2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Unit 3(1)说课稿 人教PEP.doc

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2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Unit 3(1)说课稿 人教PEP1.说教材本单元教学重点是让学生学会表达在过去时间内所做的事情,教材内容围绕话题:“What did you do?” 展开,本课在以往所学的短语和句型的基础上, 新授一般过去时的表达方式.本课时的教学内容是新授wash clothes、clean the room等词汇的一般过去时及What did you do last weekend?的问答,为将来多种语态的学习打下基础.2.说目标根据本教材的特点及新课标对六年级学生学习英语的要求,制定以下教学目标.(1)教学目标A.认知目标: 能够听、说、读、写短语watched TV、washed clothes、cleaned the room、played football、visited grandparents,掌握一般动词过去时的构成以及部分不规则动词的过去时形式;能听懂问句What did you do last weekend?并做出正确回答;能运用所学语言知识完成Lets find out的任务.B.能力目标: 能够用一般过去时描述自己在过去时间里所做的事情.C.情感目标通过本课语言知识的学习,教育学生熟悉身边的人所做的事情,并能经常做到关心他人.(2)教学重难点重点: 听说读写短语watched TV、washed clothes、cleaned the room、played football、visited grandparents,能听说句子What did you do last weekend?并能就过去时间所做的事情进行简单回答.难点:学生对本课的几个短语都比较熟悉,但动词的过去式形式时第一次出现,因此,这几个短语的动词过去式的构成及其发音是本课时的难点.教学过程中可以通过相互比较 强化操练来突破此难点.3.说教法(1)教法设计在应用任务型教学法的大前提下,利用情景教学法,以学生为中心,以交际为主线,通过一系列的教学活动吸引学生的注意力,有利于学生学习英语知识,发展语言技能.我们提倡用整句教学法,因为虽然信息交流一般利用单词或短语来实现,但要让学生学会使用英语,必须培养他们使用整句的能力.(2)学法指导在学习语言中注重以人为本,让学生感到他们是一个发现者、 研究者和探寻者.在本课的学习活动中,用多媒体课件辅助教学,以多种合作学习的方式来帮助学生自己去探索、 发现和解决问题,让学生在互动和交流中建立自信,感受学习的快乐.(3)教学手段用多媒体辅助教学,将英语学习和游戏结合,引导学生积极主动地投入到学习活动中去.4.说过程(1)导入设计warm-up安排两个chant:Book6 Unit6 what do you do on the weekends和Book5 Unit 4 what can you do?Free talk设计思路 上新课之前,利用Daily report和猜单词地游戏,使学生进一步巩固已学的对话及单词,然后通过说唱回忆一些动词短语,并提问What do you usually do on the weekend?让学生谈谈自己的周末都做了哪些事情,达到复习play football等本课所涉及的动词短语的目的,为新课的学习做好铺垫.(2)新课呈现CAI呈现一个日历:Saturday提问:What day is it today?学生回答:Its Saturday。教师提示:Its the weekend. What do you do on Saturdays/the weekend?学生回答:On Saturday/the weekend, I usually.然后教师再次出示日历,圈出上星期六的日期,提问:What was that day?Ss: It was the last Saturday.T: It was the last weekend. What did you do last weekend?教师引出句型: What did you do last weekend? 板书句型并朗读, 呈现短语watched TV、washed clothes等.通过对比强化,引导学生掌握动词短语过去式形式,同时能够辨别发音的规律:watched/t/,washed/t/,cleaned/t/,played/d/,visited/id/可以同时向学生点明:清辅音后加ed发/t/音,浊辅音和元音后加ed发/d/音,/t/和/d/后加ed发/id/音.学生通过比较,逐渐掌握动词过去式的构成方法和读音规律,为学生的自主学习打下基础.设计思路 借助生活中常用的日历,自然地引入一般过去时,使学生了解last weekend是过去地时间点,使学生在讲述周末活动的情景中展开学习,为过去时的学习埋下伏笔.老师还有意识地对过去时地几种读音加以渗透,引导学生通过比较,逐渐掌握动词过去式的构成方法和读音规律,为学生的自主学习打下基础.(3)操练巩固填空练习,巩固理解.为了巩固学生对动词过去式的理解,我还设计了一些强化训练,如填空:Last weekend,I homework at eight in the morning。I football with my friends at ten.设计思路 针对高段学生的实际,设计一些巩固练习让学生对动词的过去时进行运用,更加深了学生对动词的一般过去时的印象,同时帮助学生掌握了正确规范的书写,为将来进一步的学习做了很好的铺垫.学习Lets find out部分.教师通过多媒体课件出示图片,提问:What did Zoom do last weekend?学生根据图片回答:He watched TV。He watered the flowers. He did his homeowner通过这个练习,学生再一次加深了对动词短语过去式的印象.补充拓展练习课件出示几幅情景图,让学生根据图画中的情景,运用学过的句型进行问答.设计思路 这一环节进一步训练了学生听、说英语的能力,培养了学生初步的阅读能力,也为下一步拓展活动的开展打下了基础.(4)拓展延伸教师提问What did you do last weekend?:引导学生用学过的动词短语过去式形式进行问答.然后让学生分组Make a survey.同学之间互相回答,并进行记录.附送:2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Unit 3(15)教案 苏教牛津版Teaching contents: Part B Look, read and learn & C Look and say Teaching aims:1.掌握“问路”这一话题的基本用法。2.掌握B部分出现的四会单词post office, get on, get off, turn right, turn left, stop, along, street和C部分四会句型Excuse me, can you tell me the way to , please? Go along this street, and then turn at the crossing. The is on your . Thank you very much. Thats all right. 3.掌握B部分中出现的三会单词a history museum, a shopping centre, a primary school, a middle school, a train station.Key points:1.能正确理解、掌握B部分单词。2.能正确理解、掌握C部分句型。Difficult points:1.能理解、掌握“问路”这一话题的基本用法。2.能熟练运用句型操练单词。Teaching preparation:1.准备录音机和磁带。2.准备本课B部分单词的图片和C部分句型的投影片。3.准备“超市”等地点的图片。4.课前写好本课的课题。Teaching procedures:A. Free talk1. T: What day is it today?What date is it today?2. T: What do you usually do everyday? Do you usually everyday?