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2019-2020年四年级下册4BUnit3Whatsyourjob6课时教学设计一、 教学目的、要求: 1. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写a policeman, a policewoman, a waiter, a waitress, a driver, a worker, an engineer, a farmer, a postman, a cook。 2. 能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际Its cold today, isnt it? Guess! What do you want to be? I want to be 3. 听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型Whats your/his/her job? Im/Hes/Shes a What are their jobs? Theyre How old are you/is he/she? Im/Hes/Shes a 4. 了解辅音字母dr和tr在单词中的读音。5. 能有表情地演唱歌曲They sing happily.二、 教学重、难点:1. 教能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写a policeman, a policewoman, a waiter, a waitress, a driver, a worker, an engineer, a farmer, a postman, a cook。2. 听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型Whats your/his/her job? Im/Hes/Shes a What are their jobs? Theyre How old are you/is he/she? Im/Hes/Shes a 三教学准备:挂图、录音机、磁带、幻灯片、实物投影机等。四. 教学进度:6教时第一教时一、 教学目的、要求:1. 掌握四会:a policeman, a policewoman, a waiter, a waitress, a driver, a worker, an engineer, a farmer, a postman, a cook二、 教学重、难点:1. 掌握不定冠词的用法三、 教学准备: 挂图、录音机、磁带、幻灯片 教学步骤教师活动学生活动教学意图Step 1: Free talkT: Is that your ruler? T:Is this your pen?T: What is your English name?T:Whats your English name?S: My English name is S:Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.S: I am .S:Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. 复习已学句型Step 2: Look, read and learn出示挂图:介绍十种职业类单词T: 模仿各种职业的姿势 S:自读S: 跟读教师 S:跟读磁带 S: 猜那是什么职业可结合句型 Whats your /his/her/job? Im/Hes/Shes 来教这 些职业类单词。 教授新单词Step3 游戏T:用体态语来演示这十种职业的特征 Whats missing? Listen and actT:把幻灯片上的人物图片遮住一张,说出职业 S:说出少了的那个是什么职业( 可 采用游戏形式复习巩固职业类 单 单词一. 完成课堂作业一 词组1.你的名字 2.几岁 3.他的工作 4.二个男警察 5.三个女服务员 6.他们的朋友们Step 5: Homework Copy the Part B.板书:Unit 3 Whats your job?a policeman a policewomana waiter a waitress a driver a worker a cook a farmer a postman an engineer六教学后记学生对职业的单词比较感兴趣,能基本掌握它们的读法。“工程师”的单词的读音有一定难度,还有它的前面需要加an,这些方面需要巩固。 第二教时一教学目的、要求:四会:Whats your /his /her job? Im /Hes /Shes a /an What are their jobs ? Theyre How old are you /is he /she ? Im / Hes /Shes 二教学重、难点: 特殊疑问句的用法三教学准备: 录音机、磁带 教学步骤教师活动学生活动教学意图Step1: Free talk T: Nice to meet you . T: Good morning/ afternoon.S: Nice to meet you too. S:Good morning/ afternoon. 英语对话,活跃课堂气氛Step 2: RevisionS: Read these words.S:Write down these words.S:Read them together.复习上节课已学句型Step 3: Read and say1.T模仿机器人的动作对S 说: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you. Im a robot. Im Jack. Im one. Im a waitress here.T:下台,自我介绍: Hello, Im Jack. Im one. Whats your name ? How old are you ?引导S用Im 来回答问题。