2019年四年级英语上册Module3Unit2FoodP28教案沪教牛津版 .doc

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2019年四年级英语上册Module3Unit2FoodP28教案沪教牛津版知识目标:1正确认读并拼背单词: bread, fruit, milk, coffee 2正确认读单词:butter, sugar, chocolate, flour 3正确朗读并理解对话技能目标:能在一定的语言情境中运用本课出现的单词,句型。情感目标:引导学生合理饮食。课的设计:一、Pre-task: 1. Song ( An apple a day keeps the doctor away) 2. Daily talk: - What have you got? - How is your bag? - Have you got a pencil? - Is it long? -3.Act out the dialougue : ( In the supermarket)4. Fill in the blanks: 1) _ _ is the sandwich? Five yuan. 2) I want a _ _ chocolate. 3) How many _ _ crisps are there on the desk? 4) How much are three _ _ water?二、While-task:1. Sentences: What have you got? 1) T: Look, I have a bottle of water. We can also say I have got a bottle of water. I have got = Ive got 2) T: Ive got a new book. What have you got? P: Ive got _. 3) Practice in pairs. 4) Use the same method to teach : has got he has got = hes got2. Put on the picture of page 28and ask: Where are Kitty, Ben and their mother? What can you see ? What has Kitty got?3. Learn the words: coffee a box / a bottle / glass of coffee butter bread with butter sugar a bag / packet of sugar flour- flower a packet / bag / bowl of flour bread a piece / bag of bread fruit talk about your favourite fruit4. Listen to the tape and read after it.三、Post- task1. Act out the dialogue : in the supermarket2. Change the sentences: 1) Alices got a bottle of juice. 2) Weve got a packet of flour.3. Answer the questions: 1) What have the boys got? ( biscuit) 2) What has your mother got? ( bread) 3) What have you got? ( jam)4. Homework: 1) Listen to the tape. 2) Copy the words. 3) Ask the questions: A: Theyve got some bread. B: Kittys got a packet of crisps. C: Theres a glass of coffee on the table. D: Kittys my friend. E: The jam is eight yuan.附送:2019年四年级英语上册Module3Unit2FoodP28教案沪教牛津版知识目标:1正确认读并拼背单词: bread, fruit, milk, coffee 2正确认读单词:butter, sugar, chocolate, flour 3正确朗读并理解对话技能目标:能在一定的语言情境中运用本课出现的单词,句型。情感目标:引导学生合理饮食。课的设计:一、Pre-task: 1. Song ( An apple a day keeps the doctor away) 2. Daily talk: - What have you got? - How is your bag? - Have you got a pencil? - Is it long? -3.Act out the dialougue : ( In the supermarket)4. Fill in the blanks: 1) _ _ is the sandwich? Five yuan. 2) I want a _ _ chocolate. 3) How many _ _ crisps are there on the desk? 4) How much are three _ _ water?二、While-task:1. Sentences: What have you got? 1) T: Look, I have a bottle of water. We can also say I have got a bottle of water. I have got = Ive got 2) T: Ive got a new book. What have you got? P: Ive got _. 3) Practice in pairs. 4) Use the same method to teach : has got he has got = hes got2. Put on the picture of page 28and ask: Where are Kitty, Ben and their mother? What can you see ? What has Kitty got?3. Learn the words: coffee a box / a bottle / glass of coffee butter bread with butter sugar a bag / packet of sugar flour- flower a packet / bag / bowl of flour bread a piece / bag of bread fruit talk about your favourite fruit4. Listen to the tape and read after it.三、Post- task1. Act out the dialogue : in the supermarket2. Change the sentences: 1) Alices got a bottle of juice. 2) Weve got a packet of flour.3. Answer the questions: 1) What have the boys got? ( biscuit) 2) What has your mother got? ( bread) 3) What have you got? ( jam)4. Homework: 1) Listen to the tape. 2) Copy the words. 3) Ask the questions: A: Theyve got some bread. B: Kittys got a packet of crisps. C: Theres a glass of coffee on the table. D: Kittys my friend. E: The jam is eight yuan.

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