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2019-2020年六年级英语下册Unit1-2综合练习学号 姓名 3月9日本周英家:1 认真完成这张练习卷2 预习Unit 3,听录音三遍,并在书上用铅笔划出生词及短语3 听读听Unit1-2录音一遍。4 有兴趣的同学可订阅时代英语报(半年16元),有助于提高英语的综合能力完成情况: 家长签名: 一、 单词辨音 A B C D( )1. early hear dear really ( )2. forty sports world morning( )3. stand map catch game( )4. fly try every why( )5. book food zoo afternoon( )6. many apple anything when( )7. shall skirt sure fish( )8. arm start water fast二、 用所给词的适当形式填空1. Hes two (year) (old) than me.2. I am good at (swim).3. (not open) your books.4. Bill jumps (far) than Allan.5. My mother gets up (early) than my father.6. Lucy sings (well) than Ben.7. The man jumps as (high)as the woman.三、句型转换1Im 155 centimetres. Judy is 155 centimetres, too.(合并为一句话) Judy .2. The blue bag is heavier than the red one. Than the red one?3. The girl has some brothers and sisters.(改为一般疑问句) the girl brothers sisters?4. Su Hai flies low. Su Yang flies low, too. (合并为一句话) Su Hai Su Yang.5. Ben jumps 1.4m. Tim jumps 1.3m.(合并为一句话) Ben Tim.四、根据上下文或首字母提示完成下列短文1. Lucy and Lily are t s . Lucy is as t as Lily, but shes heavier t Lily. Lucy is good a English and Chinese, but she doesnt do w in Maths. Lily d well in Maths and English, but she is not good at Chinese.2. A: Hello, Mike. B: Hello, David. A: I want to basketball. Can you go me? B: No, I . Im not doing in PE. Im good at Maths. Jim is a good basketball . He it very well. A: Oh, I see. Jim, lets play basketball. C: OK. A: you jump than the other boys? C: Yes, I do. I faster than some of the boys, too. A: OK. Lets go.五、根据短文内容填空,每空一词,然后判断正误A mother camel(骆驼) is for water and grass with her son. The son is his mother, What do water and grass like? The mother is , The water is blue as the sky, and the grass is not blue, its and nice. After a day and , her son cries, Look, mother, theres and grass there. Youre , child. The water and grass are the left, and the desert(沙漠) is on the right. The mother camels left is blind(瞎的).Now, the young camel finds an oasis(绿洲), his mother thinks thats not . She says she knows more her son and cant be wrong. Her son is not happy. He doesnt want to with her mother, so he away. He runs into the grass and eats his fill.用T或F表示( )1. An elephant is looking for water and grass.( )2. The mothers eyes are very good.( )3. The son is not happy because his mother doesnt believe him.( )4. The mother doesnt let her son go away.附送:2019-2020年六年级英语下册Unit13单元测试一、 情景配对。(10分) ( )1.What does this sign mean? A. All right. But how?( )2. Lets go to the cinema? B. Id like a pair of earphones.( )3. What did you do last week? C. You are wele.( )4. What would you like? D. Mike is.( )5. Who is younger, Mike or Ben?. E. They are Jims.( )6. Whose gloves are they? F. I watched a football game.( )7. Thank you very much. G. Yes, I am.( )8. Are you as tall as Wang Bing? H. It means “ No Smoking”.( )9. When is his birthday ? I. I was in the classroom.( )10.Do you run faster than Liu Tao ? J. Its on the third of July.二 、单项选择。