S: Listen to the tape.S:. Read after the tape. S: Read after the T.S:Read them together.S:Act the text.在展览馆与机器人Jack 的对话。要求掌握:Whats your job ? Im a What are their jobs ? Theyre How old are you ? Im 学习课文总结归纳:be 动词有3个,is am are. He/she/it 以及第三人称单数 + is I (第一人称) + am You/they/we 以及人的复数 + areStep4: 完成课堂作业一.写出缩略形式1.are not 2.is not 3.I am 4 they are 5.it is 6. do notStep 5: Homework Read the Part A.板书: Unit 3 Whats your job ?Whats your /his /her job? Im /Hes /Shes a /an What are their jobs ? Theyre How old are you /is he /she ? Im / Hes /Shes 六教学后记1学生对问名字的句子whats your name?问年龄的句子how old are you ?较熟悉,能比较好的表达。2对be 动词的搭配学生还不能熟练掌握,如第三人称单数该用is,第一人称用 am,第二人称are。在今后的练习中多说多练。 第三教时一教学目的、要求:四会:Whats your /his /her job ? Im /Hes /Shes a /an What are their jobs ? Theyre 三会:Guess !二教学重、难点: your his her their 的用法。三教学准备: family photo 教学步骤教师活动学生活动教学意图Step 1: Free talkT:Whats your job ? T:Whats your fathers /mothers job ? S:Im S:Hes /Shes 复习已学句型Step 2: Ask and answer T:Show the pictures: Mr Brown , Mrs Black , Miss Li , David 等T: Whos this man /woman ? Whats his /her job ?S:Ask and answer in pairs.S 学说:Whats his /her job ? 课前带一张 family photoStep 3: Play a game T:让一位或几位S 在心里想自己长大后干什么职业,T: Is your friend a girl?T: How old is she?T: Are her eyes big?T: Is she hair long?T: Your friend is , I think.1. T: 指导S 看图,阅读 these sentences, 并plete these sentences.2. T: 可让S 通过以前学过的服装类、人体部位类、颜色类单词及表示特征的形容词,如:tall long/short big/small thin/fat 等引导S 扩展对话。S: Guess. 用:Whats your job? Are you a ?Yes, I am. / No, Im not. Im a S: Whos my friend? Guess! S: Yes, Shes girl.S: Yes, youre right.S: No, her eyes are small. S: Yes.S: Shes 12.T 与一位事先准备好的S 示范表演猜朋友”的游戏Step5; 完成课堂作业 一.中译英1.- - job? - - -.她的职业是什么?她是一个工程师。 2- - -? Yes,they -.他们是邮递员吗? 是的。3- - - he? He - ten.他几岁? 他十岁。4.What - - -? They - -.她们是什么职业? 她们是女警察。板书: Unit 3 Whats your job?Whats your /his /her job ? Im /Hes /Shes a /an What are their jobs ? Theyre 六教学后记1 学生能掌握基本句型(问职业的),少数学生分不清be 动词的使用。2 对于物主动词his,her,my,your,their和人称代词he,she,I,you,they有混淆,需要多做练习来区别两者。第四教时一教学目的、要求四会:How old are you /is he /she? Im/ Hes / Shes 三会:Its cold today, isnt it? Guess! What do you want to be? I want to be 会唱:“They sing happily” 通过做练习,复习、巩固所学知识。听读、辨认:辅音字母组合dr和tr在单词中的读音。通过做练习,复习、巩固所学知识。二 学重、难点:四会:How old are you /is he /she? Im/ Hes / Shes 三 教学准备:录音机、磁带教学步骤教师活动学生活动教学意图Step 1: Free talkT: Good morning/afternoon.T: Whats your job? T: Whats your fathers/mothers job? S: Im S: Hes/Shes 巩固复习句型Step 2: Read and actT:使劲搓手,作寒冷状,边做边教 S:Listen to the tapeS:Look at the picture & Listen to the tape again.S:Its cold today, isnt it?S:Read after the T.Read it by themselves.Read it together.Step 3: Listen and repeatS:Listen to the tape.体会辅音字母组合dr 和tr 在单词中的发音。Read after the T.