设计意图:自由对话,操练平日所学日常用语,起积累之用。B. Revision 1. T: Listen to my orders and do the actions. Show me your right hand / left hand. Turn right / left. Review the words: right, right hand / left, left hand Teach the phrases: turn right / left, on the / my / your right / left2. T: Group one, listen to my orders and do the actions. Stand in a line, please. Turn right, please. Turn left, please.T: Look, Kongdeyi is on my left and Maohongwei is on my right. Who is on your right / left?S: is on my right / left.3. Ask and answer:4. 呈现“超市”等地点的图片。T: Whats this?S: Its a supermarket / cinema / theatre / hospital .T: Do you usually go to the ?S: Yes. / No.T: How do you usually get there?S: I usually .T: I usually go to school by bus. I usually get on the bus at the train station bus stop, and get off the bus at the JiangBin Hospital bus stop.Teach the phrases: get on, get on the busget off, get off the bus设计意图:复习旧知,为新授作铺垫,起积累之用。C. Presentation and practiceA / words 1. 呈现B部分单词图片。 T: Look, this is a map. What can you see on it? S: I can see . T: Im a teacher, you are students, you are pupils. So we are in the school, we are in JieFang Road Primary School. T: And I think youll the junior students six months later, youll entre the middle school. Teach the phrases: a primary school, the JieFang Road Primary Schoola middle school,No. 1 / No.2 / JiangNan Middle School2. Teach the other phrases just like part 1: a shopping centre, a history museum, a post office, a train station3. Ask and answer: T: Whats this? S: . T: How do you usually go to the ? S: I usually . 设计意图:联系学生的实际呈现新的词汇,一方面便于学生理解,另一方面激发了学生的表现欲。B/ Sentences and dialogues1.Look at the blackboard and read the phrases together.2.T: Look at the pictures again. Whats this?S: Its a primary school.T: Now Im here, can you tell the way to the primary school, please?S: . ( e to the front and point out the way)T: Go along this street, and then turn right at the second crossing. The primary school is on the right.T: Thank you.S: Thats all right. Teach the sentences: Can you tell me the way to the , please? Go along this street. crossing , at the first / second / third crossing The is on your right / left.3. Ask and answer: T: Now Im here. Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the , please?S: .T: Thank you.S: Thats all right.设计意图:用单词滚动句型进行操练,使学生在潜移默化中学习了“问路”这一话题基本用法。D. Consolidation1. Listen to the tape and repeat.2. Play the game: Asking the way S1: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the , Please? Guide1: .(争取到游客最多的导游为胜利)设计意图:熟悉单词,模仿语音语调。通过游戏的形式操练所学单词和句型,激发学生的兴趣和参与欲望,烘托课堂教学气氛。E. Development1.投影片呈现Part C Look and say:Make up the dialogs. Talk something about the pictures. Use the sentences like this: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to , please? Go along this street, and then turn at the crossing. The is on your right / left. Thank you. Thats all right.设计意图:要求学生能将旧知与新知相结合,融会贯通,拓展思维,逐步积累。2.课堂作业:翻译下列词组1.购物中心 2.邮电局3.火车站 4.左转5.解放路小学 6.在你的右边7. History Museum 8.at the second crossing9. go along this street 10.No. 2 Middle SchoolF. Homework1. 听录音,用正确的语音语调朗读本课单词。2. Copy the words and sentences: Part B& CBlackboard writing designUnit 3 Asking the wayturn right / left on your right / left get on / offa primary school, a middle school, a history museuma shopping centre, a post office, a train stationExcuse me, can you tell me the way to the , please?Go along this street, and then turn right / left at the crossing. The is on your right / left.Thank you.Thats all right.


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