2019年三年级英语下册LessonHWhatdayistoday教案7川教版三起Language focus:1.Words: Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday2.Sentences: What day is it today?Objectives:Children can tell the days of week & act out the sentences.Process:Step 1 Greeting:song: days of the week(曲:hello, Whats your name?) 自编歌,整体感知七个星期词,下面用这首歌贯穿整个星期词的教学,容易上口。Step 2 Learn words1.Sunday / Monday / Tuesday 1)Learn the new words2)Game: play hands 猜拳是小孩子常玩、爱玩的游戏,学生一边说,一边玩,目的让他们在嬉戏中练习Sunday / Monday / Tuesday。3)Song: Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday 课前的自编歌,再次呈现,巩固单词,并引出Wednesday.2.Wednesday1)Learn: Wednesday2)Game:hide the card 规则:I hide the card “Wednesday” in ones desk, let a child to find it.Tips:When the child move closer, the whole class say “Wednesday” louder, When he move further , say in lower.目的:在寻找卡片的过程中,全班学生在快乐中练习Wednesday.3)Sing again4)Chant: 规则:一边Chant, 一边用手拍桌子,用节奏的快慢,在不断的变化中练习说星期词,使枯燥的单词教学富有乐感。3.Thursday / Friday / Saturday1)/:/ Thursday , /ai/ Friday , / Saturday (这几个单词发音有一定的难度,尝试用音标的拼读法,也是音标的启蒙)2)Match: Dont follow me. 规则:我大声,你小声;我小声,你大声.目的:训练学生认真听,认真说Wednesday /Thursday / Friday / Saturday,反应要快。3)Game: 规则:在比赛前,全班把要传读的单词练习。Pass the card one by one. For a example: Wednesday, Wednesday, go, go, go! 看那组学生最快。目的:让每个孩子都开口,团结合作,迅速。再次巩固Wednesday /Thursday / Friday / Saturday4) Little teacher: chant and sing a song.目的:学生跟自己的同学读单词更有劲,锻炼学生自主学习能力。4.Summarization:How many days in a week? What can you find?(Sunday& Sun.)目的:让学生学会寻找学习的规律,对学生归纳知识的能力的培养。Step 3 Learn “What day is it today?”1.Chant: Hey! What day is it today?2.Guessing game (back the card)目的:让学生听懂What day is it today?并作出简洁的回答。3.Match and act out: change the faces操作:从中国川戏“变脸”得到的启发,画了精美的面普:Grandpa、grandma、father、 mother、baby,不断“变脸”,学生根据不同的“脸”,模拟他们的语音、语调,练习说What day is it today?操作过程:老师示范,学生跟说,学生根据不同的“脸”配音,请演得好的学生出来表演。作用:Chant深受小孩子的喜欢,但也导致小孩子在运用语言时习惯用Chant的语气。在教学时,设计语言情景,让他们模拟生活中的人说话,让他们在实际情景中,自然地说地道的口语,可以有效克服Chant的不良影响,4.Song: “What day is it today? Its Sunday (MondaySaturday) today.”(自编歌,曲:Happy birthday) Step 4 Development1.Story times (with simple drawing)On Friday morning, Piggy made a joke. Please look at the picture and make a story, then act out it in English.目的:设计孩子熟悉有趣的生活故事,用对话的表演形式来运用语言,培养小孩子综合运用语言的能力。Mother: Piggy, get up!Piggy: (打哈欠,伸懒腰)What day is it today?Mother: Friday.Piggy: Friday?!(跳下床,拎起书包往外跑) Friday, Friday, go to school!Mother:(追出去)Hey!Your shoes!2.评价:我表演得怎么样?我的英语说得好吗?Homework: Act out the Piggys joke with your mother.Writing on the blackboard:Unit4 What day is it today?WednesdayTuesdayMondaySundayThursdayFridaySaturday 附送:2019年三年级英语下册LessonIHowstheweather教案1川教版课题名称How s the weather?