认读发音Step 4: Fun houseT:the doll 与 mingming 的age 是 same。Do a surveyS: Listen to the T carefully. Read it together. 用“What do you want to be ?I want to be a/an ” 长体会其中的幽默之处复习1-20数字单词Review the wordsT:列出一张表格,用What do you want to be ?I want to be a /an 问S,并在相应格子中打勾。统计:How many boys and girls want to be a /an ?S:用此句型去采访十位S。通过做调查操练巩固句型Step 5: Workbook完成A、B、C三部分的听力。Step 6: Homework完成练习册上的D、E部分。板书: Unit 3 Whats your job?How old are you/is he/she?Im/Hes/Shes 四 教学后记1通过四堂课的学习和练习,学生听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型Whats your/his/her job? Im/Hes/Shes a What aretheir jobs? Theyre How old are you/is he/she? Im/Hes/Shes a How old are you /is he /she? Im/ Hes / Shes 能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写a policeman, a policewoman, a waiter, a waitress, a driver, a worker, an engineer, a farmer, a postman, a cook。2仍需要对be 动词,物主动词多做练习,将它们弄清楚。 第五课时 教学目标:第三单元测试 第六课时 教学目标:讲评第三单元测试课后记:练习后发现学生在做复数时容易漏掉复数形式,如三个女服务员,会写成three waitress. 写句子时会出现前后不一致.附送:2019-2020年四年级下册4BUnit5Reviewandcheck3课时教学设计一、教学要求1、熟练掌握1-4单元所学的四会和三会单词。2、复习巩固1-4单元所学的日常交际用语,提高运用语言的能力。二、单元教材分析 本单元是复习单元,侧重归纳1-4单元的主要语言项目,内容多,综合性强,说说讲讲,完成句子等练习,全面系统地复习已学过的词汇、语法和交际用语。复习中,教师要根据学生对语言项目的掌握情况,用归纳、滚动的方法有点到面作巩固操练,使学生缺有所补,强有所长,不同层次的学生都有进步。通过Unit 5 (第一课时)一、 教学内容1、 复习1-2单元单词。2、 复习巩固1-2单元主要句型。3、完成Part A .二、 教学目标1、复习1-2单元单词。2、 能听懂,会说,会读,会写句型 Whos that ? HesShe s Hes a Shes Are you ? Yes,I am.No,Im not. Im Whos the with in the ?3、能听懂会说句型:wele to our school! Im new here. Nice to meet you. Lets hurry. 等 4、复习“向新学生介绍同学、老师”这个语言环境以及“根据特征认人”,开展实践性交际活动。三、 教学重点1、 复习1-2单元单词。2、 复习“向新学生介绍同学、老师”这个语言环境以及“根据特征认人”,开展实践性交际活动。3、完成Part A .四、 教学难点1、 复习“根据特征认人”的交际性用语。 2、完成Part A .五、 教学准备1、教具准备录音机、图片、照片等。 2、板书准备:写好课题和日期。六、 教学过程Step 1 Revision1、 Free talk: Good morning/afternoon. Nice to see you. How are you today? 等和学生打招呼。 2、 Sing a song :Whos that girl? 3、 Ask and answer :How old are you ? Are you a ? How old is heshe?3、 Ask and answer according to the pictures. Show some pictures and ask: 1)Whos this that? 2)Whos thewith? (TS SS) 3)Whos the in the ? 4)Is heshe a .? 4、Revise some words: hair head eye ear nose mouth. Play a game: Listen and do. T say: touch your and S do. Can you spell it?5、Introduce yourself or introduce your family members like this: My name is Im Im a boygirl. My eyes are big, my hair is long short h this is my father, his ears are big, his head is small . This is my mother, Shes a teacher6、Play a game: Who am I ? 请一生上前背对大家,另一生在下面描述自己的特征,上面的学生猜是谁。Step 2 Presentation and pratice1、 出示A部分,两人一组朗读句子并完成练习。2、 Check the answers. Then read the dialogues together.3、 选一幅图进行对话表演,要求扩展内容。4、 小组操练后请两组学生上前表演。Step 3 consolidation Play a game: Guess my friend 一生描述班上自己的好朋友的特征,请大家猜猜是谁。