(15分)( )1.Who speaks _, Ben or Tom? Ben speaks _ than Tom. A. well, well B. well, better C. better, better( )2._ David jump _ than Mike? A. Does, higher B. Do, higher C. Does, high( )3.How can I _ the cinema? A. get to B. get C. get at( )4.How _ your sister _ her weekend? A. does, spend B. do, spend C. does, spended( )5.Let _ look after Lucys cat. A. he B. his C. him( )6.I want to buy _ interesting book _ her. A. an, for B. an, of C. a, for( )7.Theres a bus _ ten minutes. A. a B. every C. some( )8.The Museum _ on this road two years ago. A. were B. was C. are( )9.You are late. What time did you get_ this morning? A. off B. on C. up( )10.This is not _ bike. _ is red. A. mine, Mine B. my, Mine C. my, My三、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分)1. You should _ (turn) left at the first crossing.2. Listen ! The girls _ (sing) over there.3. Su Hai is _ (tall) than Su Yang.4. You must get off at the _ (two) stop.5. They are twins. They look the _ (different).6. My father likes _ (grow) flowers very much.7. Where _ (be) you just now?8. I dont know the way. Can you tell me how_ (get) there?9. They _ (watch) TV last night.10. My friend is from _. ( American) 四、英汉词组互译。(10分)1.向右转_ 2.到达_3.上公共汽车_ 4.居住在中国_5.来自_ 6.ask the way_7.run out of the house _ 8.Stop thief_9.post office_ 10.a map of the town_五、根据上下文填空。(每空一词)(10分) A: Excuse _, can you _ me the _ to the park, please? B: Go _ this street, and then _ right _ the second crossing. The park is _ your left. A: Thank you very much. B: _ _ _. 六、按要求改写句子。(10分)1. He wanted to watch TV.(改为一般疑问句) _ he _ to watch TV?2. He goes to school earlier than me.(改为否定句) He _ _ to school earlier than me.3. I did my homework last Sunday.(对画线部分提问)_ _ you do last Sunday?4. I run faster than my sister.(改为一般疑问句) _ you run faster than _ sister?5. Excuse me. Where is the Chuxiu Park? (写出同义句) Excuse me. Can you tell the _ _ the Chuxiu Park? 七、根据汉语提示,完成句子。(10分)1.你可以乘公车到那里。You can get there _ _.2. 吉姆和其他男孩一样强壮。 Jim is as_ _ the other boys.3.沿着这条路走,然后向右转。_ _ this road, and then turn right.4.我怎样才能到达时代超市。 _ can I _ to Times Supermarket?5.他刚才比本唱得好吗?_ he sing _ than Ben just now?八、阅读理解。(20分)Im David. Ben and I are good friends. Last Sunday, Ben and I went to a park. Then we wanted to go to the History Museum, but we didnt know the way. We asked a man in the park for help. He told us to walk along Tianhe Road, and turn right at the third crossing. Then we walked and walked but we did not see the museum. We were too tired so we took a taxi. “Please take us to the museum.” we told the taxi driver. The taxi driver laughed and said, “The museum is over there. You may get off now.”根据短文内容,判断。正确的用”T” 表示, 错误的用”F”表示( )1. Ben and David went to a park last Saturday.( )2. They also wanted to go to the History Museum.( )3. The man in the park told them the way to the History Museum.( )4. David and Ben took a taxi in front of the park.( )5. The taxi driver didnt know how to get to the History Museum. Its 7:30 on Monday morning. Its time for Tom to go to school. Classes begin at 7:40. But Tom is still in his room. His mother says, “Tom, its late. You must be quick.” “Mum, wheres my pencil box? I cant find it, I cant go to school.” Tom asks his mother.Look at Toms room. What a mess(乱七八糟)! His books are on the floor. His shoes are on the desk. A kite and some clothes are in his bed. Toms mother es to help him. She put the books away and says, “Look, your pencil box is under the books. You must take good care of your things.( )1. What day is it?A. Its 7:30.B. In the morning.C. Its Monday.( )2. Where is Tom now ?A. In his room B. In the street C. At school ( )3. Can Tom find his pencil box?A. Yes, he can. B. No, he cant. C. He asks his mother.( )4. Where is Toms pencil box?A. On the desk.B. In the bed.C. On the floor.( )5. Whats in Toms bed?A. Some books.B. A kite and some clothes.C. His shoes.九、 请以“My English teacher”为题写一篇小短文,描述一下你的老师的外貌、爱好等情况,40个单词。(5分) My English teacher_

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