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2019年三年级英语测试卷及答案School: Name: 听力部分(30分)一、 听音,找出你所听到的内容,将其编号填入题前括号内。(10分)( ) 1、A. god B. GQB C. GQD( ) 2、A. ako B. akq C. aok( ) 3、A.d e b B. d I b C. b a d( ) 4、A.13 B. 14 C. 3( ) 5、A.mom B.man C. woman( ) 6、A.father B. mother C. brother( ) 7、A.night B. vest C. nest( ) 8、A.twelve B. sixteen C. fifteen( ) 9、A.teacher B. boy C. student( ) 10、A.hamburger B. hot dog C. juice二、 听音,选择最佳的答案。(10分)( ) 1、A. I can see 11. B. Im 16. C. I have 15 pencils. ( ) 2、A. Oh, its beautiful. B. Thank you. C. OK!( ) 3、A. Hes my friend. B. Shes my mother. C. Miss White.( ) 4、A. Im Sarah. B. Im eight. C. Im from China.( ) 5、A.Good afternoon. B.Good night. C. Good morning.三、听录音,补充单词中所缺的字母。(10分)1、_oose 2、_nt 3、_ot dog 4、_oy 5、_ce-cream6、 ump 7、_offee 8、_ouse 9、 uck 10、_ey笔试部分(70分)一、 分一分。下面有很多单词,请你按六种类别分类吧!把序号填在所属类别的图形里。20x1tea pencil-case mouth mouse black plane green eye brown kitedoll arm rabbit sharpener bread crayon squirrel hamburger panda foot文具类 动物类 身体部位类颜色类 食物类 玩具类二、单项选择题201 1Mother Duck is sitting _ the nest. A. at B. in C. on D. to 2Can I have some water ?Im _. A. thirsty B. hungry C. tired D. full 3What are they doing? They are _ A. smkeing B. smoking C. smoke D. smoken 4Whats _ like in January? A. the weather B. weather C. it D. its 5I want to paint. Can I have some_? A. rice B. apples C. brushes D. uniforms 6_ very cool in autumn. A. it B. its C. Its D. It 7Our classroom is too hot. Dont _ the window, please! A. open B. opening C. close D. closing 8Lets go to _ park. A. a B. the C. A D. The 9Lucy _ her lunch at 12 oclock. A. have B. having C. eat D. eats 10.Min and Mog go _ at nine oclock at night. A. out side B. outside C. Out side D. Outside 11.I _ reading a book now. A. is B. are C. am D. be 12.Do you need some _ for dinner ? A. milk B. milks C. Milk D. Milks 13.Ive _ some apples and grapes. A. getting B. got C. gets D. get 14._ you listen to English in the morning ? Yes, I do. A. do B. Do C. does D. Does 15.The students in Yucai school can go home _ Friday. A. in B. on C. at D. to 16.Dont play football _ the classroom. A. in B. on C. outside D. at 17.Here _ a pair of scissors. A. am B. is C. are D. be 18.The little girls name _ Nina. A. am B. is C. are D. be 19.There _ many apples in the basket. A. are B. is C. am D. have 20.The first day of a week is _ A. Monday B. Tuesday C. Saturday D. Sunday.三、阅读判断对错,对的写T错的写F 102Tom: What a lovely day! Lets go to the park and have a picnic. Peter: Ok. Thats the supermarket. Its nine oclock in the morning, still early(还早). Lets go and buy the things for the picnic. Tom: Great! Do you like bread/ Peter: No, I like cakes. I want this big cake. And Ive got some milk and some apples. What do you need? Tom: I need a hot dog, two oranges and some sweets. Peter; Oh! Thats enough(足够). Lets go to the park. Tom; Lets. ( ) 1. Tom is ten and Peter is eleven. ( ) 2. They go to the park in the afternoon. ( ) 3. They buy things for picnic in the supermarket. ( ) 4. Peter wants the small cake. ( ) 5. Tom likes hot dogs.