶制作、装饰实用的笔筒。教学难点装饰设计的美感与创新。课前准备塑料瓶、彩色纸、双面胶、剪子、即时贴、小红花和多媒体课件等。教学过程1.导入课题。(1)教师出示一把笔,问学生:把笔放哪儿?(2)教师出示范例,引入课题:我做的笔筒。2.欣赏感受。(1)出示实物,引导学生欣赏各种笔筒,了解笔筒文化。(2)讨论:笔筒的制作材料有哪些?(提示:木、竹、瓷等。)3.讨论研究。(1)小组讨论:好的笔筒是怎样的?(板书:美观、实用。)(2)小组研究分析:教材中的笔筒有哪些优缺点?(造型多样,装饰的手法多样,但使用纸杯制作笔筒时应该考虑稳定性。)4.技法交流。(1)纸笔筒的造型有几种?(出示几种外形不同的笔筒范例欣赏。)(2)讨论:如果是用其他材料加工,应该注意些什么?(适当介绍一些装饰的方法。)(3)看看自己所带的材料,想想制作什么样的笔筒比较好,怎样装饰好看。5.操作体验。(1)提出要求:利用自己身边的材料制作一只美观实用的笔筒。(2)学生设计创作,教师巡回辅导(提醒学生安全使用剪刀)。6.展示评议。将笔放入笔筒,请学生互相说说同学做的笔筒有什么优点。7.总结下课。(1)教师总结本课的学习活动情况并请学生收拾清洁教室。(2)请学生课后继续利用各种废弃物加工制作成各种美观实用的物品。作业活动设计1. 设计一个笔筒,放在自己书桌上。2. 回家教一下自己的爸爸妈妈做笔筒。板书设计笔筒设计欣赏我做的笔筒教 学 反 思 、随 笔附送:2019年(春)二年级英语下册 Module 1 Unit 1 Whats the weather like教案 外研版一 教学目标:1知识目标:能听、说、读、天气类单词sun, sunny, rain, rainy, snow, snowy, wind, windy。2能力目标:掌握日常交际用语:Whats the weather like today? Its.Whats the weather like in Beijing/Shanghai? Its.Whats the weather like on Monday/Tuesday? On Monday, its.3情感教育:了解大自然关于气象学方面的一些常识,认识一些气象灾害,让同学们爱护地球,保护环境,爱护植被,培养学生爱科学爱环境的思想感情。二、 教学内容重难点分析:本课的教学重点是通过各种形式(听,说,读,写,画,游等等),让学生掌握并运用有关天气的词汇及日常交际用语。三、教学过程:Part 1.Free talk and motivation:T/S: Good morning boys and girls./Miss Jin.T: What day is it today?Ss: Today is.T: Is it hot? Ss: No, it isnt. T: Ok, we can say the weather is not hot, its very cold. Follow me, weather (write the word on the blackboard, repeat the word several times)Part 2.Presentation:T: Today, Amy and Sam e to the park, listen to the radio, find out whats the weather like in this story?(listen the tape, write the title on the blackboard )T: So whats the weather like in this story?Ss: Its sunny. (Write the word on the blackboard .Point to the sentence one by one,)T: Can you draw a picture about sunny? (Leta S to draw a picture on the blackboard)T: Ok, very good! Follow me, sunny. (Repeat the word several times) T: Can you find out another word about weather? Ss: Its windy. (Teach other word just as above)T: Another?Ss: Its raining”. T: Is it really raining? Get the answer and explain why?Ss:T: Read it after me “rain”! (Teach the word just as above)Part 3.Practice:Review the words.(升降调,one by one)T: Open your book, turn to 3, listen and say! (Listen the tape)Choose several pairs to act it out.Part4.Consolidation:T: Look at these tools.(Draw some pictures on the blackboard: umbrella ,gloves , hat)what can you imagine? What will you think about?For example: An umbrella, when do we need an umbrella? When it is rainy, we need an umbrella.T: Ok! Today, we learned different weather, sunny, rain, windy. After class, make dialogues with your partners or students.Part5. homework:看天气预报,记住北京,西宁,上海,三亚的天气,并造句

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