科 目英语年级三教学时间3课时(120分)学习者分析本班学生聪明活泼,接受新知识速度快,学习英语的积极性也很高,通过两年的英语学习,有了一定的英语基础,学习兴趣较浓,能按时完成作业,但书写不够规范。所以本学期进一步抓好学生良好的学习习惯,引导学生端正学习态度,掌握良好的学习方法。教学目标1. 会说会用这些句子: How is the weather?Its sunny/rainy/snowy/cloudy/windy. Shall we go swimming? 2. 会说会用会写这些单词weather sunny rainy snowy cloudy windy 。 3. 通过了解构词法 ,学会把名词sun rain snow cloud wind 变为形容词 sunny rainy snowy cloudy windy,并能正确运用。 4. 能够认读会用这些短语:go swimming fly a kite throw snowballs5. 培养学生热爱大自然,以及爱护自然、保护自然的情感。教学重点、难点1.会说会用这些句子:How is the weather?Its sunny/rainy/snowy/cloudy/windy.Shall we go swimming?2. 会说会用会写这些单词weather、 sunny、 rainy 、snowy、 cloudy 、windy.3. 通过了解构词法 ,学会把名词变为形容词,并能正确运用 。4. 能够认读会用这些短语:go swimming 、 fly a kite 、 throw snowballs教学资源1.一幅标有几个城市天气状况的中国地图。 2. 教师准备sunny、 rainy、 snowy、 cloudy、 windy.、go swimming 、 fly a kite 、 throw snowballs 这些单词的幻灯片.教学过程教学活动11导入新课。通过手偶(熊猫妈妈和熊猫宝宝)对话引出本课话题。 M:Good morning,dear. B:Good morning,Mum.Whats the time?M:Its seven oclock.Its time to get up. B:How is the Weather today? M:Look out.Its sunny.Its a fine day to go boating.Shall we go boating? B:Thats great. 教学活动22. 新课展示(New Presentation) 句型词汇学习: 1)老师带着学生看着窗外的天气,边看边问。 How is the weather today? 然后出示词卡,拼读拼写单词:wea-ther weather 老师再根据窗外的天气,自问自答: How is the weather today? Its sunny /rainy /snowy /cloudy /windy . 2)展示地图,根据图上所标城市的天气情况,逐个展示出这几种天气: Sunny rainy snowy cloudy windy 先问当地的天气:How is the weather in? Its . 再问其它各地的天气:How is the weather in Beijing? Its . How is the weather in Shanghai? Its . How is the weather in Tianjin? How is the weather in Haikou? Its . 3)通过问答,学生已经初步了解了描述天气的说法。 然后分别用图卡,词卡, 拼读拼写单词: sunny rainy snowy cloudy windy 4)跟随多媒体听读“Listen and read”和”Lern to say”5)让学生了解一些构词法sun rain snow cloud wind 是名词。是物体的名称。要说天气怎么 样,对天气状况进行描述时要用形容词 sunny,rainy snowy cloudy windy 。天气方面的名词变为形容词时加形容词后缀。 这样变:sunsunny cloudcloudy rainrainy wind-windysnow-snowy教学活动33巩固活动:1)练一练。做Lets Practise(I).请你看着衣服上的图进行问答。 How is the weather? Its 2)一幅标有几个城市天气状况的中国地图。练习句型:How is the weather in ? Its . 3)填空练习: (1)Look at the sky.The _(sun,sunny )in the sky.Its _(sun,sunny ) today. Its warm. (2) Is it _ ( cloud,cloudy )today? Yes, it is. (3) How is the weather? Its_ ( snow,snowy ) There is _ ( snow,snowy )on the ground.(4) Oh,It is _(rain,rainy ) today.Look,its _ raining again.4) Lets Practise(I).请你看着衣服上的图进行问答。 How is the weather? Its 5) 做Lets Practise(II).请你看着图进行问答。讲解人分别出示这四副图进行问答。 A: How is the weather? B: Its sunny. A: Shall we go boating in the Xingqing Park? B: Good idea. A: Shall we go fishing? B: Sorry, I cant. . 6)听录音,学习“Lets chant”.教学活动4作业安排:1)朗读课文内容。2)抄写本课时所学单词,并听写。