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2019-2020年四年级英语上册4-5模块测试题一、 抄写句子:5分. (每错一处减1分,最多减满5分)Can Sam play football? 二、补全单词:20分。(每个字母1分,共20个)1.水饺d_ _ plings 2.冰i 3.土豆 o ato 4.西红柿_ o_ ato 5.花fl_ _er 6.明星 s_ _ r 7. 果汁j_ic _ 8.鸡蛋e _ _ 9.获胜者w_ _ner 三、单词归类: 15分(每词1分)run fifteen making jump cake twenty swim noodles rice milk thirteen swimming juice running soya milk 1. food(食物) _ _ _ 2. action(动作) _ _ _ 3. drinks(饮料) _ _ _4. 现在分词 _ _ _ 5. numbers(数字) _ _ _四、把下列短语翻译成汉语:10分(每个短语1分)1.Chinese fast food 2.make a cake 3.drink soya milk 4.take pictures 5.run fast 6. how much 7.so high 8. Here you are. 9. fly a kite 五、单项选择: 24分.(每题2分)( )1.Do you want_ rice? A. a B.some C.an( )2. Im making some _and some _.A. cake, noodles B. cakes, noodles C. cake, noodle( )3. Look _ that man. A on B in C at ( )4. What is he doing? He s _ rice. A. makeing B. make C. making( )5. Look, _ fast food. A. chinese B. China C.Chinese( )6. Do you want some apples? _ . A. Yes, I dont. B. No, I do. C. No, thank you.( )7. _much is it? A. What B. Which C. How( )8.*We can_ basketball. A. play B. playing C. plays ( )9. Amy _run fast. A. cans B. cant C. cant( )10. Can you ride fast? _. A. Yes, I cant B. Yes, I can C. No, I can( )11. Look! Im _. A. winter B. winner C. the winner( )12. She _ tall. And she is our . A./ , strong B.is, star C. Shes, winer 六、给问句找答语。10分(每题2分)( )1. Can Sam play football? A. No, thank you.( )2.Can you run fast? B. Yes, he can.( )3. How much is it? C. No, I cant.( )4. What are you doing? D. Six yuan for ten.( )5. Do you want some milk? E. Im making dumplings.七、选词填空,每词用一次。(10分)(每空2分) 【ride fast jump winner far 】A:Amy, can you run _? B: Yes, I can. .A: Daming, can you _high? C: Yes, I can.A: Look! Im the _! C: Yes, Sam can jump very high.A: And I can jump_. C: Look! I can _ fast.A: Whoops! I cant ride fast.八、对话排列,按先后顺序把字母依次排列。6分(每空1分)A. No, thank you. A:_B. Look, Amy. Chinese fast food. Do you want some rice? B:_C. He is making noodles. Do you want some noodles? A: D. Yes, please. B:_E. Look at that man. What is he doing? A:_F. Noodles with tomato and egg, please B:_G. What do you want? A:_Noodles with tomato and egg or noodles with meat and potato?选做题a/ an九、选词填空。6分(每空2分)some1. Would you like _ milk ,Amy ?2. I want _apple . I like it very much .3. This is _cat. Look . It is so beautiful.十、根据答句写出问句。4分(每句2分) 1. 问句_? Its five yuan.2. 问句_? Yes, she can play basketball.附送:2019-2020年四年级英语上册6-7模块测试题一 抄写句子: 1. Happy Halloween, Tom. 2.We are going to visit Wangcang tomorrow. 二、补全单词:1.面包br _ _ _d 2.糖果sw ts 3.蔬菜 v g t_bles 4.水果 fr_ _t 5.灯 li_ _t 6. 汤 s_ _ p 7. 脸 f_c _ 8.熊 b _ _r 9.鸡ch_ck _ _ 10.羊sh_ _ p 11.参观v_s_t 12. t_ m_ _row明天 13.pl_ _ e飞机 14. f_ _ m来自 15.大海_s _ 16.钓鱼 f_ sh三、单词归类: eat eleven running give sweet *twenty climb soup bread bear twelve watching horse riding sheep 6. animals(动物) _ _ _ 7. food(食物) _ _ _ 8. action(动作) _ _ _9. 