2019年(春)三年级英语下册 Module 4 Unit 1 Do you like meat教案 外研版.doc

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2019年(春)三年级英语下册 Module 4 Unit 1 Do you like meat教案 外研版教学内容:外研社新标准英语三年级起点 Module 4 Unit 1 Do you like meat?1、单词: noodles, milk, meat, fish, rice2、句型:Do you like?及答语Yes , I do./ No, I dont.教学目标:1、知识目标:(1)能正确认读单词noodles, milk, meat, fish, rice。(2)能口头表达“Do you like.”和“Yes, I do/No, I dont.”句型。运用这类语句了解他人对食物的喜好,能用Yes, I do.或No, I dont.回答这种询问。2、情感态度目标:在教学过程中,通过丰富多彩的教学活动,充分调动学生学习英语的积极性,努力营造宽松、和谐的课堂气氛,培养学生的创新精神和协作精神。3、学习策略目标:能通过所学的知识与实际生活联系,用Do you like.? Yes, I do ./ No, I dont.进行英语交流。Step 1Warming up.1. Greeting.T:Hello, boys and girls. How are you?S:Hello. Miss Zhai. Im fine, thank you. And you?T:Im fine. Thank you. 2. Chant. T:Now lets chant. I like coffee. I like tea. I dont like noodles. I dont like meat.3. Revision.T: Today we will learn some new words. But now, lets do some review.T:First, read these words as quickly as you can. Are you ready? Go! (复习黑板上的单词) yellow yellow 黄色 1 2 3 GoT:Very good. You did a good job.Step 2Presentations. 1、Learn new words: meat, noodles, milk, fish, rice. T:今天我们要学的新单词就藏在这里面,小朋友们把它们找出来好吗?(rice milk meat noodles fish.) Youre great. T:rice rice 米饭. How to spell? Show me your finger. R I C E rice rice 米饭T:老师在黑板上画了三个小房子,大家看一下我们今天学的新单词应该住进那个小房子呢?我请一位同学上来把新单词带回家,大家看他连对了吗?黑板上还有一些单词,我再请两个小朋友上来带他们回家。T:Youre so amazing, Good job!(星星)T:好,现在我们来玩一个游戏,老师如果说food,那么老师指着黑板上属于food的单词才读出来,其他的单词就捂住嘴巴好吗?大家先一起玩一遍,小组竞赛。T:大家对新学的单词都熟悉了吗?那老师问你们,meat是什么意思?肉的意思,很好。Stand up please. I like meat very much. Do you like meat? 这句话是什么意思?Good. Who can answer my question? Yes 后面应该跟什么?(星星)(教师用同样的方法多问几个学生,并让学生做出正确的回答。)T:Yes, I do. Read after me. Do you like meat? Yes, I do.T:并不是谁都喜欢肉的,不喜欢肉的人肯定不能回答Yes, I do. (教师指着自己不喜欢的noodles让学生问自己,Do you like noodles? )T:No, I dont. (边摇手边说) Say it ,please.S:No, I dont.T:OK. If you like, you should say “Yes, I do.” If you dont like, you say “No, I dont.”(教师先示范,通过体态语言和脸部表情展示Yes, I do. / No, I dont.)Step 3. Practice and consolidation. 1、师生对话(1) I like meat. (画笑脸,问一些学生)T:I like meat. How about you?(2) I dont like noodles.(贴哭脸,问一些学生)T:I dont like noodles. How about you?(3) 全班根据教师画的表情符号进行询问和回答。2、Pair words. (1)T:lets talk with your partner. (请一个学生到前面和老师一起示范) I like . I dont like .(2)Group work.(使用黑板上的单词,小组长与组员之间做对话练习)Hello, do you like?Yes, I do. / No, I dont.3、Sing a song.以两只老虎的旋律为伴奏Do you like meat? Do you like meat? Yes, I do. Yes, I do.Do you like fish? Do you like fish? No, I dont. No, I dont.4. Listen and do.(录音课件)在Lingling, Tom, Amy和Sam喜欢的食物对应的方格里画上笑脸和哭脸。5,Listen and say.跟读课文,角色扮演,小组练习Step 4 Summary.T:OK. Boys and girls. Look at the blackboard, please. What did we learn?T:you are wonderful. You know what food you like and what food you dont like. Now, let me see. Today, who is the winner?Step 5 Homework.1、用Do you like询问小组成员并在表格中画上哭脸和笑脸。