2019年三年级英语第二学期 单元测试(二) 人教版pep.doc

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2019年三年级英语第二学期 单元测试(二) 人教版pep姓名: 座号: 评分:听力部分(30分)一、听读,将你听到的内容的编号填在括号里。(10分)( ) 1.A.TAS B.PAET C.QIET( ) 2. A.jlk B. lmn C. tap( ) 3.A.12 B. 7 C.17( ) 4.A.11 B.3 C.13( ) 5.A.peach B. grandmother C. apple( ) 6.A.like B. mother C. father( ) 7.A.lamp B. jeep C. car( ) 8.A.small B. big C. cat( ) 9.A.deer B. pencil C. giraffe( )10.A.long B. short C. grape二、听读单词,给下列各图,标上正确的序号。 (10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、听句子排序。(10分)( ) I have a bird. ( ) Can I have a pear, please?( ) Where is my pencil?( ) Its under the book. ( ) The umbrella is red. 笔试部分(70分)一、 写出相邻的字母。(10分)1. UW 2. f h k 3. Y 4. p r 二、写出下列单词的汉语意思。(12分)1duck 2. thirteen 3.jeep 4.pear 5.thanks 6.chair 7.desk 8.tall 9.big 10.lamp11.orange 12.bus三、选出下列单词中不同类的一项。(10分)( ) 1.A.jeep B. car C. cat( ) 2. A. deer B. tall C. giraffe( ) 3.A. big B. ear C. eye( ) 4.A. milk B. egg C. water ( ) 5.A.orange B. peach C. plane( ) 6.A.family B. mother C. brother( ) 7.A.pig B. dog C. three( ) 8.A.fish B. apple C. kangaroo( ) 9.A.long B. four C. tall( )10.A.USA B. UK C. A.M.四、从II栏中选出与I栏句子相对应的答语。(10分)I II( )1.Where is my book? A. Sorry, I dont like pears.( )2.Do you like pears? B. Look! Its under the desk.( )3.Can I use your eraser? C. Thanks.( )4.Have some fruits. D. Yes!( )5.Are you ready? E. Im ten.( )6.How many oranges can you see? F. Oh, its so tall.( )7.How old are you? G. Sure. Here you are.( )8.Look at the giraffe. H. Thirteen.( )9.Lets go to the park. I. No problem.( )10.Can I have an apple, please? J. Great!五、从框中选出最佳选项完成对话。(8分)1. A: Excuse me. Can I use your pencil?B: .2. A: . A. Where is my pen? B: Thank you. B. No problem.3. A: . C. In the desk?B: Its on the desk. D. Here you are!4. A: . B: No, Its on the chair.六、根据情景,选择正确的答案。(10分)( ) 1. 你想请对方再吃多些,你应说: ADo you like more? B. Have some more? C. Thank you!( ) 2.别人问你:“Do you like apples?”你应答: AI like apples. B. What about apples. C. No, I dont.( ) 3. 放学了,你发现你的玩具飞机不见了,你应怎么问: A. Where is my plane? B. Its under your chair. C. In your desk?( ) 4. 你如何表达“我可以借用你的钢笔吗?” A. Sure. Here you are. B. No problem. C. Excuse me. Can I use your pen?( ) 5. 你想喝果汁,你问妈妈: AI like juice, Mom. B. I have some juice, Mom. C. Can I have some juice, Mom.七、给下列句子标上正确的序号,使它们成为一个意思连贯、完整的对话。(10分) ( 1 )Excuse me,Chen Jie. Can I use your ruler? ( )Where is my ruler? ( )Here you are. ( )No problem.( )Look, under your book.( )Thank you.附送:2019年三年级英语第二学期1-7单元复习测试卷一、 读一读,把不同类的单词找出来。(10%)( )1.A.school bag B.tape C.seven D.book( )2.A.Walkman B.radio C.TV D.desk( )3.A.three B.this C.eleven D.eight( )4.A.father B.mother C.friend D.son( )5.A.clock B. key C.watch D.stapler( )6.A.toy car B.plane C.bus D.bike( )7.A.twelve B.time C.ten D.two( )8.A.bathroom B.bedroom C.bed D.kitchen( )9.A.green B.apple C.red D.blue( )10.A.rubber B.pencil C.basket D.knife二、 选择。(20%)( )1.Whats the time?_A.Its nice. B.Its nine. C.Oh, I see.( )2.Whats ten minus five?_A.Its fifteen. B.Its five. C.Its ten.( )3.Whos she?_A.Shes my aunt. B.Yes, she is. C.No, she isnt.( )4.Whats this in English?