现在分词 _ _ _ 10. numbers(数字) _ _ _四、把下列短语翻译成汉语:1.turn on the light 2 .have a look 3e in 4 .of course 5.Happy birthday 6.five oclock 7. climb a tree 8.some cake 9. get up 10. trick or treat 11. have some soup 12.time for bed 13.five oclock 14.by plane 15.be from 16.visit my grandpa 17.row a boat 18.take some picture 19.ride a horse 20.there is 21. fly a kite 22. in the park 23.have some sweets 五、单项选择: ( )1.Can I have _bread? A. any B.some C.a( )2. Can I have some fruit? _ A. Yes, I can B. Yes, you can C. No, you can( )3. Turn _ the light. A. at B. in C. on ( )4. Do you want _? A. some sweet B. some sweets C. a sweets( )5.I _ see. A. cant B. canot C. cant( )6. Can I _ in? A. ing. B. e Ces( )7.There _some nice photos here. A. are B.is C. be( )8.There are twelve _ the bike. A. boy in B. boys on C. boys in( )9.Lets _ a look. A. having B. have C. go( )10. There is a horse _this photo. A. in B. on C. at( )11*. Look! Hes _ football. A. play B. plays C. playing( )12.There is _ under the tree. A.girl B. a girl C. cats 六、给问句找答语。( )1. Can I have some soup? A. Yes, I can.( )2. Who s the girl? B. Sorry, you cant.( )3. How many boys? C. Its Lingling.( )4. How much is it? D. Twelve.( )5.* Can you run fast? E. Its one yuan.七、选词填空。 【at please is me am are 】1. Today _ Halloween! 2. Look _the photo.3. Give _a sweet! 4. Can I have some rice, _?5. I _very hungry. 6.We_ going to visit the zooon Sunday.7.Sam_ going to ride a horse. 8.She_ going to fish.9.I _ going to swim. 10.You_ going to take some pictures.八、读一读、连一连。将序号填在题前括号中。( )1、visit Hainan A. 来自-( )2、get up B.看望我的爷爷( )3、in the sea C. 参观海南( )4、by plane D.起床( )5、be from E. 在海里( )6、visit my grandpa F. 乘坐飞机( )7、by bus G.在星期天( )8、visit the zoo H. 乘坐公共汽车( )9、on Sunday I. 看狮子 ( )10、visit the lions J. 参观动物园 are an九、选词填空。is1. There _a cat under the tree.2. There _ two pigs on the table.3.There _three girls in the classroom .4. There _ some milk on the table.5.There_ some sheep in this photo.十补全句子。1. 我能吃一些面条吗?(肯定回答) _some _ ? No,_ _ , 2. 我能喝些汤吗?(否定回答) _?No,_ _ 3. 玲玲会打篮球吗吗?(肯定回答) _? Yes,_ _ 8 你能画龙吗,大明?(否定回答) 我能吃些面包吗?(肯定回答) _? No,_ _ 10 我能吃些水果吗?(否定回答) _? No,_ _ 十一、 你想要些.吗?Do you want .?回答:Yes ,please./No,thank you . 1、 你想要些米饭吗?(肯定回答) _ you _some _? Yes, _ _ 2 、你想要些面条吗?(否定回答) _you_some_?No,_ 3 、你想要些汤吗?(否定回答) _you_some_?No,_ _ 4 、你想要些鱼吗?(肯定回答) _you_some_? Yes,_ _十二、 根据汉语补充句型。1.你在做什么?我在游泳。_are you_ ? I _ _ . 2 他/大明/赛姆在做什么?他在跑步。 _ he /Daming /Sam doing ? he is _ . 3 他们在做什么?他们在打太极拳。 _ _they_ ? _ _ taijiquan .4 她/玲玲/艾米在做什么?她在听音乐。What _ she /Lingling /Amy _ ? She is _ to music . 5 你正在做什么?我在包饺子。 What are you doing ? I am _ _ 6 你在做什么,妈妈?我在炒菜。 _are you doing , mum? I am _ _. 7 妈妈正在做什么?她在看电视。_ is mum doing ? She is _ Tv. 十三、根据答句写出问句。1. 问句_? Yes, of course. You can e in.2*. 问句_? Im listening to music.3. 问句_? Theyre playing chess.十四、对话排列,按先后顺序把字母依次排列。6分(每空1分)A. Sorry, you cant. A:_B. But Mum, Im very hungry. Can I have some bread? B: C. Mum, Im hungry. Can I have some soup? A: D. Mum, I cant see. Its very dark. B:_E. Sorry, you cant. e here, Amy. A:_F. Now You can have some sweets and some cake. B:_G. Well, turn on the light. Happy birthday, Amy! A: H. Thank you. B:_

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