2019-2020年二年级英语下册 Unit 4 Lesson 25(2)教案 冀教版(一起).doc

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2019-2020年二年级英语下册 Unit 4 Lesson 25(2)教案 冀教版(一起).doc_第1页
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2019-2020年二年级英语下册 Unit 4 Lesson 25(2)教案 冀教版(一起)Teaching Aims: 语言知识目标:句型:is it ? No, its 单词:cold, warm, hot本课song。语言技能目标:能用Is it cold/ hot/ warm? No, its warm. 等对天气进行提问并回答。情感态度目标:在宽松、和谐、有趣的课堂氛围中,通过英语活动,激励学生学习英语的兴趣和积极性,使学生敢于开口,并让学生喜欢自己的教室。 Key points: is it cold/ hot/ warm? No. its Cold warm hot 的识读。Difficult points: is it? 的提问和回答。 I want to go outside. Outside 的发音。Teaching tools: Audiotape、PPT、Cards.Teaching process:时间教学步骤设计活动教师活动学生活动设计目的教学反思1minClass OpeningSing the song greetinggreet using “Nice to see you; How are you ”;Are you happy? Are you cold?Sing the song Greet teacherReview and arouse their interests5minsNew concept新授cold.新授 hot.新授 warm.领读。肢体语言帮助学生理解.Ask “is it cold, today?” no, its hot. 领读hot.3. Today is hot, so I just wear a T-shirt. So Im not hot, and not cold. Im warm.Look at the teacher and follow.Answer the teacher and follow.Follow.1. Using dialogue in true scene to help the students knowing how to use the sentences.6minsPractice 11listen and do2look and guess1.give the direction2. Choose one student to act.1. listen to the teacher and do.2. Look at the students action and guess its hot or cold.Practice with interests, remember the language points easily.5minsText learning新授is it?Look at the text, listen and imitate follow the tape.Make dialogue in pairs.1. 领读句型2.Play audiotape and give question. Check if there are any questions.1. Follow.2.Listen, answer and imitate the text,3. Make dialogue in pairs.Let the students to imitate pure language. And advance students listening abilityTo check if there are any mistakes.5minsPractice 2Talk about pictures.Show the pictures.Talk about the picturesAdvance students speaking ability.5minsSing a songLearn the new songPlay the tape, sing and help to understand.Listen and sing Make interest to learn English.5minsPractice 3Do the exercises on Activity Book. 1.Tell the title requirements to the students. 2. Go around the classroom to see if there are any questions.Do the exercises on Activity Book. Advance students writing ability.Help the students remember the words deeply. 1minsClass closingsing a songhomeworkHomework: 1. Listen and read the text. 2. Draw the pictures of cold, warm, or hot.Sing a song Let them to remember deeply.附送:2019-2020年二年级英语下册 Unit 4 Lesson 26(1)拓展资料 冀教版(一起)单元教材分析本单元学习剩下的最后九个字母,要求学生会写、会读。所涉及的单词都是生活中经常用到的(服装类、交通工具、表示冷暖的形容词)。本单元的句型也是一些表示动作的句子。四年级的学生活泼好动,教师要创设不同的活动来激发学生学英语的兴趣,并在本课的基础上进一步拓展,培养她们的语感。一、教学设计思路通过询问学生是如何来学校,出远门怎样去,引出本课单词:bicycle、car and bus.或者是出示三幅图画,让学生跟读。进而在此基础上拓展延伸。二、教学目标(一)知识1. words: car bicycle bus2. sentences: I walk to the park/school/shop. I ride my bicycle. I drive my car. I walk beside the road. On the road, I see cars, buses and bicycles.(二)能力能够熟练运用交通工具的名词描述句子,表达是以何种方式到达某地。(三)情感要根据实际情况选择合适的交通工具。Lesson 26 教学建议1.询问不同的学生今天是以何种方式到学校的,进而引出本课单词:car、bus and bicycle. 再分别让不同的学生分别描述是怎样来的学校。例如:I walk to the school. I ride my bicycle.My dad drives with me. I take on the bus.2.出示不同的图画,让学生进行练习。例如:He walks to the park. She visits her grandma by bus. He goes to work by car.3.播放一张张幻灯片,从上面学生可以看到汽车、公共汽车、自行车等: On the road. I see cars、buses and bicycles.4.老师读出car、bus 和bicycle,分别让学生画出来,看谁画得又快又好。5.让学生分小组讨论一下这几天分别都乘坐怎样的交通工具去的什么地方。然后派一个代表总结。6.看看谁还能说出其它的交通工具:train、ship、plane and motorbike and so on.

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