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2019-2020年六年级下册Unit1课时练习题词汇积累 一.选择正确的选项,将单词补充完整。( )1. to ther (在一起) A. eg B.ge C. ee ( )2. ting (郊游) A. fa B. wo C. ou ( )3. r e (骑) A. id B.ad C.od( )4. gr dparent(祖父/母) A. ea B. an C. ar( )5. f ily(家庭) A. am B. an C. ma二 给下列短语选择正确的翻译。( )1.go shopping A.骑自行车( )2.have a good time B. 玩的开心( )3.ride a bicycle C.看花( )4.family outing D.看电影( )5.have a walk E.去购物( )6. look at the flowers F. 散步( )7. watch a movie G. 家庭郊游语句应用三单项选择。( )1.My family often goes to the beach Sundays. A. in B. on C. at 名师导学 课时目标重点词汇积累:together 在一起ride骑(自行车、马等)grandparent(外)祖父/母family outing 家庭郊游do things together一起做事watch a movie看电影go shopping 去购物take/have a walk散步look at the flowers看花go on an outing 去郊游实用句型集锦:1. Where are we going today?我们今天要去哪?2. Shall we go to the park? 我们去公园好吗?3. Well visit your grandpa and grandma.我们要去看望你的爷爷奶奶。4. What are we going to do at the park? 我们要在公园做什么?5. We can ride bicycles and look at the flowers.我们可以骑自行车看花。6. Well have a good time together.我们会玩的很开心。7. We enjoy ourselves. 我们玩的很开心。8. What do your family usually 9. At weekends, many familiesdo at weekends?你的家庭在周末通常做什么?go on an outing.在周末,很多家庭去郊游。10. Mr. Liu likes to take his ( )2.She to go shopping with his parents tomorrow. A. is go B. going C. is going( )3.- are we going this weekend? -Were going to the zoo. A. Where B. What C. How( )4.My family often a movie together. A. look B. watch C. watches( )5. We can look the flowers at the park. A. at B. in C. on四.选词填空. ride visit take together enjoy1. Well watch a movie .2. We ourselves at the zoo.3. I can a bicycle.4. Hes going to his grandparents.5. Are you going to a walk?综合提升五. 连词成句。1. today, what, going, are, to, do, you (?) 3. family, goes, my, to, library, the (.) 3. well, walk, with, take, a, grandparents, your(.) 4. we, go, shall, shopping (?) 5. can, look, flowers, at, we, the(.) family to the beach for a swimand a picnic. 刘先生喜欢把他的家人带到海边去游泳野餐。11. They have lots of fun and love each other more. 他们玩的很开心而且更爱彼此了。名师精析1. What are we going to do at the park? 我们要在公园做什么?此句中be going to 表示“将要/打算”, 相当于will 对于将要发生的事,或打算、计划、决定要做的事,皆以“be going to +动词原形”的句型来表示.。肯定结构:主语+be going to+动词原+I am going to play football next Sunday. 否定结构:主语+be not going to +动词原形Were not going to have any class next week.2. Well have a good time together. 我们会玩的很开心。 have a good time 意为“玩的开心过得愉快”,同意短语还有: have fun; enjoy oneself知识拓展begoingto用法口诀:begoingto跟“动原”,计划、准备或打算;表可能,有必然,通过现象来判断。be的形式要注意,它要随着人称变,否定句,很简单,not加在be后边;疑问句,需牢记,be应提到主语前. Part B 听力乐园一. 听音标号 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二. 听音,选出你所听到的句子。( ). Where are we going today? B. What are we going to do today?()2. Well go to the park. B .We are going to the park.()3. My family watches a movie together.B . My family goes to the library together.()4.Shall we ride bicycles? B .Lets ride bicycles.()5.Many families go shopping at weekends.B . Many families go on an outing at weekend词汇积累三.根据首字母及汉语提示填写单词1. Amy is going to the b (海滩).2. My family has a p (野餐)at the park.3. Mrs Liu b (带)food and drinks.4.Many f (家庭)like to go on an out going at weekends. 5. They are happy to have time t (一起).语句应用四.