五、连一连。请将A栏中的句子与B栏中匹配的句子用线连起来。10x1A组1. Nice to meet you.2. Lets go to school.3. May I have a look ?4. How old are you? 5. Whats your name?6. How are you? 7. Good-bye!8. Thank you! 9. Happy New Year!10. Happy Birthday!B组a. Im 10.b. Nice to meet you too.c. OK.d. Sure. Here you are.e. See you!f. My name is Lucy.g. Fine, thank you!h. Happy New Year!i. Youre wele. j. Thank you! 参 考 答 案听力部分略笔试部分一、 选一选。给图片选出正确的单词,将单词前的序号写在图片下的括号内。1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、 分一分。下面有很多单词,请你按六种类别分类吧!把序号填在所属类别的图形里。文具类 :2、14、16 动物类 :4、13、17、19 身体部位类:3、8、12、20颜色类:5、7、9 食物类:1、15、18 玩具类:6、10、11三、 连一连。请将A栏中的句子与B栏中匹配的句子用线连起来。1-b 2-c 3-d 4-a 5-f6-g 7-e 8-I 9-h 10-j一. 听音,找出你所听到的内容,将其编号填入题前括号内。每题读两遍.1. Big letters G,Q,D2. Small letters a,k,q3. b a d, small letters b a d .4. I can see 13 crayons.5. This man is my teacher.6. The boy is my brother.7.You can see a nest on the tree.8. I am sixteen.9. Mr Black is our teacher.10.I like hamburgers.四. 听音,选择最佳的答案。每题读两遍.1. How many pencils do you have?2. Lets fly a kite.3. Whos this boy?4. Whats your name?5. Good afternoon, Miss White. 七. 听音,补充单词中所缺的字母。每题读两遍.1.goose 2.ant 3.hot dog 4.boy 5. ice-cream6. jump 7. coffee 8. mouse 9. duck 10. key 单选:15 C A B A C 610 C C B D B 1115 C A B B B 1620 A B B A D. F F T F T附送:2019年三年级英语知识竞赛(无答案) 人教版姓名 班级 分数 一、默写26个字母,分四行,每行10分。(40分) 二、写出以下单词的所缺的字母,每小题1分。(45分) _ish _nt _oose _amburger _est _oy 冰 _ot dog _ilk _ce _eep _uck _pple _offee _og _gg _irl _l_phant _ag _ump _angaroo _ion _ock _ather _oke _ear _nake _iger _quirrel _ainbowl _iolin _ouse _ight _ce-cream _each _mbrella _ey _range _ebra _indow _axi _o-yo bo_ _est fo_ _oo 三、读一读,算一算,把答案的编号填在括号里。(10分)A.eleven B.ten C.fifteen D.nine E.sevenF.eight G.twelve H.six I.thirteen J.fourteen1. 7+6=( ) 2. 9+2=( ) 3. 10-1=( )4. 16-8=( ) 5. 20-8=( ) 6. 8+7=( )7. 5+2= ( ) 8. 18-4=( ) 9. 12-6=( ) 10.20-10=( )四、你能认出以下英文单词吗?请写出它们的中文解释,对一个得一分。(142分)boy girl woman man he she student woman mother mom teacher boy girl man grandpa fatherdad grandfather grandma sistergrandmother brother fish gooseone three twenty-five five six seven fifteen nine how many eight ten eleven twelve four sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen thirteen twenty twenty-one two pear orange watemelon apple banana grape strawberry fourteen peach quietbus bike taxi jeep boat plane car walkmandesk chair lamp pencil pencil-case bag crayon eraser book ruler pen schoolred black brown blue green yellow purple pink orange white water Cokeant cat dog rabbit panda snake lion tiger deer giraffe elephant fox monkey duck pig squirrel bear kangaroo zebra OKPRC USA CAN UKfriend ice- cream in on under Miss Mr TV like your thanks thisgreat some zoo nosebody finger arm mouth ear eye foot leg

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