2、Copy the words:noodles, milk, meat, fish, rice and pass me for 4 times.板书设计Module 4 Unit 1 Do you like meat? - Yes, I do. -No, I dont.NamericenoodlesmeatfishmilkLinglingSamAmyTomyellow ricemonkey pandared lionsfish elephantmilk noodlestiger meat 翟 悦附送:2019年(春)三年级英语下册 Module 4 Unit 1Well pick fruit教案 外研版【教学目标】1.知识目标:掌握四会单词:pick, fruit, orange, peach, fourteen,sixteen,eighteen.能听懂会说重点句型:We will pick .Will we pick ? Yes, we will. No, we wont。2.能力目标:能在实际生活中灵活运用句型:We will pick .Will we pick ? Yes, we will. No, we wont.3.情感目标:培养学生乐于模仿,敢于开口表达自己见解的能力,并能在小组活动中积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。【教学重点】运用语言结构 “We will pick .Will we pick ? Yes, we will. No, we wont.”谈论将来要发生的事情。【教学难点】正确运用一般将来时的一般疑问句形式,并能做出相应的回答。【教学准备】卡片,录音机,磁带,水果图片。【教学过程】一、Warming-up1. Greeting.2. Sing a song “I love apple”.3. Free Talk:T: My favourite fruit is strawberry. Whats your favourite fruit?Ss: My favourite fruit is .二、PresentationT: We like fruit very much. We are going to go to a fruit farm. What will we do at the fruit farm? OK, today well learn Module4 Unit1 “Well pick fruit”. (齐读课题)三、New lesson:1. Look at Activity 1, listen and follow. 2. Listen and try to answer questions:How old are the big cat and dog ? How old are the little cat and dog ?3. Listen and repeat ,then practices to say the chant in groups .4.Look at Activity2 , T: Youre very kind and helpful children. Today our friend Garfield isnt happy. He is ill. 我们都是有爱心的孩子,今天加菲猫生病了,我们一起到农场摘些水果去看望他。OK? But what fruit does he like? What will we pick? Please look at the screen. Ask and answer in pairs.4. Listen and repeat.(1) T: Sam and Amy are very happy. Now lets listen and repeat. (跟录音读一遍)(2)分角色朗读(1-2组汇报)5.Listen,point,andfind“will”.Then teach to say new words :pick ,fruit ,pear ,fourteen,sixteen ,eighteen.(1) T: Children, I have a puzzle for you. Can you plete the dialogue? First discuss in groups and spell the missing words.(2) Listen and say. Try to recite.(3) Talk about the pictures.四、Production1. 采摘游戏。T: Oh, children! Look! What are there in my hands? (出示水果图片:apple, orange, watermelon, peach, banana, pineapple)Guess, what will we pick? You can use “Will we pick ?”S: Will we pick ?T: Yes, we will. No, we wont.(师生互动生生互动)2. Look and answer ,How many apples will you pick ?(师生问答组内问答)3. AB Activity3.(1) Read and circle True or False.(2) Check the answers.五、Cooler1. Summary: What have you learnt today?2. Homework: 和小伙伴们说一说你的“五一”出游计划。六、Blackboard Design : Module4 Unit1 Well pick fruit. Were going to a fruit farm this weekend .Well pick fruit .Will we pick apples/ pears /peaches ? Yes,I will. No,I wont .fourteen sixteen eighteen


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