单项选择( ) 1.Daming going to his grandparents.A. is ; look B. is ;visit C. are; watching( )2.Mr. Wang like his family the beach for a swim.A. take; to B. bring ;to C. to take; to( ) 3.The children like to play the beach. A. to B. in C. on( )4. My families at weekends.A. go to outing B. go on an outing C. go an outing ( ) 5. Li Ping wants to go to the restaurant lunch his parents.A. for ; with B. to ; for C. for; to五. 根据A栏中的问句从B栏中找答句。 A ( )1.What does your family usually do at weekends? ( )2. Where are we going tomorrow?( )3. What are you going to do this Sunday? ( )4. Are we going to play games? ( )5. Shall we go to the park? BA. We are going to the Zhongshan Park.B. OK.C. Im going to watch a movie.D. My family usually goes to goes to the beach at weekends.E. Yes, we are. 综合提升六. 根据汉语意思补全句子。1. 我喜欢在海里游泳。 I like the sea.2. Tim和我要去骑自行车。 Tim and I to bicycles.3. 刘先生一家经常在公园野餐。 Mr. Lius family often at the park.4. 我们喜欢一起在公园里做游戏。We like to in the park.5. 他们更加爱对方了。 They love more. 附送:2019-2020年六年级下册Unit2单元试卷一、选出你所听到的内容。(10分)( )1. A. any B. many C. much( )2. A. habit B. happy C. rabbit( )3. A. late B. lake C. wait( )4. A. always B. often C. also( )5. A. word B. world C. order( )6. A. clever B. never C. fever( )7. A. tidy B. tiger C. tired( )8. A. meal B. feel C. film( )9. A. get up B. wake up C. stand up( )10. A. at night B. last night C. good night二、 听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(5分)( )1. A. He has some good habits. B. He has some bad habits.( )2. A. She always puts her things in order. B. She never puts her things in order.( )3. A. You shouldn go to bed late. B. You should go to bed early.( )4. A. He brushes his teeth in the morning. B. He brushes his teeth before bedtime.( )5. A. We should listen to our teachers at school. B. We should listen to our parents at home.三、听句子,选择适当的答语。(5分)( )1. A. Im OK, Jack. B.Fine,thank you. What about you? C.Thats all right. ( )2. A. Today is Friday. B. It is November 20. C. Its nine oclock.( )3. A. Give you. B. Here you are. C. Thank you.( )4. A. Are you sure its not here?B.Fm going to give it to my friend.C.Tm going to the shop. ( )5. A. I e to school by bike. B.I e to school from Monday to Friday.C.1 e to school at 8:00.四、听一段对话完成句子,每空一词。(10分)Miss Li: Youre_,David. When did you_ up?David:I_up at 7:30. My mother forgot to _me _.Miss Li:Please_ be_ again.David:OK.Miss Li:Shall we start our lesson now? Who would like to_ thenew words for_?David:Let Mary do it, Miss Li. She does very_ Miss Li:Would you please, Mary?Mary:Yes.笔试部分(70分)一、选出与所给单词画线部分发音相同的单词。(5分)( )1. sport A. word B. work C. morning( )2. slowly A. brown B. know C. now( )3. strong A. doll B. done C. over( )4. want A. water B. ask C. what( )5. fast A. bar B. traffic C. name二、词形转换。(10分)1.after(反义词)_ 2. early(反义词)_3. messy(反义词)_ 4. dirty(反义词)_5. bad(反义词)_ .6. sleep(形容词)_7. finish(第三人称单数)_8. put(过去式)_ 9. get (现在分词)_ 10. habit(复数)_三、英汉互译。(10)1.go to bed early_2.put his things in order_3.do his homework at night_4.keep his room clean and tidy_5.have meals on time_6. 许多好习惯_7.晚饭前完成家庭作业_8.感到困倦_9.刷牙_ 10.帮助他们的父母_三、选择。(20x 0.5=10分)( )1. There is_ “h” in the word “has”. A.a B. an C. the( )2.