_A.Its here. B.Its a knife. C.Shes my sister.( )5.This is your mother, I think._A.Yes, she is. B.No, he isnt. C.Yes, he is.( )6.Is that a clock?_A.Yes, she is. B.No, it is. C.No, it isnt.( )7.Whats eighteen plus two? Its sixteen. _A.Thats right. B.Sorry, youre wrong. C.Youre right.( )8.How many_can you see? I can see five.A.grape B.grapes C.a grape( )9.Can I have a look? Sure._A.Here are you. B.You are here. C.Here you are.( )10.Its time_A.get up B.to get up C.too get up三、 句子配对。(12%)A B( )1.Whats the time? A.Its thirteen.( )2.Whos he? B.Nice to meet you, too.( )3.Wheres the cat? C.All right.( )4.Is this a camera? De in, please.( )5.Whats that on the bed? E.Its three.( )6.How are you? F.Hes my uncle.( )7.May I e in? G.How nice!( )8.Whats fifteen minus two? H.Its in the basket.( )9.Lets put the pen in the bag. I.Fine, thank you.( )10.Nice to meet you. J.Its a coat.( )11.Look at my new shirt. K.Great!( )12.Shall we go to the zoo? L.No, it isnt.四、 对号入座,填序号。(20%)(1)copybook (2)study (3)nine (4)father (5)knife(6)pineapple (7)ten (8)orange (9)aunt (10)dining-room(11)daughter (12)fourteen (13)stapler (14)bedroom (15)tape(16)brother (17)sitting-room (18)pear (19)twenty (20)watermelonkitchen _ _ _ _peach _ _ _ _mother _ _ _ _book _ _ _ _two _ _ _ _五、 根据所给情景,选择合适句子。(20%)( )1.当你打扰别人时,你应该说:A. Im sorry. B. Excuse me. C. Thank you.( )2.你想询问对方的身体状况,你应该说:A. Whats your name?B. How old are you? C. How are you?( )3.你问爸爸床上那个是什么东西时,你应该说:A. Whats that on the bed, Dad? B. Whats this on the desk, Dad?C. Whats that in the bed, Dad?( )4.当你想看看别人的东西时,你说:A. Can I have a look? B. Sure. Here you are. C.OK.( )5.别人问你十减三等于几,你会说:A. Whats ten minus three? B. Its seven. C. Thats right.( )6.现在是下午五点钟,老师会对你说:A. Lets go to school now. B. You can go home now.C. Its time to have lunch.( )7.你想看电视,于是征询妈妈说:A. Can I have a look? B. Shall we watch TV now?C. Its time to watch TV.( )8.七点十分了,咱们上学吧。A. Its seven ten. Lets go to school.B. Its seven ten. Time to go to school.C. Its seven ten oclock. Time to go to school.( )9.让我们坐公交车去公园吧。A. Lets go to school by bike.B. Lets go home by bus.C. Lets go to the park by bus.( )10.现在几点了?现在是晚上六点。A. Whats the time now? Its six in the evening.B. Whats the time now? Its ten in the morning.C. Whats the time now? Its six in the afternoon.六、 根据意思写出单词。(8%)1. -Whats that in English? -Its a _(椅子).2. -Whats this on the _(书桌)? -Its a _(改正带).3. -Is that a _(公交车)?-No, it isnt. Its a _(小汽车).4. -Whos that _(女孩)?-Shes my sister.5. -Wheres your _(书包)?-Its on the _(床).七、 将下列句子组成完整的对话。(10%)1. a. Gao Shan, is this your telephone?b. Can I have a look?c. Yes, it is.d. What a nice telephone!e. Sure. Here you are.f. Thank you._ _ _ _ _ _2. a. What can you see in the box?b. Eighteen.c. I can see some apples.d. How many apples can you see?_ _ _ _参考答案:一C D B C D A B C B C 二B B A B A C B B C B 三E F H L J I D A C B G K 四(2) (10) (14) (17)(6) (8) (18) (20)(4) (9) (11) (16)(1) (5) (13) (15)(3) (7) (12) (19)五B C A A B B B A C A 六1.chair2.desk tape3.bus car4.girl5.bag bed七1.a c d f b e 2.a c d b

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