2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Module2 unit1(1)教案 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Module2 unit1(1)教案 外研版第一课时(40分钟)教学内容:SB(学生用书)与AB(课堂活动用书)Unit1 Were going to have a picnic.教学目标:1、 学习语句:Were going to eat at half past twelve.When are we going to eat?At half past twelve.单词:duck, noisy2、能口头运用When are we going to eat?这类语句询问计划的活动时间,并能口头运用At half past twelve.这类语句回答。3、能识别单词:duck, noisy 能书写单词:under, tree .重难点: 1、能口头运用When are we going to eat?这类语句询问计划的活动时间,并能口头运用At half past twelve.这类语句回答。2、能识别单词:duck, noisy能书写单词:under, tree功能:谈论意图和计划教学程序:一、 热身复习1、教师询问学生:“What time is it now?”让个别学生进行回答。然后出示一个钟,它调成不同的时间,然后用“What time is it ?”不断询问学生钟面上所表示的时间,从而帮助复习有关时间的英文表达。2、教师接着提问:“What are you going to do at oclock?”提醒学生用“Im going to ”进行回答。教师尽可能地引导学生操练句型“be going to”.二、任务呈现与课文导入教师告诉学生:“我们今天来看看Daming, Simon和Simons mother 在周末做了什么?等下你们也来谈谈这个周末打算做什么?”三、课文教学1、播放录音向学生呈现SB第一单元活动,请学生结合插图听一听Daming ,Simon和Simons Mum 之间的对话,看看是否明白发生了什么事情。2、教师再次播放录音,把以下问题板书在黑板上,要求学生带着以下的问题听录音,并用铅笔勾出问题的答案。提醒学生特别注意带有“going to ”的句子。(1)When are they going to eat?( 2 ) What time is it now?(3) What are they going to do now?(4)Whats the weather like ?(5)What are the ducks like?3、录音播放完毕,请学生回答问题。在问题讲解的过程中,教师可以使用单词卡片教授单词“duck”和“noisy”.要求学生跟读,然后请个别学生朗读,以便教师纠正学生发音,并要求学生能书写。此外还可以使用简笔画的讲解“walk around the lake”的含义。并要求学生能书写单词:under, tree4、再次播放课文录音,请学生进行指读与跟读。然后选个别学生进行分角色朗读。教师要注意学生的语音和语调。5、播放第一单元的活动2的录音,提醒学生注意句子中“be going to ”的用法。再次播放录音,请学生跟读。6、完成AB第一单元练习1和练习2。教师播放录音,请学生完成判断,在进行集体订正答案以前,允许学生相互交流。然后再次播放录音,请学生对错误的句子进行改错。四、任务完成全班学生以组为单位,谈论本周末自己的计划。主要联系“be going to ”的用法。五、课后作业1、请学生在两人小组中口头完成SB第一单元活动3。在课堂教学中,教师可以先引导学生阅读例句后,再进行练习的课后完成。2、完成AB第一单元练习3。在课堂教学中可以先请学生进行口头练习,再进行课后笔头。3、完成AB第一单元练习4。教师让学生进行课后自学,对于可以针对普遍问题进行集体讲解。附送:2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Module2 unit2教案 外研版教学目标:1.Ss can finish the exercises with the help of the teacher2.Ss can have a weather reportProcedures:Step1.Warmer:Let students translate into English.1.What are you going to do? Were going to have a picnic in the park.2.What/when are we going to eat?We are going to eat a big lunch at 12:30.3.What time is it?Its .4.Whats the weather like today? (1).Its sunny. (2).Its a beautiful day. (3). Its fine. (4).Its going to rain.(5).Its going to snow/be windy/cold/warm/hot.Step2. Activity BookLet students open the books,and look at Activity 1.Play the weather game.Look at the picture and report the weather.T:Whats the weather like in Shenyang on Monday/tonight/on Friday?S:Its going to rain /be windy on Monday/snow tonight/ be hot on Friday.Then let students make dialogues witn other pictures.Pay attention to: Be windy/be hot/be warm/be sunny/be beautiful/ be fine.Step3.Match the words that rhyme.Let students chant and match.The answer:today friendthen dinnergoodnight tonightwinner afternoonbedroom playStep4.Look,listen ad writePlay the tape for students ,and let them fill in the blanks.Xiaohua:Hi,Nina.Nina:Hello,Xiaohua.Its a beautiful day.What are you going to do?Xiaohua:Im going to go to the park.Nina:What are you going to do then?Xiaohua:Im going to play with my friends.Nina:And what about this afternoon?Xiaohua:Im going to read a book.Nina:And what are you goign to do after dinner?Xiaohua:I;m going to do my homework.Nina:And what are you going to do tonight?Xiaohua:Im going to go to bed at 9 oclock. Questions:1.What is Xiaohua going to do today? Hes going to go to_2.What is he going to do then? Hes going to _3.What is he going to do in the afternoon?Hes going to _4.What is he going to do after dinner?Hes going to_.5.What is he going to do tonight?Hes going to _.Step5.Answer the questions about you.1) What are you going to after school?2)What are you going to do after dinner?3)What are you going to do todo tonight?教学反思:

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