2019-2020年四年级英语下册 unit9 lesson17教案 闽教版.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语下册 unit9 lesson17教案 闽教版Teaching aims and demands : To demand Ss to hear and speak these words correctly:Paris, vacation, visit, China, the USA, UK, FranceTo demand Ss to hear and speak these sentences correctly:Will you go back to the USA? No, I wont. Ill go to England.Teaching materials : tape recorder ; the flags of the USA, England,China and France, a map of world, a photo of Paris.Teaching steps : Step 1 Warm-up/ ReviewTo review the sentences:How do you go to school? I go to school by bike/bus/car.Step 2 Learn to say1. The teacher shows a map of world and point to the place of the USA, England, China and France.2. To learn the new words: China, USA, UK, France, England.3. To learn the sentences.4. Practice the dialogues in pairs.Step 3 Ask and answer Listen to the tape, then listen and repeat. 2. Ask and answer in pairs, in groups.Step 4 Look and find.The teacher asks” Where is France / China / USA / UK?” Make the Ss find the right place on the map and answer:” Its here.”Step 5 HomeworkListen to the tape .Finish off the activity book of Lesson 17.附送:2019-2020年四年级英语下册 unit9 lesson18(1)教案 闽教版 教学目标1知识目标1)词汇: Big Ben the Great Wall2)句型:Will you ? Yes I will.3) 字母组合ayai在单词中的发音。2技能目标1)通过模仿课文录音,培养2)能运用 Will you ? Yes I will.的句型谈论暑期计划。3情感目标在活动中培养乐于与他人合作的团队精神,养成健康向上的品格。 教具准备卡片教学流程Step 1: Warming-up and Revision1、Greeting2、Review the phrases:play basketball play ping-pong play the piano play on the swing go swimming,fly a kite draw pictures,visit a friend go to England go to see Big Ben go to Beijing go to see the Great Wall3、Chant: What Will You Do in Summer?4、Review the sentences:What will you do in summer ? Ill . . . Step 2: Lead in 通过复习词汇: China England Big Ben the Great Wall导入新课。揭示课题:Unit 9 Plans for the Summer Vacation Lesson 18 1. 看书P、86动画,回答问题:What will they do in summer?2. 看图完成句子。3. 听音跟读。Step 3:Teach new sentences1、T: In this summer vacation the Olympic game will be held in Beijing.提问几个学生 Will you go to Beijing? 引导学生回答Yes I will.并板书教学 Will you ? Yes I will.2、Practice(教师先和学生示范,再请学生进行两两操练)S1:Will you ? (根据教师出示的图片提问)S2:Yes I will./ No. I willStep 4、Teach new lesson1 教师让学生听第一遍录音,并让学生划出表示国名、地名的单词和短语。2 听第二遍录音,并让学生回答问题。What will Wang Tao do in summer?What will Sally do in summer?3 学生跟读并模仿人物的语音语调。 Step 5、ConsolidationGuessing game出示短语:play basketball play ping-pong play the piano play on the swing go swimming,fly a kite draw pictures,visit a friend go to England go to see Big Ben go to Beijing go to see the Great Wall请一位同学抽一张自己暑假里最想做的事或最想去的地方的词组卡片,将卡片藏在身后,请其它同学猜:Will you ?猜错了持卡片的同学答No.猜对了,持卡片的同学答Yes I will. I will Step 6、Pronunciation1、教ay 的读音1)出示单词play day lay 让学生听录音,引导学生发现ay 字母组合的发音ei2)游戏挖地雷:出示的单词代表已经埋好的地雷。例:教师出示单词day学生只能读play ay ei lay 如果不慎把day读出,就代表踩中地雷被炸。2、教ai的读音(方法同上)Step 7、Sum upStep 8、Homework1、听课文录音,模仿跟读,并背诵。2、完成课堂活动用书中本课练习。3、用所学的句型调查家人或朋友打算怎么过夏天。板书设计 Unit 9 Plans for the Summer VacationLesson 18Will you go to ?Yes I will.

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