七、 作业设计1、 Read Part A four times.2、 抄1-2单元四会单词并默写。3、 评价手册习题。八、 板书设计Unit 5 Review and check A: Are you ? B: Yes, I am./No, Im not.A: Whos that with ? B: Hes/Shes Hes/Shes a A: Is that your ? B: Yes, he/she is. 九、 教后记Unit 5 (第二课时)一、教学内容1、 进一步巩固1-2单元的句型及词汇。2、 复习有关谈论职业的词汇及句型。3、 Part B & Part C/2二、 教学目标1、 复习巩固有关谈论职业的词汇及句型。2、 完成Part B & Part C/2。三、 教学重点1、 复习巩固有关谈论职业的词汇及句型。2、 完成Part B & Part C/2。四、 教学难点对话及练习中人称的变化。五、 教学准备1、教具准备3)关于本课时的多媒体课件及图片。2、板书准备:写好课题和日期。六、 教学过程Step 1 Free talk/ Revision1. Sing a song: They sing happily. 2. Free talk: Whats your name? How old are you/is he/is she? Whats your/his/her job? Are you a teacher/student? Whos that ? Today is cold, isnt it? 3Play games. a. Guess: Who am I? b. Guess: Who is my friend? C. 根据描述画人物。4融合1-3课的句型,谈论家人的职业,师示范后学生操练。 介绍一些新的职业,例如:出租车司机 a taxi driver,作家a writer,营业员a shop assistant 等简单的职业。5演一演,猜一猜:Whats his/her job? What are their jobs?(请两人上前商量后一齐表演)。Step 2 Presentation and pratice1、 Show Part B. Practice in pairs and check the answer.2、 Show the part of Page 42. Talk about the pictures.3、 Fill in the blanks. Then check the answers. Read the dialogues together.4、 Practice to act.Step 3 Consolidation 了解好朋友的家庭情况。参考句型:Whats your fathers/mothers name? How old is he/she? Whats his/her job?七、 作业设计1. 抄写3单元四会单词并默写。2. 看图写句子(P40)。3. 写一段话介绍自己的父母。八、 板书设计 Unit 5 Review and check A: Whats his/her job? B: Hes/Shes a A: What are their jobs? B: Theyre 九、 教后记Unit 5 (第三课时)一、教学内容1巩固1-4单元的主要句型及词汇。2复习有关购物用语,通过真实的交际活动让学生熟练自如的运用这些基本购物用语。3Part C/1 & Part D二、教学目标熟练掌握购物的交际用语。三、教学重点 熟练掌握购物的交际用语。四、教学难点 单数与复数形式的正确表达。五、 教学准备1、教具准备 准备购物活动所需的实物。2、板书准备:写好课题和日期。六、 教学过程Step 1 Free talk/ Revision1. Sing a song: They sing happily. 2.Free talk: Whats your name? How old are youis heis she? Whats yourhisher job? Are you a teacher?student? Whos that ? Today is cold, isnt it? 3.Play a game: throw the box and read it.(盒子上贴有不同水果的单数复数,复习水果类单词) 4Say the rhyme: I like fruit5Play a game: Touch and guess Whats this/that? What are these/those?6. 介绍自己并介绍自己喜欢的水果。Step 2 Presentation 1. Show the pictures of Part C. Practice and act in pairs.2. Fill in the blanks and check the answers.3. Read the dialogue.4. Show the picture of Part D and talk about it.Whats this/that? What are these/those?Whats the price? 5. Practice to make a dialogue in pairs.Step 3 Consolidation 每组限定金额100元,要求根据D部分提供的商品价格,刚好购满100元的物品。1 T:Heres a hundred yuan for you. What can you buy?小组讨论,列购物单。 2. 根据购物单进行购物活动。(每组成员可分工合作) 3清点所购物品,看哪组又快又精确。 (先说明规则再活动)七、 作业设计1 复习1-4课的单词和句型。2 完成评价手册。八、 板书设计 Unit 5 Review and check A: Can I help you? What would you like? B: Id like , please. A: How many ? B: How much ?A: 九、 教后记


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