一When did you get up this morning? A.At 6:30 B. On Monday C. For 6:30( )3. My brother_English now. A.reads B. reading C. is reading( )4. She is singing_. A. happy B. loud C. loudly( )5. I cleaned my room_ A. now B. yesterday C. tomorrow( )6. His are very white and beautiful. A. tooth B. toothsC. teeth( )7. Liu Tao is my good friend. I know him very_ A. well B. goodC. nice( )8. Wang Bing always_ his things in order. A. put B. putsC. putting( )9. You should_ to school on time. A. go B. goes C. went( )10. Do you help_ your English? Yes.A. need;with B. give;with C. need; in( )1. Jim is good_ English. A. at B. of C. for( )2. Lilys room is big_ clean. A. and B. with C. but( )3. Do you have problems_ your homework? A. inB. with C. of( )4. They saw many birds_in the tree. A. sing B. sangC. singing( )5. We have 20 minutes_ get ready_the activity.A. to;to B. to;for C. for;for( )6.一Yao Ming is a good basketball player.A.Thats OK. B. That all right C.Thats true( )7. You should_ your teacher carefully. A. listen B. listento C. listeningto( )8. What do you usually do_Sunday morning? A. on B. inC. at( )9. She speaks English very_ A. good B. nice C. well( )10.night, we can see the stars_the sky. A. In;in B. At;inC. At;on四、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分)1.I have many good_(habit).2.He never_ (go) to school late.3.She does_ (good) at school.4._(not watch) TV. Its time_(go) to bed.5.I feel_ (sleep) now. I want_(go) to bed.6.Look,he is running_(slow) in the playground.7.You should _ (do) more exercise.8.What did you do at the party? I_ (tell) a story.五、句子翻译。(20x 0.5=10分)1. 什么使你的房间这么乱七八糟的?_ _your room_ ?2. 刘涛早上有时候感觉困。_ Liu Tao_ _ in the morning.3. 苏海和海伦是好朋友。苏海很了解海伦。Su Hai and Helen are good friends Su Hai _ Helen_ 4.妈妈总是在早饭前做完她家务。Mum _ _ her housework_ breakfast.5. 我们应该保_们的教室干净整洁。We_ _ _ classroom_ and _ .6. 请把你的东西整理得井井有条。_ your thingsin_. please.7. 我们应早晚都刷牙。We should _our_ in the morning and evening.六、选择所给词的适当形式完成句子。(10分)whose, who, where, Yang Lings, well, good, too many, too much, bad, badly1.Tim is_ at Chinese.2.Mike swims very_ in my class.3.We cant eat_ sweets. They are_ for our teeth.4.There is_ rubbish in the river.5.The boy is crying_ He feels sad6_ are you? Im under the bed.7_is the man over there? He is my grandpa.6._mobile phone is it? Its_七、阅读理解。(5分)All students need to have good habits. When you have good study habits, you learn things quickly. You also remember them easily.Do you like to study in the living room? This is not a good place because it is usually too noisy. You need to study in a quiet place, like your bedroom. A quiet place will help you only think about one thing, and you will learn better. Before you begin to study, do not forget to clean your desk. A good desk light(台灯)is important too. Youll feel tired easily if there is not enough light(光线)根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( )1. When you have good study habits, you will_.A.learn things quickly B. remember things easily C. both A and B( )2. The living room is not a good place for study because it is too_ .A. quiet B. noisy C. good( )3. Youll feel tired easily if the light is_.A. good B. enough C. bad( )4. You should remember to_ before you study.A. clean the desk B. tidy the room C. turn on the light( )5. The best title for this passage(文章)is _.A. Study in the bedroom B. Good study habits C. How to study


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