2019年三年级英语下册 Unit 1 lesson1 on the Farm习题 冀教版.doc

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2019年三年级英语下册 Unit 1 lesson1 on the Farm习题 冀教版一、 判断下列单词划线部分的读音是否相同,用T、F表示。( ) 1. visitwrite( ) 2. brightFriday( ) 3. tonightlight ( ) 4. wantedliked( ) 5. listenedpicked参考答案1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. F二、词组互译。1. 上周三_2. go camping _3. 上学第一天_4.after the holiday_5. 在农场_ 6. walk in the mountains_7. 一部有趣的卡通_8.National Day_9. 挤牛奶_10. pull up carrots _ 参考答案1. last Wednesday2. 去野营3. the first day of school4. 假日后5. on the farm6. 漫步在群山之中7. a funny cartoon8. 国庆节9. milk cows10. 拔萝卜三、句子配对。( ) 1. What did you do on Sunday?A. Yes, I did.( ) 2. How many trees did you see on the farm?B. I collected the eggs.( ) 3. Were there any cows, hens and ducks there?C. I watched a football game on Sunday.() 4. Who watched the cartoon last night?D. I was at school last week.( ) 5. What else did you do on the farm?E. Yes, there were.( ) 6. Where were you last week?F. Sorry.( ) 7. Did you pick many oranges on the farm?G. Liu Tao.( ) 8. Do you know the man in black?H. I saw ten trees.参考答案1. C 2. H 3. E 4. G 5. B 6. D 7. A 8. F四、 连词成句。1. last, flowers, we, the, planted, the, on, farm, week(.)_2. you, cake, the, taste, did, Nancy(,?)_3. milked, the, for, grandmother, the, cows, Helen, her, weekend, at(.)_4. did, meet, the, who, in, playground, Mike(?)_5. children, to, and, table, yesterday, the, listened, tennis, music, played,(.)_6. else, you, what, do, did, yesterday, (?)_参考答案1. We planted the flowers on the farm last week.2. Did you taste the cake, Nancy?/ Nancy, did you taste the cake?3. Helen milked the cows for her grandmother at the weekend.4. Who did Mike meet in the playground?5. The children listened to music and played table tennis yesterday./The children played table tennis and listened to music yesterday.6. What else did you do yesterday?7.8. 附送:2019年三年级英语下册 Unit 1 lesson1 on the Farm教案 冀教版chicken chair farmcow chicken fieldduck mudpig pond教学过程:Class Opening and ReviewGREETINGSING THIS IS THE WAY WE WASH THE CLOTH二. New Concepts1. DEMONSTRATEHold up vocabulary cards (chicken, cow, duck, pig), ask the students the name of each animal in Chinese. Then discuss these animals.a. What do you know about these animals b. What food es from these animals c. Where have you seen a cow, duck, pig or chicken Explain to the students that in Unit3, they will learn about farm animals.2. STUDENT BOOK: L17N1Point to each picture as the teacher and the students say the words a few times.教学侧记Discuss the pictures in English.a. What color is the pig b. Is the cow big or small Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books.3. DRILLWhat is it Is this a or a Point to a .4. ALPHABET DRILLAsk the students what letter begins each word. Ask what two animals begin with the same letter. Point out that although chicken and cow start with the same letter, they do not start with the same sound. Ask if anyone remembers another word (chair). Write chair and chicken on the blackboard as you say them a few times with the students.5. STUDENT BOOK: L17N2Point to the pictures as the teacher and the class say the words a few times. Ask the students to tell you the name for each word in Chinese.Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books.三. Class Closing.Lets sing a song.教学反思:

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